1996.09 - 2000.06, 湖北農學院,動物科學,農學學士
2000.09 - 2005.06, 華中農業大學,預防獸醫學專業 農學博士
2005.07-2009.12,華中農業大學 講師
2009.12-2018.11,華中農業大學 副教授
2018.11-至今,華中農業大學 教授
自工作以來,一直在科研教學第一線開展獸藥殘留與食品安全的基礎理論及關鍵技術研究和高層次人才培養。在國家各級項目(課題)的資助下,破解了小分子化合物廣譜單克隆抗體難於製備的難題,發明了一系列具有完全自主智慧財產權的小分子半抗原、免疫原和包被原;創製了40多種靈敏、高產、優質單克隆抗體,研發出基於這些廣譜抗體的試劑盒和試紙條48種。培養碩士研究生30名,指導學生在第三屆中國“網際網路+”大學生創新創業大賽湖北省複賽中獲得創意組金獎。先後獲包括國家技術發明獎二等獎(排名第2)在內的9項國家及省部級科技獎勵;發表SCI論文52篇,其中以第一作者和通訊作者在包括Food Chemistry (IF 4.529)、Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (IF 3.154)等本專業領域的Top期刊在內的國際期刊上發表SCI論文22篇,被引164次,他引130次,h-指數17。獲授權發明專利36件,制訂國家標準1項,農業部備案產品4個,專利保藏單克隆細胞株39株。
1.Dapeng Peng, Lingyan Zhang, Chen Situ, Yuanhu Pan, Yanfei Tao, Yulian Wang*, Zonghui Yuan*. Development of monoclonal antibodies and indirect competitive enzyme-Linked immunosorbent assay kits for the detection of clenbuterol and salbutamol in the tissues and products of food-producing animals. Food Anal. Methods. 2017, 10(11), DOI 10.1007/s12161-017-0925-z IF: 2.038
2.Dapeng Peng#, Zhaozhou Li#, Yulian Wang, Zhenli Liu, Feng Sheng*, Zonghui Yuan*. Enzyme-linked immunoassay based on imprinted microspheres forthe detection of sulfamethazine residue. Journal of Chromatography A, 2017, 1506, 9–17. IF: 3.981
3.Dapeng Peng, Xiya Zhang, Yulian Wang, Yuanhu Pan, Zhenli Liu, Dongmei Chen*, Feng Sheng*, Zonghui Yuan*. An immunoaffinity column for the selective purification of 3-methyl-quinoxaline-2-carboxylic acid from swine tissues and its determination by high-performance liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detection and a colloidal gold-based immunochromatographic assay. Food Chemistry. 2017, 237, 290-296. 4.529
4.Juan Wang, Yulian Wang, Yuanhu Pan, Dongmei Chen, Zhenli Liu, Liang Feng, Dapeng Peng*, Zonghui Yuan*. Preparation of a generic monoclonal antibody and development of a highly sensitive indirect competitive ELISA for the detection of phenothiazines in animal feed. Food Chemistry. 2017, 221: 1004–1013. IF: 4.529
5.Dapeng Peng#, Feng Liao#, Yuanhu Pan, Dongmei Chen, Zhenli Liu, Yulian Wang*, Zonghui Yuan*. Development a monoclonal antibody-based enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for screening carotenoids in eggs. Food Chemistry. 2016, 202: 141-148. IF: 4.529
6.Dapeng Peng#, Liang Feng#, Yuanhu Pan, Yulian Wang, Dongmei Chen, Juan Wang, Zonghui Yuan*. Development and validation of an indirect competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for monitoring organoarsenic compounds in edible chicken, pork and feed. Food Chemistry. 2016, 197: 821-828. IF: 4.529
7.Wei Han, Yuanhu Pan, Yulian Wang, Dongmei Chen, Zhenli Liu, Qi Zhou, Liang Feng, Dapeng Peng*, Zonghui Yuan*. Development of a monoclonal antibody-based indirect competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for nitroimidazoles in edible animal tissues and feeds. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis. 2016, 120: 84-91. IF: 3.255
8.Dapeng Peng#, Wei Wei#, Yuanhu Pan, Yulian Wang, Dongmei Chen, Zhenli Liu, Xu Wang, Menghong Dai*, Zonghui Yuan*. Preparation of a monoclonal antibody against amantadine and rimantadine and development of an indirect competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detecting the same in chicken muscle and liver. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis. 2017, 133: 56–63. IF: 3.255
9.Dapeng Peng#, Bijia Yang#, Yuanhu Pan, Yulian Wang, Dongmei Chen, Zhenli Liu, Wenxiang Yang, Yanfei Tao*, Zonghui Yuan*. Development and validation of a sensitive monoclonal antibody-based indirect competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the determination of aflatoxin M1 levels in milk. Toxicon, 2016, 113: 18-24. IF: 1.927
10.Dapeng Peng, Liyan Zhang, Changyou Zhai, Yulian Wang, Dongmei Chen, Yanfei Tao, Yuanhu Pan, Zhenli Liu, Zonghui Yuan*. Development and validation of a monoclonal antibody-based indirect competitive ELISA for the detection of sudan I in duck eggs and crystal violet in carp. Food Analytical Methods, 2017, 10(5):1442-1451. IF: 2.038
11.Dapeng Peng, Yulian Wang, Liang Feng, Guangcai Cao, Yanfei Tao, Zhenli Liu, Zonghui Yuan*. Preparation of Broadly Specific Monoclonal Antibodies for Simultaneous Determination of Fluoroquinolone Residues in Eggs. Food Analytical Methods, 2016, 9(12):3520-3531. IF: 2.038
