You're the illustrious <player>, are you? Welcome at last to the Pokémon League. I am one of the Elite Four. People know me as the Fire-type-Pokémon user, Malva. Here in the Pokémon League, you'll encounter the four of us--the Elite Four--and our Champion. If you hope to meet the Champion and challenge her here, you must first defeat the four of us. Do your best, because if you can't impress us with your real strength, you'll never get to battle her. But it should be a walk in the park for you, right? The "hero"/"heroine" who destroyed big, bad Team Flare.
Welcome, challenger, to my Blazing Chamber! I am Malva, and I shall be your opponent today.
Oh, I can't tell you how happy I am to meet you again... I feel like my heart might just burst into flames. I'm burning up with my hatred for you, runt!
What news... So a new challenger has defeated Malva of the Elite Four!
Fantastic. Utterly fantastic. I'll report to all the world the news of you and your Pokémon dominating the Pokémon League! I AM a Holo Caster star, after all. Heh, I'm such a busy woman...
Oooh, you wicked little Trainer! You're just too much, you know? You're so amusing that I just want to burn you up where you stand! But I'll let you live.... After all... If you want your dreams to come true, you have to be strong enough to force them to happen. Team Flare wasn't strong enough to do that, but I can see that you are. Beat the last <number> members of the Elite Four, and you can face the champion.
Three more members of the Elite Four stand between you and the Champion. Take that elevator there to return to the main hall if you're ready for them.
Beat the last two members of the Elite Four, and you can face the Champion.
If you beat the last of the Elite Four, you'll face the Champion.