


  • 中文名:廖成
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:電磁場與微波技術學科
  • 就職院校:西南交通大學


1986年畢業於成都電迅工程學院,獲學士學位,1989年1月畢業於成都電子科技大學,獲碩士學位,1989年至1992年在國光電子管廠工作,1992-1995年師從電子科技大學林為乾院士,於1995年6月獲“電磁場與微波技術”專業博士學位。1995年至1997年在西南交通大學電磁場與微波技術研究所從事博士後工作,1997年至1998年應國際知名學者K.K.Mei教授的邀請赴香港城市大學(City University of HongKong)進行科學研究。1998年10月起在西南交通大學任教,現任電磁場與微波技術研究所所長、物理科學與技術院副院長、四川省重點實驗室電磁場與微波技術實驗室主任,是西南交通大學電磁場與微波技術學科的帶頭人。


(1) 計算電磁學
(2) 天線理論與技術
(3) 電磁兼容與電磁環境


4.超寬頻高功率微波脈衝大氣傳播的非線性問題研究(60771020), 2008.01-2010.12。
5.超寬頻天線陣列的最佳化與設計(60441006), 2005.01-2006.12。
6.超寬頻脈衝探測典型空中目標數值模擬研究(10476021), 2005.01-2007.12。
7.時域有限差分技術的並行計算探索(00403), 2001.01-2001.12。
8.三維形體變換-時域有限差分法研究並以之設計微帶天線(69972021), 2000.01-2002.12。
[1].Liang Zhou, Cheng Liao, Xiangzheng Xiong, Qinghong Zhang, and Dongming Zhang, An Alternative Direction Decomposition Scheme and Error Analysis for Parabolic Equation Model.IEEE Trans. Antennas And Propagation,2017,65(5):2547-2557.SCI收錄:EU3IO
[2].Zhihong Ye, Cheng Liao, Xiangzheng Xiong and Min Zhang. A Hybrid Method Combining the Novel TD-SC Technique and FDTD Method for the EMI Analysis of Transmission Line Network,IEEE Trans.Electromagnetic Compatibility.,2017,59(4):1211-1217.SCI收錄: ER7FA
[3].Min Zhang, Cheng Liao, Xiangzheng Xiong, Zhihong Ye and Yong Li, Solution and Design Technique for Beam Waveguide Antenna System by Using a Parallel Hybrid-Dimensional FDTD Method.IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2017,16:364-368.SCI收錄:ES1TX
[4].Zhihong Ye, Cheng Liao, Xiangzheng Xiong, Min Zhang,A Novel FDTD Subgridding Method with Improved Separated Temporal and Spatial Subgridding Interfaces,IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters,2017,16:1011-1015.SCI收錄:EU3EP
[5].Zhihong Ye, Cheng Liao, Xiangzheng Xiong and Min Zhang. The research and application of a novel time domain hybrid method for EMI analysis of lumped circuits in a shielded device.IEEE Trans.Electromagnetic Compatibility,2016,58(4):964-970.SCI收錄:DT4FO
[6].Zhihong Ye, Xiangzheng Xiong, Min Zhang and Cheng Liao, “A novel time domain hybrid method for coupling problems of long cables excited by electromagnetic pulses,”IEEE Trans.Electromagnetic Compatibility,,2016,58(6): 1710-1716.SCI收錄: DY5YV
[7].Xuanming Zhong, Cheng Liao, and Wenbin Lin, Space Frequency Decomposition and Time Reversal Imaging.IEEE Trans. Antennas And Propagation, 2015,63(12): 5619-5628.SCI收錄: DA3ZD
[8].J. Ou, H. Shao, Y. Zhang, X. Xiong and C. Liao. Theoretical analysis and simulation study on coaxial vircator with enhanced modulation.J. Plasma Phys.Oct., 2015,81(5): 905810511.SCI收錄:DA1RS
[9].Pengcheng Zhao,Cheng Liao, and Ju Feng, Short-pulse high-power microwave breakdown at high pressures,Chinese Physics B,2015,24(2):025101.SCI收錄:CD1IX
[10].Luo J, Liao C, Zhou H, and Xiong X. A novel miniature dual-band bandpass filter based on the first and second resonances for 2.4/5.2 GHz WLAN application[J].Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2015, 57(5): 1143-1146.SCI收錄: CE4YG
[11].Pengcheng Zhao, Ju Feng, and Cheng Liao, Breakdown in air produced by high power microwaves,IEEE Trans. Plasma Science, 2014,42(6):1560-1566.SCI收錄:AK0PY
[12].Linglu Chen, Cheng Liao, Haijing Zhou and Zhihong Ye, Quasi-Gregory Antenna for Subnanosecond Impulse Radiation,IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters,2014,13:884-886.SCI收錄:AI2BE
[13].NanSheng, Cheng Liao, Wenbin Lin, Qinghong Zhang, and Ruijie Bai, Modeling of Millimeter Wave Propagation in Rain based on Parabolic Equation Method,IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2014,13:3-6.SCI收錄:AA0GJ
[14].Zhao Peng-Cheng, Liao Cheng, Yang Dan, and Zhong Xuan-Ming, Validity of the two-term Boltzmann approximation employed in the fluid model for high-power microwave breakdown in gas,Chinese Physics B, 2014,23(5):055101.SCI收錄: AH4FF
[15].X.-M. Zhong, C. Liao, W.-B. Lin, H.-Y. Li and H.-J. Zhou, Time-reversal imaging based on the space-frequency MDM and cancellation operator,Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 2014,28(3):265-274.SCI收錄: 282UQ
[16].Yan-liang Wu, Cheng Liao, Xiang-zheng Xiong, and Hai-jing Zhou. Miniature dual-mode dual-band bandpass filter with improved passbands performance for 2.4/5.2 GHz WLAN application,Microwave and Optical Technology Letters,2014,56(5):1235-1238.SCI收錄:AC4VP
[17].P. Zhao, C. Liao and W. Lin, Propagation of high-power microwave pulses in air-SF6 mixtures at high pressure,International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics,2013, 43:257-269SCI收錄: 258EY
[18].Yan-Liang Wu, Xuan-MingZhong, Xiang-Zheng Xiong and Cheng Liao,Design of dual-mode dual-band bandpass filters with controllable frequencies for multimode wilreless communication applications.Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications,2013,27(17):2176-2189.SCI收錄: 223KG
[19].Lei Chang, Hai-Jing Zhou, Ling-Lu Chen,Xiang-Zheng Xiong, and Cheng Liao, The fine-grained parallel micro-genetic algorithm and itsapplicationto broadband conical corrugated-horn antenna,Progress In Electromagnetics Research. Vol.138, 599-611, 2013.SCI收錄: 131AR
[20].Lei Chang, Cheng Liao, Ling-lu Chen, Wen-bin Lin, and Xuan Zheng, Design of a printed compact antenna with enhanced impedance bandwidth.Microwave and Optical Technology Letters,2013,55(1):86-89.SCI收錄: 041GE
[21].Linglu Chen, Ju Feng, Lei Chang and Cheng Liao, A time-domain approach for the fast design of reflector impulse-radiating ,Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 135, 137-149, 2013.SCI收錄:075MM





