- 中文名:張偉剛
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 畢業院校:哈爾濱工業大學
- 主要成就:參加過國家自然科學重點基金等10多項課題的研究
- 性別:男

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2. "Two-dimensional bending vector sensing based on spatial cascaded orthogonal long period fiber", Optics Express,
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3. "Controlled-X gate with cache function for one-way quantum computation", Physical Review A, 2012, 85, 032317-1~
4. "Design of Broadband Single-Polarization Single-Mode Photonic Crystal Fiber Based on Index-Matching Coupling",
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 2012, 24 (6): 452-454.
5. "Orthogonal Single-Polarization Single-CorePhotonic Crystal Fiber for Wavelength Splitting", IEEE Photonics
Technology Letters, 2012, 24 (20): 1878-1881.
6. "Highly Sensitive In-Fiber Refractive Index Sensor Based on Down-Bitaper Seeded Up-Bitaper Pair", IEEE Photonics
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7. "Design of Single-Polarization Wavelength Splitter based on Photonic Crystal Fiber. Applied Optics, 2011, 50(36):
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8. "Fiber Mach-Zehnder interferometer based on concatenated down- and up-tapers for refractive index sensing
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9. "All-fiber intermodal Mach–Zehnder interferometer based on a long-period fiber grating combined with a fiber bitaper",
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10. "Investigation on an evanescent wave fiber-optic absorption sensor based on fiber loop cavity ring-down
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11. "Temperature and twist characteristics of cascaded long-period fiber gratings written in polarization-maintaining
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12. "Two-channel Fiber Micro–cavity Strain sensor based on Fiber Loop Ring-Down Spectroscopy Technology",
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13. "Design and fabrication of period interlaced ULPG that inhibit specific resonance peaks", Microwave and Optical
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14. "Torsion sensing characteristics of fibre ring laser based on nonlinear polarization rotation", Electronics Letters,
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15. "Temperature- and strain-insensitive torsion sensor based on a phase-shifted ultra long period grating", Electronics
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19. "高頻CO2雷射脈衝寫制的傾斜長周期光纖光柵光譜特性研究". 光學學報, 2011, 31 (8): 0806006-1-6.
20. "引入調製結構形成的相移長周期光纖光柵研究". 光學學報, 2011, 31(6):0606006-1-5.
1. 光纖光學原理及套用
2. 光波原理與技術套用
3. 科研方法導論
4. 科研方法論.
5. 專業技術人員科研方法與論文寫作。