美國范德堡大學(Vanderbilt University)Carl H. Johnson實驗室;
達特茅斯學院(Dartmouth College)Rob McClung實驗室做博士後(Postdoc.)和副研究員(Research Associate),研究領域均為生物鐘 (Circadian Clock)/時間生物學 (Chronobiology) ;
(1) LNKs參與生物鐘系統調控的分子作用機制;
(2) LNKs調控重要農藝性狀的作用機理;
2. 生物鐘與環境/代謝信號相互應答調控機理;
(1) 生物鐘系統溫度補償機制的解析;
(2) 生物鐘調控植物逆境脅迫應答的作用機理。
4. 主持國家科技重大專項轉基因生物新品種培育 (2018.01-2020.12):大豆成花素基因的克隆及其高產機制研究(2018ZX0800924B-002)。
5. 主持“國家自然科學基金”(2016.01-2019.12) :植物生物鐘基因LNKs表達調控及其影響重要農藝性狀的分子機理研究(31570285)。
6. 主持“國家自然科學基金”(2012.01-2015.12) :生物鐘和ABA信號共同調控植物環境適應性的分子機制(31170265)。
7. 主持“國家自然科學基金“(2011.01-2013.12) :兩個全新擬南芥生物鐘基因的分子調控機制研究(31071247) 。
8. 主持“國家自然科學基金”(2010.01-2012.12):生物鐘調控細胞鈣離子節律振盪的分子機制(30971507) 。
9. 主持科技部“國家重點基礎研究發展計畫(973計畫)前期研究專項”(2013-2014):生物鐘調控作物高產相關基因的分子機制研究 (2012CB126303) 。
10. 主持“河北省傑出青年科學基金(第二批)”(2011-2013) :生物鐘信號網路新組分的調控機制研究(C2011205034) 。
11. 主持“河北省高等學校高層次人才科學研究項目”(2014-2016): 生物鐘調控植物優良農藝性狀的分子機制研究 (GCC2014063) 。
12. 主持“河北省留學回國人員科技資助項目” (2011-2013)(20100502) 。
1. 教育部“新世紀優秀人才支持計畫”(2014.01-2016.12) 項目批准號NCET-13-0771。
2. 河北省教育廳“百名優秀創新人才支持計畫”(2011-2013)項目批准號CPRC036,(2013年結題驗收考核成績優秀)。
Molecular Plant (Elsevier)
Plant, Cell & Environment (John Wiley & Sons Ltd.)
Scientific Reports (Springer Nature)
Plant Physiology Journal《植物生理學報》
Chinese Bulletin of Botany 《植物學報》
1. 中國細胞生物學學會學會第11屆理事會理事(Chinese Society for Cell Biology, China, 2006-)
2. 中國細胞生物學會生物節律分會副會長(Chinese Society for Biological Rhythms)
1. Society for Research on Biological Rhythms, USA (2006-)
2. American Society of Plant Biologists, USA (2006-)
1. Xie, Q., Wang, P., Liu, X., Yuan, L., Wang, L., Zhang, C., Li, Y., Xing, H., Zhi, L., Yue, Z., Zhao, C., McClung, C.R., and Xu, X. (2014). LNK1 and LNK2 are transcriptional coactivators in the Arabidopsis circadian oscillator. Plant Cell, (in press, tpc.114.126573; First Published on July 10, 2014; doi:10.1105/tpc.114.126573) (通訊作者)
2. Cui, X., Lu, F., Li, Y., Xue, Y., Kang, Y., Zhang, S., Qiu, Q., Cui, X., Zheng, S., Liu, B., Xu, X., and Cao, X. (2013). Ubiquitin-specific proteases UBP12 and UBP13 act in circadian clock and photoperiodic flowering regulation in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol 162, 897-906. (合作研究)
3. 徐小冬, 謝啟光 (2013) 植物生物鐘研究的歷史回顧與最新進展, 自然雜誌 Chinese Journal of Nature 35(2): 118-126. (專題綜述)
4. Wang X, Wu F, Xie Q, Wang H, Wang Y, Yue Y, Gahura O, Ma S, Liu L, Cao Y, Jiao Y, Puta F, McClung CR, Xu X, Ma L (2012) SKIP Is a Component of the Spliceosome Linking Alternative Splicing and the Circadian Clock in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 24, 3278-3295. (合作成果)
5. Xie, Q., Soutto, M., Xu, X., Zhang, Y. and Johnson, C. H. (2011) Bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET) imaging in plant seedlings and mammalian cells, Methods Mol Biol 680: 3-28.
