



  • 中文名:屈孟男
  • 出生日期:1981年
  • 主要成就:陝西高等學校科學技術獎二等獎2015年第一完成人
  • 性別:男
2010年9月~ 2011年9月美國匹茲堡大學(化學與石油工程系)博士後研究
2003年9月~ 2008年6月蘭州大學(功能有機分子化學國家重點實驗室)博士學位
1998年9月~ 2002年6月武漢理工大學(化學工程系)學士學位
  1. Zelin Sun, Erlin Yue, Mengnan Qu, Irina V. Oleynik, Ivan I. Oleynik, Kanshe Li, Tongling Liang, Wenjuan Zhang, Wen-Hua Sun. 8-(2-Cycloalkylphenylimino)-5,6,7-trihydro-quinolylnickel halides: polymerizing ethylene to highly branched and lower molecular weight polyethylenes.Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers,2015,2, 223.
  2. 孫哲,何金梅,屈孟男,李侃社.共催化在有機合成反應中的研究進展.有機化學,2015, (已接收).
  3. Hui Li, Mengnan Qu, Zhe Sun, Jinmei He, Anning Zhou. Facile Fabrication of a Hierarchical Superhydrophobic Coating with Aluminate Coupling Agent Modified Kaolin.Journal of Nanomaterials,2013,2013, 497216.
  4. Jinmei He, Hui Li, Xiangrong Liu, Mengnan Qu. Fabricating Superamphiphobic Surface with Fluorosilane Glued Carbon Nanospheres Films.Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,2013,13, 1974.
  5. 何金梅,屈孟男,何忠森.二氯化鎳和氮雜環卡賓共催化的安息香型烯丙基親核取代反應.套用化學,2013,30, 852.
  6. 何金梅,屈孟男.磨損增強型超疏水材料的製備及性能研究.摩擦學學報,2012,32, 215.
  7. 何金梅,屈孟男. Heck偶聯反應在有機單分子膜上的套用.蘭州大學學報(自然科學版),2012,48, 127.
  8. 屈孟男,何金梅.氮雜環卡賓在有機催化中的研究進展.有機化學,2011,31, 1388.
  9. Mengnan Qu, Jinmei He, Biyun Cao. Facile Fabrication of Large-Scale Stable Superhydrophobic Surfaces with Carbon Spheres Films by Burning Rapeseed Oil.Applied Surface Science,2010,257, 6.
  10. Mengnan Qu, Jinmei He, Junyan Zhang.Biomimetics, Learning from nature,Chapter 16:Superhydrophobicity, Learn from the Lotus Leaf. ISBN 978-953-307-025-4. IN-TECH Education and Publishing, Vienna, Austria.2010. 325-342. (“… achieved impressive readership results …”, accessed over 10000 times)
  11. Mengnan Qu, Guangyu Zhao, Xiaoping Cao, Junyan Zhang. Biomimetic Fabrication of Lotus-Leaf-like Structured Polyaniline Film with Stable Superhydrophobic and Conductive Properties.Langmuir2008,24, 4185.
  12. Mengnan Qu, Guangyu Zhao, Qi Wang, Xiaoping Cao, Junyan Zhang. Fabrication of Superhydrophobic Surfaces by Pt Nanowire Array on Ti/Si Substrate.Nanotechnology2008,19, 055707. (Top 10% most-accessed article across all IOP journals in the first quarter of 2008)
  13. Mengnan Qu, Yuan Zhang, Jinmei He, Xiaoping Cao, Junyan Zhang. Pd-catalyzed coupling reaction on the organic monolayer: Sonogashira reaction on the silicon (111) surfaces.Applied Surface Science2008,255, 2608.
  14. Shiyong Song, Jinfang Zhou, Mengnan Qu, Shengrong Yang, Junyang Zhang. Preparation and Tribological Behaviors of an Amide-Containing Stratified Self-Assembled Monolayers on Silicon Surface.Langmuir2008,24, 105.
  15. Qi Wang, Bingwu Zhang, Mengnan Qu, Junyan Zhang, Deyan He. Fabrication of Superhydrophobic Surfaces on Engineering Material Surfaces with Stearic Acid.Applied Surface Science2008,254, 2009.
  16. Mengnan Qu, Bingwu Zhang, Shiyong Song, Li Chen, Junyan Zhang, Xiaoping Cao. Fabrication of Superhydrophobic Surfaces by Solution-Immersion Process on Engineering Materials.Advanced Functional Materials2007,17, 593. (Cover featured)


