- 中文名:徐學紅
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:細胞生物學、發育生物學與人類疾病
- 任職院校:陝西師範大學
疾病相關的發育及細胞分子生物學機理以及動物發育生物學的分子機制的研究是本實驗室的主要研究方向。我們通過轉基因、同源整合基因敲除技術和幹細胞體外分化體系產生模型動物,探索鈣相關蛋白在病理以及正常生理狀態下的作用,通過gain-of-function和loss-of-function模式,在細胞和動物水平上,研究細胞生物學的基礎問題,並套用於建立相關疾病的早期診斷等。發表的研究工作在領域中有較好的影響,得到《Current Biology》、《The Scientist》、《醫學評判及法學周刊(Medical Verdicts and Law Weekly)》、《Life Science Weekly》等點評介紹;Faculty of 1000將研究結果評估為“細胞生物學和發育生物學”的“Must Read(必讀)”和“Recommended(推薦讀物)”;贏得英國、法國和美國同行專家的點評,Duke大學同行認為,“研究工作打開了一扇通向研究細胞外基質蛋白在胞質分裂中作用的許多有趣問題的大門,是該領域中地標性工作。”
完成和正在主持及國家自然科學基金面上項目四項,參與國家科委重大基礎項目973計畫一項,主持國家教育部/科技部“海外名師”一項,主持完成教育部中央高校團隊項目一項,主持中科院測試基金項目三項,主持完成省級科學基金項目若干。在美期間,主持完成Maryland Stem Cell Research Fund和美國心臟學會項目各一項等
- Feng, R., Wang, L., Li, Z., Yang, R., Liang, Y., Sun, Y., Yu, Q., Ghartey-Kwansah, G., Sun, Y., Wu, Y., Zhang, W., Zhou, X., Xu, M., Bryant, J., Yan, G., Isaacs, W., Ma, J. &Xuehong Xu. A Systematic comparison of exercise training protocols on animal models of cardiovascular capacity. Life sciences, 217:128,2019
- Wang, L., Xu, M., Li, Z., Shi, M., Zhou, X., Jiang, X., Bryant, J., Balk, S., Ma, J., Isaacs, W. & Xuehong Xu. Calcium and CaSR/IP3R in prostate cancer development. Cell & Bioscience, 8:16,2018
- Ghartey-Kwansah, G., Li, Z., Feng, R., Wang, L., Zhou, X., Chen, F. Z., Xu, M. M., Jones, O., Mu, Y., Chen, S., Bryant, J., Isaacs, W. B., Ma, J. &Xuehong Xu. Comparative analysis of FKBP family protein: evaluation, structure, and function in mammals and Drosophila melanogaster. BMC Dev Biol. 18:7, 2018
- Guo L, Wang L, Feng Rui, Zhongguang Li, Juan Wang, Kexing Ren, Xin Zhou, George Ghartey-Kwansah, MengMeng Xu, Odell Jones, Guifang Yan, Yuexin Pan, Joseph Bryant, Donald Anthony, Jianjie Ma, Williams Isaacs,Xuehong Xu, Transportation of liquid crystal and CaCO3 vaterite crystal in chicken embryo and early postnatal development. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 647:1,2017
- Guo L, Wang L, Yang R, Feng R, Li Z, Zhou X, Dong Z, Ghartey-Kwansah G, Xu M, Nishi M, Zhang Q, Isaacs W, Ma J,Xuehong Xu. Optimizing conditions for calcium phosphate mediated transient transfection. Saudi J Biol Sci. 24(3):622-629, 2017
- Xuehong Xu, MengMeng Xu, Xin Zhou, Odell Jones, Edward Moharomd, Yuexin Pan, Guifang Yan, Donald D Anthony,Williams Isaacs,Specific structure and unique function define the hemicentin. Cell & Bioscience, 3:27-32,2013
- Maruyama M*, BY Li*, HY Chen*.Xuehong Xu*, Long-Sheng Song, W. Jonathan Lederer, John H. Schild Loren J. Field, Michael Rubart, Peng-Sheng Chen, Weinian Shou. FKBP12 is a Critical Regulator of the Heart Rhythm and the Cardiac Voltage-Gated Sodium Current in Mice. Circulation Research, 108(9):1042-52. 2011 (*co-first author)
- Xuehong Xu, and Bruce Vogel. A Secreted Protein Promotes Cleavage Furrow Maturation during Cytokinesis. Current Biology, 21(2):114-119, 2011
