- 中文名:張古鵬
- 外文名:Zhang Gupeng
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢
- 出生日期:1982年1月8日
- 畢業院校:北京航空航天大學
- 出生地:黑龍江省伊春市
- 代表作品:小世界創新網路的動態演化及其對創新績效的影響
- 職稱:教授
圍繞著技術創新管理相關理論與實踐問題,張古鵬博士取得了一系列研究成果,有多篇論文發表在Technovation, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, China Economic Review, Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, Scientometrics, Review of Managerial Science, Asian Journal of Technology Innovation等經濟管理類國際主流SSCI期刊上,以及《管理科學學報》、《中國軟科學》、《管理工程學報》、《科研管理》、《科學學研究》、《研究與發展管理》、《管理學報》、《技術經濟》等國家自然基金委管理科學部認定的A類和B類中文期刊,國內頂尖經濟學期刊《經濟學》(季刊)上,參加波特蘭工程與技術管理國際會議(PICMET)、海峽兩岸科技管理年會、中國管理學年會、中國創新學術網路青年學術論壇(CICALICS)等各類國內外知名管理類學術會議並做學術報告,2022年被評為“北京市宣傳思想文化青年英才”。
主持2022年北京市宣傳文化高層次人才培養資助項目“做好黨的思想宣傳工作 加強黨建對業務工作的引領研究”
主持2018年度國家自然科學基金面上項目“跨界競爭如何影響企業的技術選擇——基於競爭網路的視角”(項目比準號: 71872169)
參與2015年國家自然科學基金面上項目“創新型企業研發團隊創造力的多層次模型研究” (項目批准號:71473238)
參與2016年國家自然科學基金面上項目“高技術企業二元學習的動態平衡機理研究” (項目批准號:71673264)
參與2016年國家自然科學基金青年基金“基於科學的創新:產業識別、創新模式及科學家參與程度研究” (項目批准號:71602183)
Zhang Gupeng, Lu Shan, Du Sen, Arhinc Ishmael, Iesuéd Joseph, Huang Dujuan, Wang Xiao. Competition networks as a new insight into the determinants of firms' technological and market performance. Forthcoming in Innovation and Development Policy.
Tang Chaoying, Zhang Gupeng*. The moderating effects of firm's and industrial co-inventive networks on the relationship between R&D Employees' mobility and firm creativity. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management (SSCI, 2021IF=8.702), 2022, 69(5): 2102-2116. DOI: 10.1109/TEM.2020.3001561.
Shang Jing (學生一作), Zeng Mingbin, Zhang Gupeng*. Investigating the mentorship effect on the academic success of young scientists: An empirical study of the 985 project universities of China. Journal of Informetrics (SSCI, 2021IF=4.373), 2022, 16 (2): 101285.
Liu Yun, Zhang Mengya, Zhang Gupeng*. Scientific elites versus other scientists: Who are better at taking advantage of the research collaboration network? Scientometrics (SCI/SSCI, 2021IF=3.801), 2022, 127 (6): 3145-3166.
曾明彬, 韓欣穎, 張古鵬*, 張孟亞. 社會資本對科學家科研績效的影響研究 [J]. 科學學研究, 2022, 40(2):288-296. DOI:10.16192/j.cnki.1003-2053.20210220.001.
Zhang Gupeng, Wang Xiao, Duan Hongbo*, Zheng J. Leven. How do new entrants' pre-entry technological backgrounds impact their cross-industry innovation performances? A retrospective study of the mobile phone vendors. Technovation (SCI/SSCI, 2021IF=11.373), 2021, 100: 102176.
Zhou Jianghua, Liu Zixu*, Li Jizhen, Zhang Gupeng. Foreign equity, exporting and firm innovation: an emerging market perspective. Journal of Technology Transfer (SSCI, 2021IF=5.337), 2021, 46, 606-628. doi:10.1007/s10961-020-09813-6.
Zhou Jianghua, Liu Zixu*, Li Jizhen*, Zhang Gupeng. The effects of collaboration with different partners: A contingency model. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management (SSCI, 2021IF=8.702), 2021, 68(6): 1546-1557. DOI: 10.1109/TEM.2020.2983067.
