張真慶,男,蘇州大學特聘教授,江蘇特聘教授,以糖類藥物為研究對象先後在Nat.Biotech, PNAS,JACS,NPR,JBC, Anal. Chem.,JMC等雜誌發表論文50餘篇。總影響因子超過了190,截止到2012年總引次數超過了700。申請美國專利兩項。 張真慶博士在糖化學糖生物學以及糖類藥物的分析與開發領域獲得了廣泛的認可,有較高的知名度。
- 中文名:張真慶
- 國籍:中國
- 職業:蘇州大學特聘教授,江蘇特聘教授
- 畢業院校:中國海洋大學
- 主要成就:申請美國專利兩項
- 性別:男
1996.09 - 2000.06:中國海洋大學,藥學;
2000.09 - 2006.06:中國海洋大學,工學博士,研究方向糖科學;
2006.08 - 2009.09:美國Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 博士後;
2009.10 –2012.08:美國Baxter Healthcare,研究員;
2012.08 – :蘇州大學藥學院,教授。
張真慶教授以糖類藥物為研究對象先後在Nat.Biotech, PNAS,JACS,NPR,JBC, Anal. Chem.,JMC等雜誌發表論文50餘篇。總影響因子超過了190,截止到2012年總引次數超過了700。申請美國專利兩項。 張真慶博士在糖化學糖生物學以及糖類藥物的分析與開發領域獲得了廣泛的認可,有較高的知名度。
1. M. Guerrini, D. Beccati, Z. Shriver, A. Naggi, K. Viswanathan, A. Bisio, I. Capila, J.C. Lansing, S. Guglieri, B. Fraser, A. Al-Hakim, N.S. Gunay,Z. Zhang, L. Robinson, L. Buhse, M. Nasr, J. Woodcock, R. Langer, G. Venkataraman, R.J. Linhardt, B. Casu, G. Torri, R. Sasisekharan*. Oversulfated chondroitin sulfate is a contaminant in heparin associated with adverse clinical events, Nature Biotechnolology, 2008, 26(6): 669-675. 影響因子31
2. M. Guerrini,Z. Zhang, Z. Shriver, A. Naggi , S. Masuko , R. Langer, B. Casu , R. J. Linhardt , G. Torri, R. Sasisekharan*, Orthogonal analytical approaches to detect potential contaminants in heparin, PNAS, 2009, 106, 16956-61. Co- first authors. 影響因子9.8
3. Z. Zhang, S.A. McCallum, J. Xie, L. Nieto, F. Corzana, J. Jiménez-Barbero, M. Chen, J. Liu, R.J. Linhardt*. Solution Structures of Chemoenzymatically Synthesized Heparin and Its Precursors, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2008, 130(39): 12998-3007.影響因子9.0
4. H. Liu, Z. Zhang, R.J. Linhardt*. Lessons learned from the contamination of heparin, Natural Product Reports (NPR), highlight paper, 2009, 26(3):313-321.影響因子7.7
5. Z. Zhang*, N. Khan, C.M. Szabo, Complete Monosaccharide Analysis by High Performance Anion Exchange Chromatography with Pulsed Amperometric Detection. Anal. Chem. 2012, 84, 4104-4110. 影響因子5.8
6. Z. Zhang, J. Xie, H. Liu, J. Liu, R.J. Linhardt*. Quantitification of Heparan Sulfate Disaccharides Using Ion-pairing, Reverse-Phase, Micro-flow, High Performance Liquid Chromatography with Electrospray Ionization Trap Mass Spectrometry. Analytical Chemistry, 2009, 81, 4349-4355. 影響因子5.8
7. Z. Zhang, M. Weïwer, B. Li, M.M. Kemp, T.H. Daman, R.J. Linhardt*. Oversulfated Chondroitin Sulfate: Impact of a Heparin Impurity, Associated with Adverse Clinical Events, on Low-Molecular-Weight Heparin Preparation. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2008, 51(18): 5498-501. 影響因子5.2
8. Z. Zhang, J. Xie, J. Liu, R.J. Linhardt*. Tandem MS can distinguish hyaluronic acid from N-acetylheparosan, Journal of the American Society of Mass Spectrometry, 2008, 19(1): 82-90. 影響因子3.8
9. Z. Zhang, G. Yu, X Zhao, H. Liu, H Guan, A.M. Lawson W. Chai*. Sequence analysis of alginate-derived oligosaccharide by ESI/CID-MS/MS. Journal of theAmerican Society of Mass Spectrometry, 2006, 17, 621–630. “ SCI ” 影響因子3.8
10. Z. Zhang, J. Xie, F. Zhang, R.J. Linhardt*. Thin-layer chromatography for the analysis of glycosaminoglycan oligosaccharides. Analytical Biochemistry, 2007, 371(1): 118-120. “ SCI ” 影響因子3.3
11. Z. Zhang, Y. Park, M.M. Kemp, W. Zhao, D. Shaya, M. Cygler, Y.S. Kim, R.J. Linhardt*.Liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry to study chondroitin lyase action pattern, Analytical Biochemistry, 2009, 385(1): 57-64. 影響因子3.3
12. Z. Zhang, B. Li, J. Suwan, F. Zhang, R.J. Linhardt*. Analysis of pharmaceutical heparins and potential contaminants using H-NMR and PAGE, Journal of Pharmaceutical Science, 2009, 98(11):4017-4026. 影響因子3.0
