


帕帕羅蒂(Pappa Roti)品牌發源於馬來西亞馬來語的寓意是爸朽槳仔趨爸的麵包或爸爸烤的麵包,帕帕羅蒂得到廣大民眾的喜愛和擁戴。
長沙帝譜世食品有限公司為馬來西亞帕帕羅蒂有限公司(Papparoti (M) SdnBhd)特別授淚獄己權在中華人民共和國執行和運營帕帕蜜微射羅蒂品牌的總經銷商
自2003年始,帕帕羅蒂品牌麵包已經在全球各地發展業務和開闢市場, 帕帕羅蒂已經在全球紮根茅牛腿四百餘家(包含咖啡廳模式或快捷模催備潤祝式)。
Papparoti first brought its unique and delicious snack concept to Malaysia in 2003. The brand's success was sealed thanks to the authentic and memorable taste of the coffee-coated buns accompanied with delicious beverages. Currently, there are over 400 PappaRoti cafes and kiosks across the globe - an absolute testament to our brand's appeal.
This tremendously successful chain offers not just scrumptious food and beverage options, but it's also a veritable assault on the senses! Right from the distinctive aroma that entice customers, to the visually appealing array of food and frothy drinks and the delectable taste that has garnered wide-spread acclaim.
The downright delicious coffee caramel buns have gained enormous praise and is now immensely popular in countries from China to Dubai. Though the art of pastry definitely varies across different cultures, Papparoti has successfully developed a unique and single recipe that surpasses cultural diversity and appeals to an international audience. It's no secret that food binds together different cultures and people from various walks of life and Papparoti seemed to have done just that. Now, the Papparoti domain is venturing further afield, dedicated to spreading the flavor of our intensely flavorful and aromatic buns.
帕帕羅蒂(馬)有限公司(Papparoti (M) SdnBhd)已成功為帕帕羅蒂(Pappa Roti)品牌在中華人民共和國行政機關進行了註冊,商標註冊號為商標第三十類(第6454519號)和商標第四十三類(第6454520號)。
帕帕羅蒂(馬)有限公司(Papparoti (M) SdnBhd)已成功為帕帕羅蒂(Pappa Roti)品牌在中華人民共和國行政機關進行了註冊,商標註冊號為商標第三十類(第6454519號)和商標第四十三類(第6454520號)。


