



  • 中文名:張二鳳
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:水文水資源
  • 任職院校:華東師範大學




Zhang Erfeng, Gao Shu, Savenije Hubert H. G., Si Cunyou, Cao Shuai. Saline water intrusion in relation to strong winds during winter cold outbreaks: North Branch of the Yangtze Estuary. Journal of Hydrology, 2019,
張二鳳,陳沈良,谷國傳,楊海飛,王如生. 長江口北支懸沙濃度及輸移的時空變化,海洋學報,2015,
張二鳳,陳沈良,劉小喜. 長江口北支異常強鹽水入侵觀測與分析. 海洋通報,2014,
Zhang Erfeng, Savenije Hubert H. G., Chen Shenliang, Chen Jiyu. Water abstraction along the lower Yangtze River, China, and its impact on water discharge into the estuary. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 2012,
Zhang, E. F., Savenije, H. H. G., Chen, S. L., and Mao, X. H.. An analytical solution for tidal propagation in the Yangtze Estuary, China. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2012,
Zhang Erfeng, Savenije Hubert H. G., Wu Hui, Kong Yazhen, Zhu Jianrong. Analytical solution for salt intrusion in the Yangtze Estuary, China. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2011,
陳沈良,張二鳳,谷國傳,李平. 特枯水文年長江口南槽鹽水入侵分析. 海洋通報, 2009,
Chen Xiqing, Yan Yixin, Fu Renshou, Dou Xiping, Zhang Erfeng. Sediment transport from the Yangtze River, China, into the sea over the Post-Three Gorge Dam Period: A discussion. Quaternary International, 2008,
張二鳳,陳吉余,何青. 長江大通~徐六涇之間沿江引水工程調查及思考. 第十屆中國河口海岸學術研討會論文集,北京:海洋出版社,2007,
曹勇,陳吉余,張二鳳,陳沈良,曹衛承. 三峽水庫初期蓄水對長江口淡水資源的影響. 水科學進展,2006,
Chen Xiqing, Yan Yixin, Zhang Erfeng. Influence of reservoirs on the sediment delivery from the mid-lower Yangtze basin into the sea. Proceeding of Third Chinese-German joint symposium on coastal and ocean engineering, Coastal Ocean Monitoring Center, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan. 2006,
Chen Xiqing, Zhou Qiaoju and Zhang Erfeng. In-Channel Sand Extraction from the Mid-Lower Yangtze Channels and its Management: Problems and Challenges. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 2006,
Chen Xiqing, Zhang Erfeng, Mu Hongqiang and Y. Zong. A Preliminary Analysis of Human Impacts on Sediment Discharges from the Yangtze, China, into the Sea. Journal of Coastal Research, 2005,
王曉麗,陳西慶,張二鳳. 太湖流域洪澇災害與洪水保險的基本問題研究. 華東師範大學學報(自然科學版), 2005,
Zhang Erfeng, Chen Xiqing, Wang Xiaoli. Water discharge changes of the Changjiang River downstream Datong during the dry season. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2003,
張二鳳,陳西慶. 長江大通-河口段枯季的徑流量變化. 地理學報,2003,
張二鳳,陳西慶. 長江(大通-徐六涇)抽引水工程初步調查及其對枯季入海流量的影響研究. 南水北調(東線)對長江口生態環境影響及對策,2003,上海:華東師範大學出版社.
陳西慶,張二鳳,李道季,陳吉余. 長江枯季入海流量變化趨勢的初步研究. 南水北調(東線)對長江口生態環境影響及對策,2003,上海:華東師範大學出版社.
Chen Xiqing, Zhang Erfeng, Xu Jiangang. Large and episodic decrease of water discharge from the Yangtze River to the sea during the dry season. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 2002,
Chen Xiqing, Zhang Dezhen, Zhang Erfeng. The South to North Water Diversions in China: Review and Comments. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 2002,
張二鳳,陳西慶. 人類活動對河流入海流量下降的影響-以長江黃河為例. 華東師範大學學報(自然科學版), 2002
Chen Xiqing, Zong Yongqiang, Zhang Erfeng, Xu Jiangang and Li Shijie. Human impacts on the Changjiang (Yangtze) River Basin, China, with special reference to the impacts on the dry season water discharges into the sea. Geomorphology, 2001,