13. Z. Zhang, R.J. Linhardt*. Sequence analysis of native oligosaccharides using negative ESI tandem MS, Current Anal. Chemistry, 2009, 5, 225-237. 影響因子2.1
14. Z. Zhang, G. Yu*, H. Guan, X. Zhao, Y. Du, X. Jiang, Preparation and structure elucidation of alginate oligosaccharides degraded by alginate lyase from Vibrio Sp510. Carbohydrate Research, 2004, 399,1475-1481.影響因子2.0
15. Z. Zhang, Z. Xiao, R.J. Linhardt*. Thin Layer Chromatography for the Separation and Analysis of Acidic Carbohydrates, Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies, 2009, 1711-1732. 影響因子1.0
16. Z. Wang, B. Yang, Z. Zhang, M. Ly, M. Takieddin, S. Mousa, J. Liu, J. S. Dordick, R.J. Linhardt* Control of the heparosan N-1 deacetylation leads to animproved bioengineered heparin. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2011,91-99. 影響因子3.3
17. G. Yu, Y. Zhang, Z. Zhang, L. Song, W. Chai*, The Effect and Limitation of Excess Ammonium on the Release of O-Glycansin Reducing Forms from Glycoproteins under Mild Alkaline Conditions for Glycomic and Functional Analysis. Analytical Chemistry, 2010, 82, 9534-9542. 影響因子5.8
18. T. N. Laremore, M. Ly, Z. Zhang, K. Solakyildirim, S. McCallum, R. T. Owens, R. J. Linhardt*, LC-MS disaccharide composition analysis for the domain structure elucidation of decorin glycosaminoglycan. Biochemical Journal, 2010, 431:199-205. 影響因子5.2
19. Z. Xiao, W. Zhao, B. Yang, Z. Zhang, H. Guan, R. J. Linhardt*, HeparinaseⅠ susceptible 3,6-di-O-sulfo-2-deoxy-2- sulfamido- a-D-glucopyranose (1,4) 2-O-sulfo- a-L-idopyranosyluronic acid linkage. Glycobiology, 2011, 21: 13-22. “ SCI ” 影響因子3.9
20. D. Shaya, W. Zhao, M.L. Garron, Z. Xiao, Q. Cui, Z. Zhang, T. Sulea, R.J. Linhardt, M. Cygler, Catalytic mechanism of heparinase II investigated by site-directed mutagenesis and the crystal structure with its substrate. J. Biol. Chem, 2010, 25; 285(26):20051-61. 影響因子6.9
21. Z. Wang, Z. Zhang, SA McCallum, RJ Linhardt*, Nuclear magnetic resonance quantification for monitoring heparosan K5 capsular polysaccharide production. Analytical Biochemistry, 2010, 398, 275-277. 影響因子3.3
22. AR Im, Y Park, JS Sim, Z. Zhang, Z. Liu, RJ Linhardt, YS Kim*, Glycosaminoglycans from earthworms (Eiseniaandrei). Glycoconjugate Journal, “ SCI ” 影響因子3.32010, 27(2):249-257. IF: 2.5
23. K. Solakyildirim,Z. Zhang, R. Linhardt*, Ultraperformance Liquid Chromatography with Electrospray Ion Trap Mass Spectrometry for Chondroitin Disaccharide Analysis. Analytical Biochemistry, 2010, 397: 24-28.影響因子3.3
24. S. Bhattacharyya, K. Solakyildirim, Z. Zhang, R. J. Linhardt, J. K. Tobacman*. Increase in Cell-Bound Interleukin-8 follows Silencing of N-Acetylgalactosamine-4-Sulfatase (Arylsulfatase B) and is Attributable to Increased Chondroitin 4-Sulfate. American Journal Respiratory Cell and Molelulor Biology, 2010, 42, 51-61. “SCI ” 影響因子4.3
25. S. Bhattacharyya, H. Liu, Z. Zhang, G. Michel, R. J. Linhardt, J. Tobacman*. Carrageenan-Induced Innate Immune Response is Modified by Enzymes that Hydrolyze Distinct Galactosidic Bonds. Journal Nutritional Biochemistry, 2010, 21, 906–913.影響因子4.3
26. S. Bhattacharyya, K. Solakyildirim, Z. Zhang, R.J. Linhardt, J.K. Tobacman*. Chloroquine reduces arylsulphatase B activity and increases chondroitin-4-sulphate: implications for mechanisms of action and resistance. Malaria Journal, 2009,8,303 影響因子3.22009, 8(1):303. IF: 3.0
27. Y. Han, M. Garron, H. Kim, W. Kim, Z. Zhang, K. Ryu, D. Shaya, Z. Xiao, C. Cheong, Y. Kim, R. Linhardt, M. Cygler*, Structural snapshots of heparin depolymerization by heparin lyase I. J. Biol. Chem. 2009, 284: 34019-34027.影響因子6.9
