


  • 中文名:張煒平
  • 國籍中國
  • 畢業院校:浙江大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:理學
  • 任職院校:中國農業大學



2004.09-2008.08 福建師範大學 地理科學和生態學系 本科 理學學士
2008.08-2013.07 浙江大學 生態學系 碩博連讀 理學定腳雄牛博士


2013.07-2016.12 中國農業大學 資源與環境學院 講師
2016.12- 中國農業大學 資源與環境學院 副教授




中國農大第十鍵白屆青年教師漏雅察教灑符匪學基本功比賽優秀獎 (2015年)
資環學院第十屆青年教師基本功大賽一等獎 (2015年)



1. 國家自然科學基金青年基金項目“間套作系統作物和土壤碳氮磷化學計量時轎蒸求間動態特徵及調控機制”(2015-2017)
2. 中央高校基本科研業務費專項資金項目新教師科研啟動基金“植物間相互作用的時空動態及其對群落異速關只承勸訂系的影響”(2014-2016)


1. Zhang W P, Liu G C, Sun J H, Fornara D, Zhang L Z, Zhang F F, & Li L. 2017. Temporal dynamics of nutrient uptake by neighboring plant species: evidence from intercropping. Functional Ecology, 31: 469-479.
1. Zhang W P, Liu G C, Sun J H, Zhang L Z, Weiner J, & Li L. 2015. Growth trajectories and interspecific competitive dynamics in wheat/maize and barley/maize intercropping. Plant and Soil, 397: 227-238.
2. Zhang W P, Morris E C, Jia X, Pan S, & Wang G X. 2015. Testing predictions of the energetic equivalence rule in forest communities. Basic and Applied Ecology, 16: 469-479.
3. Liu Y X, Zhang W P, Sun J H, Li X F, Christie, P. & Li, L. 2015. High morphological and physiological plasticity of wheat roots is conducive to higher competitive ability of wheat than maize in intercropping systems. Plant and Soil, 397: 387-399.
4. 唐明明, 董楠, 包興國, 盧秉林, 張煒平, 張美俊, 章芳芳, 李隆. 2015. 西北地區不同間套作模式養分吸收利用及其對產量優勢的影響. 中國農業大學學報, 10(5): 48-56.
1. Pan S, Liu C, Zhang W, Xu S, Wang N, Li Y, Gao J, Wang Y, Wang G. 2013. The Scaling Relationships between Leaf Mass and Leaf Area of Vascular Plant Species Change with Altitude. PloS one, 8(10): 65-65.
2. Zhang W P, Jia X, Damgaard C, Morris E C, Bai Y Y, Pan S, Wang G X. 2013. The interplay between above- and below-ground plant-plant interactions along an environmental gradient: insights from two-layer zone-of-influence models. Oikos, 122: 1147-1156.
3. 張煒平, 潘莎幾簽體, 賈昕, 儲誠進, 肖灑, 林玥, 白燕遠, 王根軒. 2013. 植物間正相互作用對種群動態和群落結構的影響:基於個體模型的研究進展. 植物生態學報, 37: 571-582.
1. Zhang W P, Jia X, Morris E C, Bai Y Y, Wang G X. 2012. Stem branch and leaf biomass-density relationships in forest communities. Ecological Research, 27: 819-825.
2. Wang N, Xu S S, Jia X, Gao J, Zhang W P, Qiu Y P, Wang G X. 2012. Variations in foliar stable carbon isotopes among functional groups and along environmental gradients in China -a meta-analysis. Plant Biology, 15: 144-151.
3. 仇雲鵬, 張煒平, 王根軒. 2012. 富食悖論研究進展. 生命科學, 24: 593-597.
1. Zhang W P, Jia X, Bai Y Y, Wang G X. 2011. The difference between above- and below-ground self-thinning lines in forest communities. Ecological Research, 26: 819-825.
2. Bai Y Y, Zhang W P, Jia X, Wang N, Xu S S, Wang G X. 2011. How lateral dimension of roots determines aboveground self-thinning. Ecological Complexity, 8: 310-312.
1. Bai Y Y, Zhang W P, Jia X, Wang N, Zhou L, Xu S S, Wang G X. 2010. Variation in root:shoot ratios induced the differences between above and belowground mass-density relationships along an aridity gradient. Acta Oecologia, 36: 393-395.
2. Zhang H, Wang G X, Zheng K F, Zhang W P. 2010. Mass-density relationship changes along salinity gradient in Suaeda salsa L. Acta Physiol Plant, 32: 1031-1037.
3. 張煒平, 王根軒. 2010. 植物鄰體間的正相互作用. 生態學報, 30: 5371-5380.
1. Dai X F, Jia X, Zhang W P, Bai Y Y, Zhang J Y, Wang Y, Wang G X. 2009. Plant height-crown radius and canopy coverage-density relationships determine above-ground biomass–density relationship in stressful environments. Biology Letters, 5: 571-573.
1. 黃聚聰, 張煒平, 李熙波. 2007. 亞熱帶主要人工林喬木層生物量影響因子研究. 林業勘察設計, 1: 146-150.
2. 黃聚聰, 張煒平, 李熙波. 2007. 福建長汀河田水土流失原因綜述. 亞熱帶水土保持, 19: 26-29.
3. 張煒平, 黃聚聰, 李熙波. 2007. 杉木林林下植被生物量影響因素. 福建林業科技, 3: 97-99.
4. 黃聚聰, 張煒平, 李熙波. 2007. 杉木林枯枝落葉層現存量的影響因素分析. 福建林業科技, 34: 92-96.