6. Lou, P.*, Xie, Q.*, Xu, X.*, Edwards, C. E., Brock, M. T., Weinig, C. and McClung, C. R. (2011) Genetic architecture of the circadian clock and flowering time in Brassica rapa, Theor Appl Genet 123(3): 397-409. *co-first author.
7. Edwards, C. E., Ewers, B. E., Williams, D. G., Xie, Q., Lou, P., Xu, X., McClung, C. R. and Weinig, C. (2011) The genetic architecture of ecophysiological and circadian traits in Brassica rapa, Genetics 189(1): 375-90.
8. Xu X, Xie Q, & McClung CR (2010) Robust circadian rhythms of gene expression in Brassica rapa tissue culture. Plant Physiol 153(2):841-850.
9. Xu, X., Graeff, R., Xie, Q., Gamble, K.L., Mori, T., and Johnson, C.H. (2009). Comment on "The Arabidopsis circadian clock incorporates a cADPR-based feedback loop". Science. 326, 230.
10. Hotta CT *, Xu X*, Xie Q, Dodd AN, Webb AAR and Johnson CH. (2008) Are there multiple circadian clocks in plants? Plant Signaling & Behavior 5, 342-344.* co-first author.
11. Gutiérrez R.A., Stokes T.L., Thum K., Xu X., Obertello M., Katari M.S., Tanurdzic M., Dean A., Nero D.C. , McClung C.R. and Coruzzi G.M. (2008) Systems approach identifies an organic nitrogen-responsive gene network that is regulated by the master clock control gene CCA1. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 105, 4939-4944.
12. Xu X, Hotta CT, Dodd AN, Love J, Sharrock R, Lee YW, Xie Q, Johnson CH, Webb AA.. (2007) Distinct Light and Clock Modulation of Cytosolic Free Ca2+ Oscillations and Rhythmic CHLOROPHYLL A/B BINDING PROTEIN2 Promoter Activity in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell. 19, 3474-3490.
13. Wu Y, Xu X, Li S, Liu T, Ma L, Shang Z. (2007) Heterotrimeric G-protein participation in Arabidopsis pollen germination through modulation of a plasmamembrane hyperpolarization-activated Ca2+-permeable channel. New Phytol. 176, 550-559.
14. Xu X, Soutto M, Xie Q, Servick S, Subramanian C, von Arnim AG, Johnson CH. (2007) Imaging protein interactions with bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET) in plant and mammalian cells and tissues. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 104, 10264-9.
15. Subramanian C., Woo J., Cai X., Xu X., Servick S., Johnson C.J., Nebenfülu A., von Arnim AG. (2006) A suite of tools and application notes for in vivo protein interaction assays using bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET). Plant Journal. 48, 138-152.
16. Subramanian C, Kim BH, Lyssenko NN, Xu X, Johnson CH, von Arnim AG (2004) The Arabidopsis repressor of light signaling, COP1, is regulated by nuclear exclusion: mutational analysis by bioluminescence resonance energy transfer. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 101, 6798-6802.
17. 徐小冬 (2001)脫落酸作用的信號轉導機理. “細胞信號轉導(第三版)” 孫大業,郭艷林,馬力耕 編著. 科學出版社, 319-332.
18. Ma LG, Xu XD, Cui SJ,Sun DY. (1999) The presence of a heterotrimeric G protein and its role in signal transduction of extracellular calmodulin in pollen germination and tube growth. Plant Cell 11, 1351-1363.
19. Xu XD, Ma LG, Sun Y, Sun DY. (1999) Activation effect of extracellular calmodulin on heterotrimeric G protein in pollen plasma membrane. Chinese Science Bulletin 44,190-191