- 中文名:屈中華
- 國籍:中國
- 職務:高級經理
- 性別:男
有20年IT行業的工作經驗,主要從事中國服務外包業務的開拓和發展,研究範圍包括離岸外包和IT戰略等。近五年來一直在IBM專注於中國外包中心的建立和外包人才的培養。曾任IBM科技有限公司大連分公司總經理和深圳公司運行經理, 為IBM全球服務(中國)公司高級經理,負責大中華區職業教育業務。
Chris Qu is a senior expert in IT and Business process outsourcing. He has 20 years experiences in China IT industry, mainly focus on business development and strategy research for China offshore services outsourcing. He has been focusing on Global delivery centre set up and talent development for outsourcing for last 5 years. Chris got Bachelor degree from Chengdu University of Science and Technology, Master degree from Peking University and MBA from Imperial College London. Chris was the Centre manager of IBM China Global Delivery Dalian Centre and Shenzhen Centre. Currently, He is a Senior Manager of IBM Global Services (China) Co., in charge of ETP Solution.