1. Agroecology Development in China. CRC Press, 2015, 參編.
4. 唐明明, 董楠, 包興國, 盧秉林, 張煒平, 張美俊, 章芳芳, 李隆. 2015. 西北地區不同間套作模式養分吸收利用及其對產量優勢的影響. 中國農業大學學報, 10(5): 48-56.
1. Pan S, Liu C, Zhang W, Xu S, Wang N, Li Y, Gao J, Wang Y, Wang G. 2013. The Scaling Relationships between Leaf Mass and Leaf Area of Vascular Plant Species Change with Altitude. PloS one, 8(10): 65-65.
2. Zhang W P, Jia X, Damgaard C, Morris E C, Bai Y Y, Pan S, Wang G X. 2013. The interplay between above- and below-ground plant-plant interactions along an environmental gradient: insights from two-layer zone-of-influence models. Oikos, 122: 1147-1156.
3. 張煒平, 潘莎, 賈昕, 儲誠進, 肖灑, 林玥, 白燕遠, 王根軒. 2013. 植物間正相互作用對種群動態和群落結構的影響:基於個體模型的研究進展. 植物生態學報, 37: 571-582.
1. Zhang W P, Jia X, Morris E C, Bai Y Y, Wang G X. 2012. Stem branch and leaf biomass-density relationships in forest communities. Ecological Research, 27: 819-825.
2. Wang N, Xu S S, Jia X, Gao J, Zhang W P, Qiu Y P, Wang G X. 2012. Variations in foliar stable carbon isotopes among functional groups and along environmental gradients in China -a meta-analysis. Plant Biology, 15: 144-151.
3. 仇雲鵬, 張煒平, 王根軒. 2012. 富食悖論研究進展. 生命科學, 24: 593-597.
1. Zhang W P, Jia X, Bai Y Y, Wang G X. 2011. The difference between above- and below-ground self-thinning lines in forest communities. Ecological Research, 26: 819-825.
2. Bai Y Y, Zhang W P, Jia X, Wang N, Xu S S, Wang G X. 2011. How lateral dimension of roots determines aboveground self-thinning. Ecological Complexity, 8: 310-312.
1. Bai Y Y, Zhang W P, Jia X, Wang N, Zhou L, Xu S S, Wang G X. 2010. Variation in root:shoot ratios induced the differences between above and belowground mass-density relationships along an aridity gradient. Acta Oecologia, 36: 393-395.
2. Zhang H, Wang G X, Zheng K F, Zhang W P. 2010. Mass-density relationship changes along salinity gradient in Suaeda salsa L. Acta Physiol Plant, 32: 1031-1037.
3. 張煒平, 王根軒. 2010. 植物鄰體間的正相互作用. 生態學報, 30: 5371-5380.
1. Dai X F, Jia X, Zhang W P, Bai Y Y, Zhang J Y, Wang Y, Wang G X. 2009. Plant height-crown radius and canopy coverage-density relationships determine above-ground biomass–density relationship in stressful environments. Biology Letters, 5: 571-573.
1. 黃聚聰, 張煒平, 李熙波. 2007. 亞熱帶主要人工林喬木層生物量影響因子研究. 林業勘察設計, 1: 146-150.
2. 黃聚聰, 張煒平, 李熙波. 2007. 福建長汀河田水土流失原因綜述. 亞熱帶水土保持, 19: 26-29.
3. 張煒平, 黃聚聰, 李熙波. 2007. 杉木林林下植被生物量影響因素. 福建林業科技, 3: 97-99.
4. 黃聚聰, 張煒平, 李熙波. 2007. 杉木林枯枝落葉層現存量的影響因素分析. 福建林業科技, 34: 92-96.


1. Agroecology Development in China. CRC Press, 2015, 參編.