28. F. Zhang, Z. Zhang, X. Lin, A. Beenken, M. Mohammadi, R. J. Linhardt*, Compositional analysis on heparin/heparan sulfate interacting with FGF·FGFR complexes. Biochemistry, 2009, 48, 8379–8386.影響因子3.2
29. B. Li, J. Suwan, J. G. Martin, F.Zhang, Z. Zhang, D. Hoppensteadt, M. Clark, J. Fareed, R. J. Linhardt* Oversulfated chondroitin sulfate interaction with heparin-binding proteins: New insights into adverse reactions from contaminated heparins. Biochemical Pharmacology, 2009, 72, 292-300. 影響因子4.3
30. J. Suwan, Z. Zhang, B. Li, P. Vongchan, P. Meepowpan, F.Zhang, S. A. Mousa, S. Mousa, B. Premanode, P. Kongtawelert, R. J. Linhardt*. Sulfonation of papain treated chitosan and its mechanism for anticoagulant activity. Carbohydrate Research, 2009, 344, 1190-1196.影響因子2.0
31. N. Volpi*, Z. Zhang, R.J. Linhardt. Mass spectrometry for the characterization of unsulfated chondroitin oligosaccharides from 2-mers to 16-mers. Comparison with hyaluronic acid oligomers. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 2008, 22(22): 3526-30. 影響因子2.7
32. F. Zhang, Z. Zhang, R. Thistle, L. McKeen, S. Hosoyama, T. Toida, R.J. Linhardt*, P. Page-McCaw. Structural characterization of glycosaminoglycans from zebrafish in different ages. Glycoconjugate Journal, 2009, 26(2):211-218. 影響因子2.5
33. Y. Park, Z. Zhang, R.J. Linhardt, E.K. Lemosy*. Distinct heparan sulfate compositions in wild-type and pipe-mutant eggshell matrix. Fly, 2008, 2, 175 – 179. 影響因子1.2
34. Y. Park,Z. Zhang, T.N. Laremore, B. Li, J.S. Sim, A.R. Im, M.Y. Ahn, Y.S. Kim, R.J. Linhardt*. Variation of acharan sulfate and monosaccharide composition and analysis of neutral N-glycans in African giant snail (Achatinafulica). Glycoconjugate Journal, 2008, 25(9): 863-877. 影響因子2.5
35. A.I. de Agostini*, J.C. Dong, C. de VantéryArrighi, M.A. Ramus, I. Dentand-Quadri, S. Thalmann, P. Ventura, V. Ibecheole, F. Monge, A.M. Fischer, S. Hajmohammadi, N.W. Shworak, L. Zhang, Z. Zhang, R.J. Linhardt. Human follicular fluid heparan sulfate contains abundant 3-O-sufated chains with anticoagulant activity. J. Biol. Chem. 2008, 283(42): 28115-24. 影響因子6.9
36. M. Warda, F. Zhang, M. Radwan, Z. Zhang, N. Kim, Y.N. Kim, R.J. Linhardt, J. Han*. Is human placenta proteoglycan remodeling involved in pre-eclampsia? Glycoconjugate Journal, 2008, 25(5): 441-450. 影響因子2.5
37. A. Silipo, Z. Zhang, F.J. Cañada, A. Molinaro, R.J. Linhardt, J. Jiménez-Barbero*. Conformational analysis of a dermatan sulfate-derived tetrasaccharide by NMR, molecular modeling, and residual dipolar couplings. Chembiochem, 2008, 9(2):240-252. 影響因子3.8
38. X. Zhao*, G. Yu, H. Guan, N. Yue, Z. Zhang, H. Li. Preparation of low-molecular-weight polyguluronate sulfate and its anticoagulant and anti-inflammatory activities. Carbohydrate Polymers,2007, 69(2): 272-279.影響因子3.2
39. L. Gan, X. Xin, J. Li, H. Liu, Z. Zhang, J. Qian, J. Ding, M. Geng*. Characterization of Conformational Epitope of Alginate-derived Poly- mannuronates by Surface Plasmon Resonance. Biochimie, 2005, 87, 959-66. 影響因子3.5
40. H. Liu, M. Geng, X. Xin, F. Li, Z. Zhang, J. Li, J. Ding*. Multiple and Multivalent Interactions of Novel Anti-AIDS Drug Candidates, Sulfated Polymannuronate (SPMG)-derived Oligosaccharides, with gp120, and their Anti-HIV Activities.Glycobiology, 2005, 15, 501-510. 影響因子3.9
41. F. Zhang, Z. Zhang, R. Linhardt*,Glycosaminoglycans, in Handbook of Glycomics: Glycoconjugate Structural Analysis, R.D. Cummings, M. Pierce (eds.) Academic Press/Elsevier, 2009, Chapter 3, 59-80.
