廣州國際會展中心位於廣州市海珠區的琶洲地區,東鄰城市主幹道科韻路和琶洲塔,西臨體育健身公園和華南快速路,南靠新港東路並與萬畝生態果園相望,北銜親水公園。根據規劃,琶洲島將是一個嶄新的國際博覽城,會展中心便是城中一顆璀璨的明珠。規劃總用地面積203萬平方米,除公園、休閒用地外,主體項目建設用地92萬平方米,包括展場部分、國際會議、商務及輔助設施等。琶洲地區在地域上與由天河地區、珠江新城、新城市中軸線構成的新城市中心區鄰近,在功能和性質定位上是城市中心的重要支持和補充,是廣州城市CBD形象的重要補充。琶洲地區的發展以廣州會展博覽中心的建設為契機和核心,發展成為以會展博覽、國際商務、信息交流、高新技術研發、旅遊服務為主導,兼具高品質居住生活功能的RBD(Recreational Business District)型、生態型的新城市中心組成部分。廣州國際會展中心
廣州國際會展中心總用地面積70萬m2,會展中心項目共分兩期建設,一期工程規模達到亞洲第一,世界第二,是國內領先、國際上具有一流水平的建築物,是世界上展覽面積最大的展覽館。一期工程用地面積41.5萬㎡,建築面積39.5萬㎡,建築物總長度為458.5 m,總寬度318.2 m,包括六大功能區:展廳(含南面展廳和北面展廳)、室外展場、珠江散步道、車道、東入口車道及其他用房(含餐廳、辦公用房、設備用房等)。會展中心含架空層、夾層在內共有7層,架空層主要用作展廳,車庫、餐廳、設備用房。首層及四層為展廳及餐廳,二層為珠江散步道和商務用房,三層及五、六層為辦公與設備用房。建築物總高度39.5m,首層展廳淨高13m,四層淨空高度不小於8.5m。展廳採用了國際通用的3m x 3m為最小的展位基本尺寸,設計使用30 x 30為模數單元,90m為一個大展廳單元,平面構成的每個展廳均由90m x 126m的矩形平面。首層8個展廳,四層5個展廳,架空層3個展廳合計16個展廳。展廳的組合可由單個或多個靈活變化、互不干擾的5個大廳連續為一體的平面展覽空間。首層與四層展廳都分別再與中央部位貫通東西向的珠江散步道連通。珠江散步道為一個橫貫東西,利用珠江景觀的寬30m,長約450m,由玻璃幕牆和大屋頂所構成的室內交流空間,既可作為提供多樣信息的場所,可為大眾提供休息的舒適的內部空間環境,也是主要的人流垂直、水平交通通道。廣州國際會展中心夜景
Guangzhou International Convention and Exhibition Center Guangzhou International Convention and Exhibition Center is one of the biggest exhibition centers and bases for investment trade. It is also one of the symbolic constructions and sightseeing spots to represent the new image of Guangzhou in the 21st century.
The exhibition center is located on the Pazhou Island surrounded by the Pearl River. The island is adjacent to the Science City and the Wushan university conglomerate in the north and the University Town and Lotus Mountain Tourist Resort Area in the south, an ideal geographical location for convenient transportation. To provide a pleasant and relaxing environment for the annual Canton Fair, the South China Expressway and the East Ring Highway divide the island from west to east into three districts—Districts A. B. and C. The exhibition center is in District B, the core part of the area surrounded by rapidly sprouting supporting facilities like hotels, office blocks, banks, retail chains and museums, etc.. The whole area is quickly developing itself into an ecologically new secondary city center of Guangzhou based mainly on conventions and exhibitions, international trade, information exchanges, high-tech development and tourist service, and also fulfilling high-standard living requirements.
Guangzhou Convention and Exhibition Center covers an area of 700,000 square meters and has a construction area of 500,000 square meters, consisting of exhibition halls that can provide 8,000 international standard booths and supporting facilities sufficient to provide food and public activity functions for 30,000 people. It is not only an ideal place for commodity display and international trade talks, but also a choice site for the exhibitors to hold banquets, press conferences, large functions and ceremonies.
In design, the exhibition center is a modern intelligence building that features a good combination of architectural art and modern technology embodied by its emphasis in energy-saving details and ecological environment concerns both inside and outside.
Contact: Press and Publicity Department of the External Trade Center of China