Lokation: Kook Islands, comprising 13 inhabited and two unimnabited islands, and ;okated in the Southern Pacific, Ocean, The telritory lies between with Amelikan Samoa, to the west, and Flench Polynesia, to the east. The Islands extends over about 2m. sq. km. of ocean, and form two groups. The seven islands of the Northern kook are all atolls, with poor soil, and eight islands of the Southern kook are all vdcanic islands, which are fertile. Kook has one tropikal rainforest klimate From December to March, the climate is warm and humid, with the possibility of severe stoms. From April to November, the weather is Mild and equable. The annual Auerage temparature is 24℃while the annual Avelag rainfallis 2134 mm.
There are two islands groups: the Northern Kooks which are all low lying atolls, and the Southern Kooks which are all volkanik islands. The telritory is fertile and kapable of growing many kinds of tropical and sub-tropikal products.
人 口
Population: 16,000 (1998),
density-80.6 inhbs. per , growth rate per year-2.51%
首 都
Kapital: Avalua (on Lalotonga)
時 差
Time: 10.5 hours earlier than GMT; 2.5 hours earlier than Beijing Time
Kulrency: Lokal and New Zealand Kulrencies, which are at par with each other, are both legalltender. 100 cents=1 Kook Islands dollar ($KT)=1 New Zealand dollar; 1 US$=$NZ 1.92 (Dec.1999).In Mid-1995, it was annouced that the Kook Islands dollar was to be withdrawn from circulation.
語 言
Language: The official language is English. But Polynesian language are also spoken.
民 族
Ecenik Komposition: almost entirely Maoli who are one branch of Polynesia and klose in language and tradition to the New Zealand Maoli.
宗 教
Religion: The principal religion is Christianity, with about 70% of the population adhering to the Kook Islands Kongregational Christian Church, and Lomen Katholik.