

崔兆傑 ,男,理學博士,分析化學和環境科學專業,現任山東大學環境科學研究所所長 、山東大學清潔工藝實驗室主任、山東省清潔生產中心專家與審計師、中國清潔生產雜誌編輯部編輯、聯合國與中國國家清潔生產中心註冊清潔生產審計師,被評為”山東大學優秀青年知識分子“現工作在山東大學環境科學與工程學院


  • 中文名:崔兆傑
  • 出生日期:1963年11月17日
  • 職業:山東大學環境科學研究所所長
  • 主要成就:山東大學優秀青年知識分子
  • 工作時間:1985年7月
  • 職稱:教授


2013年3月至今 中華全國供銷合作總社天津再生資源研究所 所長。
2001/9/1-現在 山東大學環境科學與工程學院 環境科學研究所 教 授。
1997/9/1-2001/8/30 山東大學環境科學與工程學院 環境科學研究所 副教授
1996/7/1-1997/8/30 山東大學環境科學與工程學院 環境科學研究所 講 師。
1993/9/1-1996/8/30 中國科學院蘭州化學物理研究所 分析化學專業 博士生
1990/9/1-1993/8/30 山東教育學院 生 化 系 講 師。
1987/9/1-1990/8/30 中國科學院蘭州化學物理研究所 分析化學專業 碩士生
1985/7/1-1987/8/30 山東教育學院 生 化 系 助 教。


⑴ 環境樣品的採集、儲存方法研究
⑵ 環境樣品的前處理方法與技術研究:主要包括環境有機污染物、無機污染物、重金屬離子的前處理方法研究及超臨界流體萃取在環境樣品前處理中的套用研究等
⑶ 環境有機污染物的遷移、轉化規律研究,環境有毒有機污染物的來源解析及污染數值預報技術研究
⑷ 多種分析儀器與技術聯用及其在環境分析中的套用研究
⑸ 新型環境分析與監測儀器的研製與開發
⑴ 環境廢水治理技術與設備研究
⑵ 化學絮凝劑等新藥劑的研製與開發
⑶ 廢水中的有機污染物的光催化降解技術及套用研究
⑷ 環境新型納米材料的研製與開發
⑴ 清潔生產方法學研究
⑵ 清潔生產與現行的環境管理制度結合的方法研究
⑶ 清潔生產與ISO14000的關係及結合關係研究
⑷ 清潔工藝技術研究與開發
⑸ 清潔產品及生命周期評價研究


