- 中文名:市村英彥
- 外文名:ICHIMURA, Hidehiko
- 國籍:日本
- 畢業院校:麻省理工學院
昭和56年3月 大阪大學經濟學院經濟系畢業
昭和63年1月 麻省理工學院經濟學博士
昭和62年9月 美國明尼蘇達大學經濟學院副教授
平成8年9月 美國匹茲堡大學經濟學院副教授
平成10年9月 美國匹茲堡大學經濟學院副教授
平成11年7月 倫敦大學學院經濟系 訪問
平成12年10月 英國倫敦大學學院經濟學系教授
平成17年4月 東京大學研究生院經濟學教授
- “Propensity Score Matching with Instrumental Variables,” (with Chris Taber), American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, 2001, 119-124
- “Semiparametric Reduced-Form Estimation of Tuition Subsidies,” (with Chris Taber), American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, 2002, 286-292
- “Asymptotic Expansions for some Semiparametric Program Evaluation Estimators,” (with Oliver Linton), in Identification and inference in econometric models: essays in honor of Thomas J. Rothenberg, eds., D. W. K. Andrews and J. H. Stock, Cambridge University Press, 2005
- “What really happened to consumption inequality in the US?” (with Orazio Attanasio and Erich Battistin), in Measurement Issues in Economics – The Paths Ahead: Essays in Honor of Zvi Griliches, E. Berndt and C. Hulten (eds.), 2006
- “Implementing Nonparametric and Semiparametric Estimators,” (with Petra Todd), in Handbook of Econometrics, Vol.6B, 5369-5468, E. E. Leamer and J. J. Heckman, eds., Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2007
- “Changes in the Distribution of Male and Female Wages Accounting for Employment Composition Using Bounds,” (with Richard Blundell, Amanda Gosling, Costas Meghir), Econometrica, 2007, 75, 323-363
- “Estimation of Polynomial Errors-in-Variables Models,” (with Jerry Hausman, Whitney Newey, and James Powell), Journal of Econometrics, 50, December 1991, 273-295
- “Semiparametric Estimation of Multiple Index Models: Single Equation Estimation,” (with Lung-Fei Lee), International Symposia in Economic Theory and Econometrics, edited by William A. Barnett, James L. Powell, and George Tauchen, Cambridge University Press, 1991, 3-49
- “Optimal Smoothing in Single-Index Models,” (with Wolfgang Haerdle and Peter Hall), Annals of Statistics, 21, March 21, 1993, 157-178
- “Semiparametric Least Squares (SLS) and Weighted SLS Estimation of Single-Index Models,” Journal of Econometrics, 58(1-2), June 1993, 71-120
- “Sources of Selection Bias in Evaluating Social Programs: An Interpretation of Conventional Measures and Evidence on the Effectiveness of Matching as a Program Evaluation Method,” (with James Heckman, Jeffrey Smith and Petra Todd), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 93, November 1996, 13416-13420
- “Performance of Matching as an Econometric Estimator: Application to the JTPA Program,” (with James Heckman and Petra Todd), Review of Economic Studies, 64, 1997, 605-654
- “Matching as an Econometric Estimator,” (with James Heckman and Petra Todd), Review of Economic Studies, 65, 1998(2), 261-294
- “Observable Restrictions of Dynamic Optimization Behavior Under Risk: non-separable case,” (First author Kazuya Kamiya), Japanese Economic Review, March 1998
- “Maximum Likelihood Estimation of a Binary Choice Model with Random Coefficients of Unknown Distribution,” (with T. Scott Thompson), Journal of Econometrics, 86, 1998, 269-295
- “Characterization of Selection Bias Using Experimental Data,” (with James Heckman, Jeffrey Smith, and Petra Todd), Econometrica, 66(5), 1998, 1017-1098