Zhang Gupeng*, Du Sen, Zhang Mengya. Patent application, grant and patent law amendment in China. Innovation and Development Policy, 2020, 2: 126-137.
張古鵬, 熊麗彬. 競爭關係如何影響高校科研績效——基於競爭網路的視角. 《中國軟科學》(國家自科基金委管理科學部認定的A類期刊, CSSCI), 2020, (10): 12-25.
Zhang Gupeng, Xiong Libin, Duan Hongbo*, Huang Dujuan. Obtaining certainty vs. creating uncertainty: Does firms' patent filing strategy work as expected? Technological Forecasting and Social Change (SSCI, 2020 IF=8.593), 2020, 160: Article ID 120234.
Zhang Gupeng, Duan Hongbo*. How does international trade network affect multinational diffusion of wind power technology? Journal of Cleaner Production (SCI/SSCI, 2020IF=9.297), 2020, 276(10): Article ID 123245.
Zhang Gupeng, Wang Xiao, Duan Hongbo*. Obscure but important: Examining the indirect effects of alliance networks in exploratory and exploitative innovation paradigms. Scientometrics (SCI/SSCI, 2020IF=3.238), 2020, 124: 1745-1764.
Zhang Mengya (學生一作), Zhang Gupeng*, Liu Yun*, Zhai Xiaorong, Han Xinying. Scientists' genders and international academic collaboration: An empirical study of Chinese universities and research institutes. Journal of Informetrics (SSCI, 2020IF=5.107), 2020, 14(4), Article ID: 101068. DOI: 10.1016/j.joi.2020.
Zhang Gupeng, Xiong Libin, Wang Xiao*, Dong Jianing, Duan Hongbo. Artificial selection vs.natural selection: Which causes the Matthew effect of science funding allocation in China. Science and Public Policy (SSCI, 2020IF=2.725), 2020, 47(3): 434-445.
Zhang Gupeng*, Zhang Qianlong, Huang Dujuan. Impact of political connection strength on the Internationalization outcome of Chinese firms: Perspectives from market exploration and technology acquisition. Sustainability (SCI/SSCI, 2020IF=3.251), 2020, 12(4): 1617.
Huang Dujuan*, Duan Hongbo, Zhang Gupeng. Analysis on the enterprises' innovation quality based on the patent value: A comparison between public and private enterprises in China. Sustainability (SCI/SSCI, 2020IF=3.251), 2020, 12(8), 3107.
Zhang Gupeng, Wang Xiao*, Duan Hongbo. How does the collaboration with dominant R&D performers impact new R&D employees' innovation performance in different cultural contexts? Technological Forecasting and Social Change (SSCI, 2019 IF=5.846), 2019, 148: Article ID 119728.
Wang Chongfeng, Zhang Gupeng*. Examining the moderating effect of technology spillovers embedded in the intra and inter regional collaborative innovation networks of China. Scientometrics (SCI/SSCI, 2019IF=2.867), 2019, 119(2): 561-593.
Duan Hongbo, Zhang Gupeng*, Wang Shouyang, Fan Ying. Integrated benefit-cost analysis of China's optimal adaptation and targeted mitigation. Ecological Economics (SCI/SSCI, 2019IF=4.482), 2019, 160: 76-86.
Duan Hongbo, Zhang Gupeng*, Wang Shouyang, Fan Ying. Robust climate change research: a review on multi-model analysis. Environmental Research Letters (SCI, 2019IF=6.096), 2019, 14: Article ID 033001.
黃杜鵑,葉江峰,張古鵬.與上司關係融洽有利於中層管理者抑制性建言嗎?——一個有調節的中介模型.《科研管理》(國家自科基金委管理科學部認定的A類期刊, CSSCI),2019,40(11):276-284.
Zhang Gupeng, Duan Hongbo*. Comparative technological advantages between China and developed regions in respect of energy production: Quantitative and qualitative measurements based on patents. Energy (SCI, 2018IF=5.537), 2018, 162(1): 1223-1233.
Duan Hongbo, Zhang Gupeng*, Wang Shouyang, Fan Ying. Balancing China's climate damage risk against emissions control costs. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change (SCI, 2018IF=2.651), 2018, 23: 1-17.
