張作啟, 男,1982年3月生,工學博士,武漢大學土木建築工程學院教授。
- 中文名:張作啟
- 出生日期:1982年3月
- 畢業院校:清華大學、武漢大學
- 職稱:教授
- 任職院校:武漢大學土木建築工程學院
博士(Ph.D.) 2003年9月—2008年7月 清華大學 固體力學
碩士(M.S.) 2003年9月—2008年7月 清華大學 固體力學
本科(B.S.) 1999年9月—2003年7月 武漢大學 工程力學
研究員 2010年7月—2014年9月 新加坡 高性能計算研究院
訪問學者 2010年2月—2010年7月 美國 布朗大學
研究工程師 2008年10月—2010年2月 新加坡 高性能計算研究院
1. ZQ Zhang*, B Liu, YW Zhang, KC Hwang, HJ Gao*. Ultrastrong collagen-mimic carbon nanotube bundles. Carbon, 2014, 77:1040-1053.
2. T Zhang, ZQ Zhang, KS Kim, HJ Gao. An accordion model integrating selfcleaning, strong attachment and easy detachment functionalities of gecko adhesion. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 2014, 28(3-4):226-239.
3. HJ Lei, ZQ Zhang*, F Han, B Liu, YW Zhang, HJ Gao. Elastic bounds of bioinspired nanocomposites. Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2013, 80(6):061017.
4. ZQ Zhang, B Liu. The energy release rate of cracked hyperelastic body under arbitrary loadings. Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2013, 45(1):129-133. (Invited, in Chinese)
5. Y Cheng, ZQ Zhang, ZS Teo. Deformation of graphene induced by adsorption of peptides: A Molecular Dynamics study. International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2013, 05(01): 1350007.
6. XM Liu, ZL Liu, ZQ Zhang, Z Zhuang, YG Wei. Nanoindentation size effect interpreted by the dislocation nucleation mechanism. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 2013, 10(3): 71-718.
7. MX Shi, B Liu*, ZQ Zhang *, YW Zhang, HJ Gao. Direct influence of residual stress on the bending stiffness of cantilever beams. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematicl, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 2012, 468(2145), 2595-2613.
8. HF Lei, ZQ Zhang*, B Liu*. Effect of fiber arrangement on mechanical properties of short fiber reinforced composites. Composites Science and Technology, 2012, 72(4), 506-514.
9. ZQ Zhang, T Zhang, YW Zhang, KS Kim, HJ Gao. Strain-Controlled Switching of Hierarchically Wrinkled Surfaces between Superhydrophobicity and Superhydrophilicity. Langmuir, 2012, 28(5), 2753-2760.
10. ZQ Zhang, YW Zhang and HJ Gao. On optimal hierarchy of load-bearing biological materials. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2011, 278(1705), 529-525.
11. ZQ Zhang, B Liu, KC Hwang and HJ Gao. Surface-adsorption-induced bending behaviors of graphene nanoribbons. Applied Physical Letters, 2011, 98(12).
12. ZQ Zhang, B Liu, Y Huang, KC Hwang and HJ Gao. Mechanical properties of unidirectional nanocomposites with non-uniformly or randomly staggered platelet distribution. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2010, 58(10), 1646-1660.
13. ZQ Zhang, B Liu. The prediction of axial equivalent modulus for composites reinforced by staggered alignment discontinuous fibers. Engineering Mechanics, 2010, 2. (in Chinese)
14. J Wu, ZQ Zhang, B Liu, KC Hwang and Y Huang. Numerical analyses for the atomistic-based shell theory of carbon nanotubes. International Journal of Plasticity, 2009, 25(10), 1879-1887.
15. ZQ Zhang, B Liu, YL Chen, HQ Jiang, Y Huang, and KC Hwang. Mechanical properties of functionalized carbon nanotubes. Nanotechnology, 2008, 19, 395702.
16. B Liu, ZQ Zhang, YL Chen. Atomistic statics approaches-- molecular mechanics, finite element method and continuum analysis. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 2008, 5, 1-23.
17.ZQ Zhang*, Y Zhong, B Liu, DN Fang and KC Hwang. Mechanical properties of staggered-alignment biomimetic composites. Advances in Heterogeneous Material Mechanics 2008, 2008, 606-609.
18.ZQ Zhang, F Han, YZ Chen, SH Chen. The optimizing design model of linear luminaire of motor light. Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 2003, 20(5), 57-64. (in Chinese)
2013年,新加坡科技研究局研究生院博士生導師(AGS PhD Supervisorship)
2011年,IHPC獨立研究員(IHPC Independent Investigatorship, I^3)
2010年, 張貼報告獎 (Poster Award, Gecko Workshop, Germany)
國際計算力學協會(International Association for Computational Mechanics)會員
新加坡計算力學協會(Association for Computational Mechanics, Singapore)會員
國際材料研究學會(Materials Research Society, MRS)會員
新加坡材料研究學會(Singapore Association for Computational Mechanics)會員
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids,
Nature Communications,
Journal of Applied Mechanics,
European Journal of Mechanics A: Solids,
Journal of Biomechanical Engineering,
Journal of Bionic Engineering,
Journal of Materials Research,
International Journal of Applied Mechanics,
Applied Physics Letters等