42. B. Li, H. Liu, Z. Zhang, H. Stansfield, J. Dordick, R. Linhardt*. Analysis of glycosaminoglycans in stem cell glycomics. in Embryonic Stem Cell Therapy for Osteodegenerative Diseases. Nicole zur Nieden, Ed., Humana Press, Methods in Molecular Biology 2011, 690, 285-300.
1. M. Guerrini, D. Beccati, Z. Shriver, A. Naggi, K. Viswanathan, A. Bisio, I. Capila, J.C. Lansing, S. Guglieri, B. Fraser, A. Al-Hakim, N.S. Gunay, Z. Zhang, L. Robinson, L. Buhse, M. Nasr, J. Woodcock, R. Langer, G. Venkataraman, R.J. Linhardt, B. Casu, G. Torri, R. Sasisekharan*. Oversulfated chondroitin sulfate is a contaminant in heparin associated with adverse clinical events, Nature Biotechnolology, 2008, 26(6): 669-675. 影響因子31
2. M. Guerrini,Z. Zhang, Z. Shriver, A. Naggi , S. Masuko , R. Langer, B. Casu , R. J. Linhardt , G. Torri, R. Sasisekharan*, Orthogonal analytical approaches to detect potential contaminants in heparin, PNAS, 2009, 106, 16956-61. Co- first authors. 影響因子9.8
3. Z. Zhang, S.A. McCallum, J. Xie, L. Nieto, F. Corzana, J. Jiménez-Barbero, M. Chen, J. Liu, R.J. Linhardt*. Solution Structures of Chemoenzymatically Synthesized Heparin and Its Precursors, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2008, 130(39): 12998-3007.影響因子9.0
4. H. Liu, Z. Zhang, R.J. Linhardt*. Lessons learned from the contamination of heparin, Natural Product Reports (NPR), highlight paper, 2009, 26(3):313-321.影響因子7.7
5. Z. Zhang*, N. Khan, C.M. Szabo, Complete Monosaccharide Analysis by High Performance Anion Exchange Chromatography with Pulsed Amperometric Detection. Anal. Chem. 2012, 84, 4104-4110. 影響因子5.8
6. Z. Zhang, J. Xie, H. Liu, J. Liu, R.J. Linhardt*. Quantitification of Heparan Sulfate Disaccharides Using Ion-pairing, Reverse-Phase, Micro-flow, High Performance Liquid Chromatography with Electrospray Ionization Trap Mass Spectrometry. Analytical Chemistry, 2009, 81, 4349-4355. 影響因子5.8
7. Z. Zhang, M. Weïwer, B. Li, M.M. Kemp, T.H. Daman, R.J. Linhardt*. Oversulfated Chondroitin Sulfate: Impact of a Heparin Impurity, Associated with Adverse Clinical Events, on Low-Molecular-Weight Heparin Preparation. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2008, 51(18): 5498-501. 影響因子5.2
8. Z. Zhang, J. Xie, J. Liu, R.J. Linhardt*. Tandem MS can distinguish hyaluronic acid from N-acetylheparosan, Journal of the American Society of Mass Spectrometry, 2008, 19(1): 82-90. 影響因子3.8
9. Z. Zhang, G. Yu, X Zhao, H. Liu, H Guan, A.M. Lawson W. Chai*. Sequence analysis of alginate-derived oligosaccharide by ESI/CID-MS/MS. Journal of theAmerican Society of Mass Spectrometry, 2006, 17, 621–630. “ SCI ” 影響因子3.8
10. Z. Zhang, J. Xie, F. Zhang, R.J. Linhardt*. Thin-layer chromatography for the analysis of glycosaminoglycan oligosaccharides. Analytical Biochemistry, 2007, 371(1): 118-120. “ SCI ” 影響因子3.3