- 中文名:張星
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢
- 出生地:河北
- 職業:科研人員
- 畢業院校:Umass Amherst

- S.Z. Wang, G.W. He, and X. Zhang*, Parallel computingstrategy for a flow solver based on immersed boundary method and discretestream-function formulation, Computers& Fluids 88:210-224 (2013)
- S.Z. Wang, X. Zhang,G.W. He, and T.S. Liu, A lift formula applied to low-Reynolds-number unsteady flows,Physics of Fluids 25:093605 (2013)
- X.P. Li, G.P. Kong, X. Zhang, and G.W. He, Pumping ofwater through carbon nanotubes by rotating electric field and rotating magneticfield, Applied Physics Letters 103:143117 (2013)
- D. Li, X. Zhang, and G.W. He, Temporal decorrelations in compressible isotropic turbulence,Physical Review E 88:021001 (2013)
- D. Li, L. Guo, X. Zhang, andG.W. He, A numerical study of a turbulent mixing layer and its generated noise,SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics& Astronomy 56:1157-1164 (2013)
- X.L. Li, G.W. He, and X. Zhang*, Numerical simulationof drop oscillation in AC electrowetting, SCIENCECHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy 56: 383-394 (2013)
- G.Y. He, Q. Wang, and X. Zhang*, Numerical analysis ontransition and symmetry-breaking in the wake of a flapping foil, Acta Mechanica Sinica28: 1551-1556 (2012)
- S.Z. Wang, X. Zhang, and G.W. He, Numerical simulationof a three-dimensional fish-like body swimming with finlets. Communications in Computational Physics 11:1323-1333 (2012)
- L. Guo, D. Li, X. Zhang, and G.W. He, LES predictionof space-time correlations in turbulent shear flows, Acta Mechanica Sinica 28:993-998 (2012)
- S.Z. Wang, L.D. Zhu, X. Zhang*, and G.W. He, Flow pasttwo freely rotatable triangular cylinders in tandem arrangement, ASME J. Fluids Eng. 133:081202 (2011)
- S.Z. Wang and X. Zhang*, An immersed boundary methodbased on discrete stream function formulation for two- and three-dimensionalincompressible flows,Journal of ComputationalPhysics 230:3479-3499(2011)
- L.D. Zhu, G.W. He, S.Z. Wang, L. Miller, X. Zhang, Q.You, and S.F. Fang, An immersed boundary method based on the lattice Boltzmann approachin three dimensions, with application,Computers and Mathematics with Applications 61:3506-3518 (2011)
- X.L. Yang, G.W. He, and X. Zhang, Large-eddysimulation of flows past a flapping airfoil using immersed boundary method, SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics &Astronomy 53(6):1101-1108 (2010)
- G.Y. He, S.G. Zhang, and X. Zhang*, Thrust generationand wake structure of wiggling hydrofoil, Appl.Math. Mech. -Engl. Ed. 31(5): 585-592 (2010)
- X.L. Yang, X. Zhang, Z.L. Li, and G.W. He, A smoothingtechnique for discrete delta functions with application to immersed boundarymethod in moving boundary simulations. Journal of Computational Physics 228:7821-7836(2009)
- X. Zhang, S.Z. Ni, S.Z. Wang, and G.W. He, Effects of geometric shapeon the hydrodynamics of a self-propelled flapping foil, Physics of Fluids 21:103302 (2009)
- H.D. Yao, G.W. He, M. Wang, and X. Zhang, Time correlations of pressure in isotropic turbulence, Physics of Fluids 20: 025105 (2008)
- X. Zhang*, S.Z. Ni, G.W. He, A pressure-correction method and itsapplications on an unstructured Chimera grid, Computers & Fluids 37: 993-1010 (2008)
- X. Zhang*, Computation of viscous incompressible flow using pressure correctionmethod on unstructured Chimera grid, Int.J. Comput. Fluid Dyn. 20(9):637-650 (2006)
- X. Zhang*, R. Ajaykumar, N. M. Sudharsan, and K. Kumar, Investigationof two-dimensional channel flow with a partially compliant wall using finitevolume - finite difference approach, Int.J. Numer. Meth. Fluids 49:635-655 (2005)
- X. Zhang*, N.M. Sudharsan, R. Ajaykumar, and K. Kumar, Simulation of free-surface flow in a tank using the Navier-Stokes model andunstructured finite volume method, Proceedingsof the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of MechanicalEngineering Science 219: 251-266 (2005)
- B. Perot, S. Are, and X. Zhang, Application of the turbulentpotential model to unsteady flows and three-dimensional boundary Layers, International Journal of Rotating Machinery9: 375-384 (2003)
- X. Zhang, D. Schmidt, and B. Perot, Accuracy and conservation propertiesof a three-dimensional unstructured staggered mesh scheme for fluid dynamics, Journal of Computational Physics 175:764-791(2002)
- 何國毅, 張星*, 張曙光, 擺動水翼繞流的數值研究,力學學報 42(1):15-22 (2010)
- 張星*,孫錦山, 計算發散爆轟波的DSD方法, 爆炸與衝擊 17(2):97-103 (1997)
- X. Zhang*, S.Z Wang, G.W. He, An immersed boundary method based onNavier-Stokes equations in discrete stream-function formulation, Proceedings of FEDSM2010 ASME 2010 (3rd Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting), August 1-5, 2010,Montreal, Canada
- Z.G. Feng, B.D. Paudel, and X. Zhang,An immersed boundary based method for studying thermal interaction of particlesin a viscous fluid, Proceedings of FEDSM2010 ASME 2010 (3rd Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting), August 1-5, 2010, Montreal , Canada
- X.L. Yang, G.W. He, and X. Zhang, Towards large-eddy simulationof turbulent flows with complex geometric boundaries using immersed boundary method(AIAA 2010-708), 48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the NewHorizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition, 4-7 January 2010, Orlando, Florida,USA
- X. Zhang*, S.Z. Wang, G.W. He, Autorotation of two tandem triangularcylinders. Proceedings of FEDSM2009 ASME 2009 Fluids Engineering DivisionSummer Meeting, August 2-5, 2009, Vail, Colorado, USA
- X. Zhang*, G.W. He, and S.Z. Ni, Computation of flow over a rotating bodyon unstructured Chimera mesh, Proceeding of the Fifth International Conferenceon Fluid Mechanics, Aug.15-19, 2007, Shanghai, China
- X. Zhang, B. Perot, Turbulent vortex shedding from triangle cylinderusing the turbulent body force potential model, Proceedings of FEDSM2000 ASME2000 Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, June 11-15, 2000 Boston,Massachusetts, USA