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  • 中文名:張輝
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:東華大學材料科學與工程學院教師
  • 性別:男




1. 中國商飛國家工程技術中心創新基金,基於國產高性能碳纖維的國產乾纖維製備及其液體成型工藝性能研究,主持。
2. 上海市科委“科技創新行動計畫”項目子課題,緊湊型三維自動鋪絲機鋪放工藝的套用軟體包的開發,主持。
3. 國家自然科學基金青年基金項目,增塑熔融紡絲製備熱塑性增韌纖維及其基於反應誘導相分離層間增韌液體成型複合材料的機理,主持。
4. 上海市科委“科技創新行動計畫”項目子課題,液體成型碳纖維混編織物技術及性能評價,主持。
5. 企業合作項目,用於複合無紡布的差別化聚乳酸纖維製備技術研究,主持。


1. Rogers Tusiime, Fatemeh Zabihi, Mike Tebyetekerwa, Yasmin Mohamed Yousry, Yue Wu, Morteza Eslamian, Shengyuan Yang, Seeram Ramakrishna, Muhuo Yu, Hui Zhang*, High stress-driven voltages in net-like layer-supported organic–inorganic perovskites. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2020, 8, 2643-2658.
2. Chao Cheng, Zhengguo Chen, Zhuang Huang, Chenyu Zhang, Rogers Tusiime, Jinli Zhou, Zeyu Sun, Yong Liu, Hui Zhang*, Muhuo Yu. Simultaneously improving mode I and mode II fracture toughness of the carbon fiber/epoxy composite laminates via interleaved with uniformly aligned PES fiber webs. Composites Part A, 2020, 129, 105696.
3. Chao Cheng, Zhengguo Chen, Chenyu Zhang, Jinli Zhou, Minqiang Jiang, Zeyu Sun, Yong Liu, Hui Zhang*, Muhuo Yu, Improving the interlaminar toughness of the carbon fiber/epoxy composites via interleaved with Polyethersulfone porous films, Composites Science and Technology, 2019, 183, 107827
4. Yong Liu, Kangzhuang Chen, Shuai Peng, Yongjie Cui, Keqing Han, Muhuo Yua, Hui Zhang∗,Synthesis and pyrolysis mechanism of a novel polymeric precursor for SiBN ternary ceramic fibers, Ceramics International, 2019, 16, 20172-20177.
5. Guanjia Zhu, Fangzhou Zhang, Xiaomin Li, Wei Luo, Li Li, Hui Zhang*, Lianjun Wang, Yunxiao Wang,Wan Jiang, Hua Kun Liu, Shi Xue Dou and Jianping Yang*, Engineering the distribution of carbon in silicon oxide nanospheres at atomic level for highly stable anodes. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 58(20), 6669-6673.
6. Shuai Zhou, Zhengguo Chen, Roger Tusiime, Chao Cheng, Zeyu Sun, Lei Xu, Yong Liu, Minqiang Jiang, Jinli Zhou, Hui Zhang*, Muhuo Yu, Highly improving the mechanical and thermal properties of epoxy resin via blending with polyetherketone cardo, Composites Communications, 2019, 13, 80-84.
7. Yong Liu, Shuai Peng, Yongjie Cui, Chenyu Zhang, Kangzhuang Chen, H.H.Elagib Tienah , Keqing Han, Hui Zhang*, Muhuo Yu, Influence of silicon sources on structures and properties of polyborosilazane precursor derived SiBNC ceramic fiber, Ceramics International, 2018, 44(17): 21381-21385
8. Yong Liu, Kangzhuang Chen, Fengbo Dong, Shuai Peng, Yongjie Cui, Chenyu Zhang, Keqing Han, Muhuo Yu, Hui Zhang*, Effects of hydrolysis of precursor on the structures and properties of polymer-derived SiBN ceramic fibers,Ceramics International, 2018, 44(9):10199-10203.
9. Minqiang Jiang, Yong Liu*, Chao Cheng, Jinli Zhou, Baihua Liu, Muhuo Yu, Hui Zhang*, Enhanced mechanical and thermal properties of monocomponent high performance epoxy resin by blending with hydroxyl terminated polyethersulfone. Polymer Testing, 2018, 69, 302-309.
10. Hui Zhang, Muhuo Yu, Bin Zhang, Renate Reiter, Maximilian Vielhauer, Rolf Mülhaupt, Jun Xu, Günter Reiter*, Correlating Polymer Crystal via Self-Induced Nucleation. Physical Review Letter, 2014, 112. 23: 237801.


