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尹燕青,重慶大學數學與統計學院教師,碩士生導師。統計學博士,師從白志東教授。2011年度哈工大優秀畢業生,2017年度吉林省優博。擔任中國現場統計研究會數據科學與人工智慧分會理事,《Mathematical Reviews》評論員。已在包括Annals of Applied probability,Bernoulli,Statistica Sinica,Test,Journal of Multivariate Analysis等機率統計學知名SCI期刊發表論文。主持國家自然科學基金面上項目一項。 主持並結題青年基金項目1項,省部和市廳級科研項目2項。曾任江蘇師範大學數學與統計學院機率統計系副教授








  • 高維樣本自協方差矩陣的極限定理及其套用 國家自然科學青年基金 2019.01-2021.12 主持
  • 自協差陣的譜分析及在金融時間序列的套用 江蘇省自然科學基金青年基金 2018.07-2021.07 主持
  • 高維時間序列樣本協方差矩陣的譜分離問題 江蘇省高校自然科學基金 2018.08-2020.07 主持


  • Yanqing Yin, Yanyuan Ma. Properties of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of large dimensional sample correlation matrices. Annals of Applied Probability. (2022+).
  • Yanqing Yin; Shurong Zheng; Tingting Zou. Central Limit Theorem of Linear Spectral Statistics of High-dimensional Sample Correlation Matrices. Bernoulli. (2022+).
  • Yanqing Yin, Changcheng Li, Guoliang Tian, Shurong Zheng*. Spectral Properties of Rescaled Sample Correlation Matrix. Statistica Sinica. (2021+).
  • Yanqing Yin*. Spectral statistics of high dimensional sample covariance matrix with unbounded population spectral norm. Bernoulli. (2021+).
  • Yanqing Yin*. Some strong convergence theorems for eigenvalues of general sample covariance matrices. Random Matrices Theory Appl. (2021+).
  • Yanqing Yin*. Test for high-dimensional mean vector under missing observations. Journal of Multivariate analysis. (2021).
  • Huiqin Li; Yanqing Yin*; Shurong Zheng. Central limit theorem for linear spectral statistics of general separable sample covariance matrices with applications. J. Statist. Plann. Inference. (2021).
  • Yanqing Yin*. On the singular value distribution of large-dimensional data matrices whose columns have different correlations. Statistics . (2020).
  • Yanqing Yin*. Model-free tests for series correlation in multivariate linear regression. J. Statist. Plann. Inference . (2020).
  • Zhidong Bai Guangming Pan Yanqing Yin*. A central limit theorem for sums of functions of residuals in a high-dimensional regression model with an application to variance homoscedasticity test. Test. (2018).
  • Yanqing Yin*. Central limit theorem for linear spectral statistics of large dimensional quaternion sample covariance matrices. Linear Algebra Appl. (2018).
  • Yanqing Yin*. Gaussian fluctuations for linear spectral statistics of Wigner beta ensembles. J. Math. Anal. Appl. (2018).
  • Yanqing Yin, Jiang Hu*. On the limit of spectral distribution of large dimensional random quaternion covariance matrices. Random Matrices Theory Appl. (2017).
  • Huiqin li, Zhidong Bai, Jiang Hu*, Yanqing Yin, Kexin Zou. Test on the Linear combinations of mean vectors in high dimensional data.
  • Test. (2017).
  • Yanqing Yin, Zhidong Bai*, Jiang Hu. On the semicircular law of large dimensional random quaternion matrices. J. Theoret. Probab. (2016).
  • Yanqing Yin, Zhidong Bai*. Convergence rates of the spectral distributions of large random quaternion self-dual Hermitian matrices. J. Stat. Phys. (2014).
  • Yanqing Yin, Zhidong Bai*, Jiang Hu. On the limit of extreme eigenvalues of large dimensional random quaternion matrices. Phys. Lett. A. (2014).