- Xuehong Xu, Chuan Dong, Bruce Vogel. Hemicentin assemblies on diverse epithelia in the mouse, Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry, 55(2):119-126, 2007
- Vogel Bruce, Muriel JM, Chun Dong,Xuehong Xu. Hemicentins: what we learned from worms. Cell Research, 16(11):872-878, 2006
- JM Muriel,Xuehong Xu, JM. Kramer, Bruce E. Vogel. Selective assembly of fibulin-1 splice variants reveals distinct extracellular matrix networks and potential functions for Perlecan/UNC-52 splice variants, Developmental Dynamics. 235(10):2632-2640, 2006
- Xuehong Xu, Bing Su, Robert J. Barndt, Hongbo Xin, Guifang Yan, Linyuan Chen, Dongsheng Cheng, Joseph Heitman, Xiao-Fan Wang, Yuan Zhuang, Sidney Fleisher, Weinian Shou. FKBP12, and not FKBP12.6, plays a unique role in mediating T cell inhibition by FK506, Transplantation, 73(10): 1835-1838, 2002
- Xuehong Xu, Manju Baht, Miyuki Nishi, Hiroshi Takeshima, Jianjie Ma. Molecular cloning of cDNA encoding the Drosophila ryanodine receptor and functional studies of the carboxyl-terminal calcium release channel, Biophysics Journal, 78:1270-1281, 2000
- Xuehong Xu, Bruce Vogel. A New Job for Ancient Extracellular Matrix Proteins: Hemicentins Stabilize Cleavage Furrows. Communicative & Integrative Biology, 4(4):1-3, 2011
- Xuehong Xu, MengMeng Xu, Odell D. Jones, Xunzhang Chen, Li Yanfei, Guifang Yan, Yuexing Pan, Harry G. Davis, Yi Xu, Joseph L. Bryant, Shangen Zheng, Donald D. Anthony. Liquid Crystal in Lung Development and Chicken Embryogenesis. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 547: 164-172, 2011
- Xuehong Xu, MengMeng Xu, Guanliang Cao, Odell Jones, Chuo Zhao, Lianxin Cao, Guifang Yan, Haiping He, Chuyu Zhang. Co-subsistence of liquid crystal droplets and calcium carbonate vaterite crystals reveals a molecular mechanism of calcium preservation in embryogenesis. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 508:77–90, 2009
- MengMeng Xu,Xuehong Xu, Guanliang Cao, Yuexin Pan, Odell Jones, Joseph L. Bryant, Donald Anthony, Haiping He, Guifang Yan, Chuyu Zhang. The liquid crystalline in normal renal development amplifies the comprehension for Anderson-Fabry disease. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 508: 52-66, 2009
- 蔣新農 李敬之徐學紅幾種生物體內碳酸鈣霰石結晶的取相性研究《水生生物學報》25(2): 124-127, 2001
- 徐學紅 何海平 魯崎唔 雞胚肝臟液晶類脂滴的體外構建《生物物理學報》13(1): 29-34, 1997
- 徐學紅王春林 王向麗 雷忻 何海平 初生鳥類(家禽)肝臟液晶類脂滴的比較研究 《生物化學與生物物理學報》27(5): 551-558, 1995
- 徐學紅張晴川 何海平 吳熙載 小黃魚內耳淋巴液液晶與耳石結晶關係的初步研究《水生生物學報》19(3): 240-244, 1995
- 徐學紅王春林 艾析 中蜂蛹期脂肪體營養細胞蛋白質顆粒液晶性質的證明《生物化學與生物物理學報》26(1): 105-110, 1994
- 徐學紅艾析 何海平 雞胚發育中肝臟液晶類脂滴冰凍蝕刻結構研究 《生物物理學報》9(3): 391-395, 1993
- 徐學紅唐兆子 何海平 唐承歡 童華 石首魚科(Sciaenidae)三種魚耳石CaCO3晶相結構分析《生物物理學報》9(1): 41-45, 1993
- 徐學紅唐承歡 張錫元 何海平 雞胚發育期間肝臟液晶類脂滴內脂類成分動態分析 《生物化學與生物物理學報》24(4): 339-343, 1992
- 徐學紅張錫元 何海平 雞胚發育中肝臟類脂滴液晶態及體外結晶態的相變特性研究 《生物物理學報》8(2): 226-230, 1992
- 徐學紅張錫元Jean-Pierre張麗麗Galle Pierre二氧化矽對體外培養巨噬細胞的毒性研究 《生物物理學報》7 (2): 200-204, 1991
- 徐學紅二次離子顯微鏡及其在生物醫學中的套用 《生物化學與生物物理進展》19(1): 37-40, 1992
- 徐學紅吳熙載 液晶與生物結構和功能《物理通報》10 (6):1-6, 1992