Duan Hongbo, Zhang Gupeng*, Wang Shouyang, Fan Ying. Peer interaction and learning: Cross-country diffusion of solar photovoltaic technology. Journal of Business Research (SSCI, 2018IF=4.028), 2018, 89: 57-66.
Huang Dujuan, Chen Song, Zhang Gupeng*, Jiangfeng Ye. Organizational forgetting, absorptive capacity, and innovation performance: A moderated mediation analysis.Management Decision (SSCI, 2018IF=1.963), 2018, 56(1): 87-104.
Li Ming, Chen Xiangdong, Zhang Gupeng*. How does firm size affect technology licensing? Empirical evidence from China. Scientometrics (SCI/SSCI, 2016IF=2.147), Forthcoming.
Zhang Gupeng, Duan Hongbo*, Zhou Jianghua. Network stability, connectivity and innovation output. Technological Forecasting and Social Change (SSCI, 2016 IF=2.625), 2017, 114: 339-349.
Duan Hongbo, Zhang Gupeng*, Wang Shouyang, Fan Ying. Balancing China's climate damage risk against emissions control costs. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change (SCI, 2016 IF=2.216), Forthcoming.
Lv Xiaofeng*, Zhang Gupeng, Xu Xinkuo, Li Qinghai. Bootstrap-calibrated empirical likelihood confidence intervals for the difference between two Gini indexes. Journal of Economic Inequality (SSCI, 2016 IF=0.607), Forthcoming.
Duan Hongbo*, Zhang Gupeng, Fan Ying, Wang Shouyang. Role of endogenous energy efficiency improvement in global climate change mitigation. Energy Efficiency (SCI/SSCI, 2016IF=1.186), 2017, 10(2): 459-473.
Lv Xiaofeng*, Zhang Gupeng, Ren Guangyu. Gini Index Estimation for Lifetime Data. Lifetime Data Analysis (SCI, 2016 IF=0.823), 2017, 23(2): 275-304.
Lv Xiaofeng*, Zhang Gupeng, Li Qinghai, Li Rui. Maximum weighted likelihood for discrete choice models with a dependently censored covariate. Journal of the Korean Statistical Society (SCI, 2016IF=0.579), 2017, 46(1): 15-27.
Zhang Gupeng*, Zhou Jianghua. The effects of forward and reverse engineering on firm innovation performance in the stages of technology catch-up: An empirical study of China. Technological Forecasting and Social Change (SSCI, 2016 IF=2.623), 2016, 104: 212-222.
Zhang Gupeng*, Duan Hongbo, Zhou Jianghua. Investigating Determinants of Inter-Regional Technology Transfer in China: A Network Analysis with Provincial Patent Data. Review of Managerial Science (SSCI, 2016 IF=1.226), 2016, 10(2): 345-364.
Duan Hongbo, Zhang Gupeng, Fan Ying*, Wang Shouyang. How will diffusion of PV solar contribute to China’s emissions-peaking and climate responses? Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews (SCI, 2016 IF=8.050), 2016, 53: 1076-1085.
Zhang Gupeng, Duan Hongbo, Zhou Jianghua*. Small Worldliness, Chinese Culture and Firm Innovation Performance: An Empirical Study based on Patent Collaboration Data of China. Asian Journal of Technology Innovation (SSCI, 2015 IF=0.684), 2015, 23(2): 189-204.
Zhang Gupeng*, Lv Xiaofeng, Zhou Jianghua. Private Value of Patent Right and Patent Infringement: An Empirical Study based on Patent Renewal Data of China, China Economic Review (SSCI, 2014IF=1.264), 2014, 28: 37-54.
Zhang Gupeng*, Guan Jiancheng, Liu Xielin. The Impact of Small World on Patent Productivity in China, Scientometrics (SCI/SSCI, 2014IF=2.183), 2014, 98 (2): 945-960.
Song Shuang, Chen Xiangdong, Zhang Gupeng*. Structure of Small World Innovation Network and Learning Performance. Mathematical Problems in Engineering (SCI, 2014 IF=0.762), 2014: Article ID 860216.