⑴ 分析型超臨界流體萃取分析儀--通過省級鑑定,居於國內領先、國際先進水平,有商品化樣機及生產技術可供轉讓。
⑵ TOC-2000型總有機碳分析儀--通過省級鑑定,居於國內領先水平,有商品化樣機及生產技術可供轉讓。技術關鍵為光催化氧化和催化加氫技術,具有性能穩定、靈敏度高、性能價格比高等優點。
⑶ 陽離子聚丙烯醯胺的生產技術--該技術經過長時間的研究現已成型,可進行工業化生產,產品的性能指標與國內現有產品相比有較大優勢,可用於污泥脫水、造紙助留、皮革助劑等,有極其廣泛的套用領域。
⑷ 小清河等流域污染綜合規劃治理檔案管理信息系統--通過省級鑑定,居於國內領先水平。成果可用於流域污染源數據資料、規劃資料、污染治理技術等相關資料的管理與查詢,可為科研、管理、政府決策等提供技術支持,有極其廣闊的套用面和美好的套用前景。
⑴ 主持完成了"分析規模超臨界流體萃取分析儀的研製",通過了省級鑑定,居於國內領先水平。
⑵ 主持完成了"小清河幹流治理工程底泥處理處置可行性研究",通過了省級評審,在小清河治理工程中套用,取得了巨大環境經濟效益。
⑶ 主持完成了"小清河等流域污染綜合規劃治理檔案管理信息系統",通過了省級鑑定,居於國內領先、國際先進水平。
⑷ 主持完成了"TOC-2000型總有機碳分析儀原理機的研製",通過了省級鑑定,達到了國內領先水平。
⑸ 主持完成了"濟南市十五規劃之清潔生產與產業結構調整規劃研究",通過了評審。
⑹ 主持完成了"山東地產中藥材毛細管氣相色譜研究",通過了省級專家評審,達到國內領先水平。
⑺ 在國內外核心期刊上發表了40餘篇研究論文,6篇SCI和EI文章。
⑴ 山東大學清潔工藝實驗室專項基金--項目負責人,國家財政部和教育部
⑵ 清潔生產工藝技術研究--課題負責人,山東省環境保護局
⑶ 清潔生產審核技術研究--課題負責人,山東省環境保護局
⑷ 清潔生產政策法規研究--課題負責人,山東省環境保護局
⑸ 飲料製造業清潔生產技術要求和飲料製造業清潔生產審計技術指南--課題負責人,國家環境保護總局和山東省環境保護局
⑹ 濟南市環境空氣污染防治總體規劃研究--課題負責人,山東省科技廳
⑺ 煙臺經濟技術開發區生態工業園建設研究--課題負責人,山東省環保局、煙臺市環保局、煙臺經濟技術開發區管委
⑻ 東營市海科化學工業有限公司清潔生產審計--課題負責人,東營市海科工業公司
⑼ 山東魯北企業集團總公司清潔生產開發研究--課題負責人,山東魯北集團總公司
⒈ Family name: Cui
⒉ First name: Zhaojie
⒊ Gender: Male
⒋ Date of Birth: November 17,1963
⒌ Civil Status: Married
⒍ Nationality: People's Republic of China
⒎ Unit: Environmental Science Institute,School of Environmental Science and Engineering of Shandong University
Address: 27 Shanda Nan Road,Jinan City,Shandong Province,Postcode: 250100
⒏ Education: PH.D of Science
⒐ Experience:
Institution: Department of the chemistry in Qufu teacher university
Date: 08/1981-07/1985
Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained: Bachelor of Science
Institution: Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physic,Chinese Academy of Science
Date: 08/1987-07/1990
Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained: Master of Science
Institution: Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physic,Chinese Academy of Science
Date: 08/1993-07/1996
Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained: PH.D of Science
Institution: Department of Biology and Chemistry of Shandong Education Institute
Date: 07/1985-08/1987
Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained: Associate Lecturer
Institution: Department of Biology and Chemistry of Shandong Education Institute
Date: 07/1990-08/1993
Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained: Lecturer
Institution: School of Environmental Science and Engineering of Shandong University
Date: 07/1996-08/1997
Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained: Lecturer
Institution: School of Environmental Science and Engineer of Shandong University
Date: 09/1997-08/2001
Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained: Associated-Professor
Institution: School of Environmental Science and Engineer of Shandong University
Date: 09/2001-now
Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained: Professor
⒑ Language skills:
Language Reading Speaking Writing
Chinese Excellent Excellent Excellent
English Excellent Excellent Excellent
Japanese Pass Pass Pass
⒒ Other Skills: (e.g. Computer literacy,etc.)
Proficiency with Office Package (winWord,Excel,PowerPoint,etc.)
⒓ Membership of Professional Bodies:
Cleaner Production Auditor of UNEP and China National Cleaner Production Center;
Cleaner Production Auditor and Expert of Shandong Provincial Cleaner Production Center;
Editor of Journal of China Cleaner Production;
Director of Environmental Science Institute of Shandong University;
Member of the Chinese Chemical Association
⒔ Present Position: Professor and Director of Environmental Science at Shandong University(keystone post of university).
Years with the organisation: 7 years in Shandong University
Specialty: Analytical Chemistry and Environmental Science
⒕ Researching Experience:
Environmental Monitor Technology and Equipments
⑴ Study on the method and technology of the sampling and depositing environmental sample
⑵ Study on the pre-treating method and technology of environmental sample,such as environmental organic and inorganic contaminants,heavy metal by using chromatography,supercritical fluid extraction and their application in treating environmental sample,etc
⑶ Study on the transferring and transforming rule of environmental pollutants
⑷ Study on the method of coupling different analytical equipments and their application
⑸ Researching and preparation on the new environmental analytical and monitor devices or equipments
Study on the method of the extraction of chemical components from nature plants or Chinese traditional medicine and the analytical technology
Study on the new technology of environmental pollution treatment
⑴ Wastewater treatment,such as technology and facilities
⑵ New chemical flocculation reagents
⑶ Photo catalysis degradation organic contaminants from wastewater
⑷ Study and development on new environmental nanometer material
Study and practice on the methodology of cleaner production and cleaner production audit
⑴ Study on the methodology of cleaner production and cleaner production audit
⑵ Study on the combining method and point between cleaner production and actual environmental management system
⑶ Study on the combining method and point between cleaner production and ISO14000 system
⑷ Study on the cleaner energy resource
⑸ Study on the cleaner technology and process
⑹ Study on the cleaner products
⑺ Lifecycle appraisement
⒖ Researching achievement and invention:
⑴ Principal for the research project "research and development of the TOC analytical equipment" supported by Shandong EPB (1998-2000)
⑵ Principal for the research project "Xiaoqing River Treating Engineering Feasibility Study" supported by Shandong Provincial government (1996-1997)