12.Juan Wang, Yulian Wang, Yuanhu Pan, Liang Feng, Dongmei Chen, Zhenli Liu, Dapeng Peng*, Zonghui Yuan*. Preparation of a Broadly Specific Monoclonal Antibody-Based Indirect Competitive ELISA for the Detection of Benzodiazepines in Edible Animal Tissues and Feed. Food Analytical Methods, 2016, 9(12): 3407-3419. IF: 2.038
13.Lingling An, Yulian Wang, Yuanhu Pan, Yanfei Tao, Dongmei Chen, Zhenli Liu, Wenxiang Yang, Dapeng Peng*, Zonghui Yuan*. Development and validation of a sensitive indirect competitive enzyme-Linked immunosorbent assay for the screening of florfenicol and thiamphenicol in edible animal tissue and feed. Food Analytical Methods, 2016, 9(9):2434-2443. IF: 2.038
14.Dapeng Peng#, Fangfang Chang#, Yulian Wang, Dongmei Chen, Zhenli Liu, Xiaodong Zhou, Liang Feng, Zonghui Yuan*. Development of a sensitive monoclonal-based enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for monitoring T-2 toxin in food and feed. Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A, 2016, 33(4): 683-692 IF: 2.047
15.Dapeng Peng, Nenghui Jiang, Yulian Wang, Dongmei Chen, Zhenli Liu, Zonghui Yuan*. Development and validation of an indirect competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of albendazole 2-aminosulfone residues in animal tissues. Food and Agricultural Immunology 2016; 27(2): 273-287. IF: 1.392
16.Xiya Zhang#, Dapeng Peng#, Yuanhu Pan, Yulian Wang, Dongmei Chen, Qi Zhou, Zhenli Liu, Zonghui Yuan*. A novel hapten and monoclonal-based enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for 3-methyl-quinoxaline-2-carboxylic acid in edible animal tissues. Analytical Methods, 2015, 7: 6588–6594. IF: 1.900
17.Qi Zhou#, Dapeng Peng#, Yulian Wang, Yuanhu Pan, Dan Wan, Xiya Zhang, Zonghui Yuan*. A novel haptene and monoclonal-based enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for sulfonamides in edible animal tissues. Food Chemistry. 2014, 154: 52-56. IF: 4.529
18.Dapeng Peng#, Shengqiang Ye#, Yulian Wang, Dongmei Chen, Yanfei Tao, Lingli Huang, Zhenli Liu, Menghong Dai, Xiaoqing Wang, and Zonghui Yuan*. Development and validation of an indirect competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the screening of tylosin and tilmicosin in muscle, liver, milk, honey and eggs. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2012, 60: 44-51. 2012 Jan 11 IF: 3.154
19.Yu Liu, Dapeng Peng, Lingli Huang, Yulian Wang, Chao Chang, Awais Ihsan, Yanfei Tao, Bo Yang, Zonghui Yuan*. Application of a modified enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for 3-amino-2-oxazolidinone residue in aquatic animals. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2010, 664(2): 151-157. IF: 4.950
20.Chunbao Zhao#, Dapeng Peng#, Yulian Wang, Lingli Huang, Dongmei Chen, Yanfei Tao and Zonghui Yuan*. Preparation and validation of the polyclonal antibodies for detection of chlortetracycline residues. Food and Agricultural Immunology, 2008, 19(2): 163-174 IF: 1.392
21.Chang Chao#, Dapeng Peng#, Jine Wu, Yulian Wang, Zonghui Yuan*. Development of an indirect competitive ELISA for detecting furazolidone marker residue in animal edible tissues. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2008, 56(5): 1525-1531. IF: 3.154
22.Dapeng Peng#, Sishun Hu#, Yan Hua, Yuncai Xiao, Zili Li, Xiliang Wang, Dingren Bi*. Comparison of a new gold-immunochromatographic assay for the detection of antibodies against avian influenza virus with hemagglutination inhibition and agar gel immunodiffusion assays. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 2007, 117(1-2): 17-25. IF:1.718
23.Dapeng Peng, Zeying Zhang, Dongmei Chen, Yulian Wang, Yanfei Tao, Zonghui Yuan*. Development and validation of an indirect competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for monitoring quinoxaline-2-carboxylic acid in the edible tissues of animals. Food Additives and Contaminants: Part A, 2011, 28(11): 1524-1533. IF: 2.047
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26. 用於檢測苯乙醇胺A的單克隆抗體及酶聯免疫方法與試劑盒。ZL201410830040.9。序4
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