Zhang Gupeng*, Lv Xiaofeng, Duan Hongbo. How do Prolific Inventors Impact Firm Innovation in ICT: Implications from Patent Co-authorship Network. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management (SSCI, 2014 IF=0.942), 2014, 26 (9): 1091-1110.
Zhang Gupeng*, Chen Xiangdong. The Value of Invention Patents in China: Country Origin and Technology Field Differences, China Economic Review (SSCI, 2012IF=1.390), 2012, 23 (2): 357-370.
段宏波, 張古鵬, 范英, 汪壽陽. 基於內生能源效率改進的巨觀減排結構分析. 《管理科學學報》(CSSCI), 2016, 19(7):10-23.
霍國慶,顧春光,張古鵬. 國家治理體系視野下的政府戰略規劃:一個初步的分析框架. 《中國軟科學》, 2016, (2):156-168.
張古鵬. 小世界創新網路的動態演化及其對創新績效的影響. 《管理科學學報》 (CSSCI), 2015, 18(6): 15-29.
呂小鋒, 李銳, 張古鵬. 分位數回歸中基於檢查函式的填補技術, 《統計研究》, 2015, 10: 92-97.
張古鵬, 陳向東. 基於專利存續期的專利價值研究:一個基於收益服從指數分布假設的模型重構, 《管理工程學報》(CSSCI), 2013, 27(4): 142-149.
張古鵬, 陳向東. 新能源技術領域專利質量研究——以風能和太陽能技術為例. 《研究與發展管理》(CSSCI), 2013, 25 (1): 73-81.
牛欣, 陳向東, 張古鵬. 典型創新型城市創新特徵對比研究. 《科技進步與對策》(CSSCI), 2013, 30(19): 34-40.
馬健, 張古鵬, 柳卸林. 信息化條件下企業員工培訓模式及其滿意度研究, 《數學的實踐與認識》(CSCD), 2013, 43 (24): 41-49.
張古鵬, 陳向東. 基於專利存續期的企業和研究機構專利價值比較研究, 《經濟學》(季刊) (CSSCI), 2012, 11(4): 1403-1426.
張古鵬, 陳向東, 牛欣. 基於專利寬度和深度的技術複雜度分析, 《科研管理》(CSSCI), 2012, 33 (3): 113-120, 135.
張古鵬, 陳向東. 基於發明專利的專利制度變動效應研究, 《科研管理》(CSSCI), 2012, 33(6): 110-119.
牛欣, 陳向東, 張古鵬. 技術的空間維度溢出與經濟追趕——基於省份專利數據和空間計量的驗證, 《管理學報》(CSSCI), 2012, 9(4): 534-541.
張古鵬, 陳向東, 杜華東. 中國區域創新質量不平等研究, 《科學學研究》 (CSSCI), 2011, 29 (11): 1709-1719.
張古鵬, 陳向東. 基於專利的中外新興產業創新質量差異研究, 《科學學研究》(CSSCI),2011, 29 (12): 1813-1820.
陳向東, 張古鵬, 何習. 我國專利制度改革的技術創新效應分析:基於專利權人行為的觀點, 《技術經濟》, 2011, 30(10): 1-5.
王崇鋒, 張古鵬. 製造業產業集聚對生態城市建設影響的定量研究——基於CR4指數的實證研究, 《中國人口.資源與環境》(CSSCI), 2009, 19(4): 140-144.
(1) Chen Xiangdong, Song Shuang, Liu Xiaoqing, Zhang Gupeng. Patent-Information Based Study on Patenting Behavior in China. Chapter 4 in "Innovation and IPRs in China and India: Myths, Realities and Opportunities" (Edited by Liu Kung-Chung and Racherla Uday S.), pp.211-224.
(1) 張古鵬. 新技術機會的預測——基於文本挖掘的專利地圖繪製技術. 第八屆(2013)中國管理學年會. 2013年11月, 中國: 上海, 1-11.
(2) Zhang Gupeng, Zhou Jianghua, Huo Guoqing, Li Huicong. Is a Stable and Connective Network Important to Innovation? 2016 PICMET in Hawaii.