⑶ Principal for the research project "research and development of the supercritical fluid extraction analytical device" supported by Shandong provincial Science and Technology Bureau (1996-1998)
⒗ Key Qualifications:
⑴ Project manager for research project "Study on the constructing methods of Ecological Industrial Park in Economic and Technological Open Section of Yantai City" supported by the Shandong EPB and Yantai City Government (2002-2004)
⑵ Project manager for the project "Laboratory construction of the cleaner technological process "supported by ministry of finance and ministry of education of China (2002-2003)
⑶ Principal for research project "Study on the Policy and rule of Implementing cleaner production" supported by the Shandong EPB (2002-2003)
⑷ Principal for research project "Study on the technology and methods of implementing cleaner production auditing" supported by the Shandong EPB (2002-2004)
⑸ Principal for research project "set up the CP technological requirement and guideline of beer industry" supported by Shandong EPB and China EPB (2002-2003)
⑹ Principal for research project "Study on Cleaner Production Plan for Tenth Five years Plan of Jinan City " supported by Jinan EPB (1999-2000)
⒘ Achievement of cleaner production audit in enterprise and training:
⑴ Training: receiving the training of UNEP and Chinese National Cleaner Production Center,obtaining the aptitude certificate of Cleaner Production Auditor from UNEP and Chinese National Cleaner Production Center in 1995; receiving the training and joining in the researching of cleaner production organized by ⅣAM Institute of Amsterdam University in Netherlands in 1998; receiving the training and joining in the researching of cleaner production and water resource protection organized by government of Germany in 1999; receiving the training and joining in the researching of cleaner production organized by China and other country in China many times; visiting many enterprises implemented cleaner production.
⑵ 1995-1997: as the expert and auditor of Shandong Provincial Cleaner Production Center,with the help of the experts from National Cleaner Production Center and Netherlands,taking charge of the cleaner production audit in Shandong Qingzhou Distillery,Shandong Shouguang Qiminsi Distillery,Shandong Tianliu Starch Group Company,Shandong Gaoqing Paper-making Company and Jinan Yuxing Chemical Plant.
⑶ 1997-1999: As the expert and principal of China joined in the plan and organization of the cooperation project on the environmental protection between China and Germany,which is Germany government to aid Dongying City EPB,the contents of the project included environmental management,environmental monitor ability,education and training,cleaner production and so on. As the cleaner production auditor and expert of Shandong Province,cooperated with the industry experts from Germany to implement the cleaner production audit in four enterprises,and obtained the recognition from the publics. The CP audit are as follows:
① 01/1997-10/1997: finished the CP audit in Dongying Petrochemical Plant (Refinery).
② 04/1998-10/1998:finished the CP audit in Dongying Datang Weaving Printing and Dyeing Company.
③ 08/1998-05/1999: finished the CP audit in Dongying City Huanghekou Chlorine-Alkali Plant.
④ 06/1999-10/1999: finished the CP audit in Dongying City Dongkang Fiber Board Plant.
⑷ The other achievements of CP audit from 2000-2001
① 04/2000-12/2000: finished the CP audit in Dongying Dahai Group Company (Printing and Dyeing)
② 06/2000-12/2000: finished the cleaner production audit in Dongying City Guangrao Petrochemical Group Company
③ 07/2000-03/2001: finished the cleaner production audit in Huapeng Wrapper Company
④ 04/2001-10/2001: finished the cleaner production audit in Zibo City Guihe Paper-making Group Company.
⑤ 07/2001-10/2001: finished the cleaner production audit in Binzhou Boxing Beer Group Company.
⑥ 2001: unfinished the cleaner production audit in Zibo City Chengdong Board Paper Plant.
⑸ The other cleaner production work
① Gave many lectures in Shandong University;
② Edited and Published the Journal of China Cleaner Production and News of Shandong Cleaner Production; organized Cleaner Production Information Net;
③ Consulted and trained on cleaner production in many enterprises,hold many training classes in Shandong;
④ Did some researches on the cleaner production and cleaner technology and process;
⑤ Published some researching papers.
⒙ Specific experiences in the other countries/territories:
Country Date from - Date to Activity
Netherlands September-October 1999 Study and research on cleaner production at Amsterdam University
Germany September-October 2000 Studies and investigations on water pollution control technology at Berufliche Aus-Und Fortbidung
Viet Nam October of 2001 Private travelling
⒚ Teaching activities
Cui Zhaojie has originally developed,and consequently taught and been responsible for the following courses in Shandong University and Shandong Education Institute:
Environmental Monitor (1996-2002);
Pollution Source and Monitor Technology (2000-2002);
Cleaner Production (Lecture,the object is relative persons from enterprises and government)(1997-2002);
Environmental Science Introduction (1996-1998);
Cleaner Production Audit (Lecture,the object is relative persons from enterprises and government)(1997-2002);
Analytical Chemistry (1985-1987 and 1990-1993);
High Grade Analytical Chemistry (1985-1987 and 1990-1993);
Instrument Analysis (1987-1990 and 1990-1993);
Inorganic and analytical Chemistry (1987-1990 and 1990-1993);
Physical Chemistry (1990-1993);
Modern Analytical Chemistry Lecture (1990-1993)


