
尤業明,男,博士,廣西大學副教授 。


  • 中文名:尤業明
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:森林土壤養分循環的調控機制研究;微生物結構與功能研究;
  • 任職院校:廣西大學


2010/9 - 2015/1,北京林業大學,生態學,博士


2015/1 - 至今,廣西大學,林學院,副教授


《Forest Ecosystems》、《Science of The Total Environment》、《Catena》、《Journal of Forestry Research》、《International Journal of Tropical Biology and Conservation》、《植物生態學報》和《廣西植物》等雜誌的審稿人






6.國家重點基礎研究發展計畫(973)課題,2011CB403205 ,土壤C截獲生物過程和機理,2011/01—2015/12、已結題、參加。


(1)尤業明,周志勇,孫建新*. 陸地生態系統土壤固碳:途徑與制約因素. 現代生態學講座(Ⅵ)—全球氣候變化與生態格局和過程. 北京:高等教育出版社,2013.
(1)You, Y.M #, Xueman Huang #, Hongguang Zhu, Shirong Liu, Hongwen Liang, Yuanguang Wen*, Hui Wang, Daoxiong Cai, Duo Ye. Positive interactions between Pinus massoniana and Castanopsis hystrix species in the uneven-aged mixed plantations can produce more ecosystem carbon in subtropical China. Forest Ecology and Management, 2018, 410:193-200.
(2)You, Y.M., Wang, J., Sun, X.L., Tang, Z.X., Zhou, Z.Y., Sun, O.J.(2016). Differential controls on soil carbon density and mineralization among contrasting forest types in a temperate forest ecosystem. Scientific Reports, 6: 22411.
(3)You, Y.M., Wang, J., Huang, X.M., Tang, Z.X., Liu, S.R., Sun, O. J.(2014). Relating microbial community structure to functioning in forest soil organic carbon transformation and turnover. Ecology and Evolution, 4(5): 633-647.
(4)Wang, J., You, Y.M., Tang, Z.-X, Liu, S., Sun, O. J.(2015). Variations in leaf litter decomposition across contrasting forest stands and controlling factors at local scale. Journal of Plant Ecology, 8(3): 261-272.
(5)Wang, J., You, Y.M., Tang, Z.X., Sun, X. L., Sun, O. J.(2016). A comparison of decomposition dynamics among green tree leaves, partially decomposed tree leaf litter and their mixture in a warm temperate forest ecosystem. Journal of Forestry Research, 27(5):1037-1045.
(6)Huang, X.M., Liu, S.R., You, Y.M., Wen, Y.G., Wang, H., & Wang, J.X.(2016) Microbial community and associated enzymes activity influence soil carbon chemical composition in Eucalyptus urophylla plantation with mixing N2-fixing species in subtropical China. Plant and Soil, 1-14.
(7)Sun, X. L., Zhao, J., You, Y.M., Sun, O. J.(2016). Soil microbial responses to forest floor litter manipulation and nitrogen addition in a mixed-wood forest of northern China. Scientific reports, 6: 19536.
(8)Huang, X.M., Liu, S.R., Wang, H., Hu, Z.D., Li, Z.G., You, Y.M.(2014). Changes of soil microbial biomass carbon and community composition through mixing nitrogen-fixing species with Eucalyptus urophylla in subtropical China. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 73: 42-48.
(9)Huang, Y.Q., Li, X.K., Zhang, Z.F., He, C.X., Zhao, P., You, Y.M., Mo, L.(2011). Seasonal changes in Cyclobalanopsis glauca transpiration and canopy stomatal conductance and their dependence on subterranean water and climatic factors in rocky karst terrain. Journal of Hydrology, 402(1): 135-143.
(10)Wang, H., Liu, S.R., Wang, J.X., You, Y.M., Yang, Y.J., Shi, Z.M., Huang,X.M... & Lu, L. (2018). Mixed-species plantation with Pinus massoniana and Castanopsis hystrix accelerates C loss in recalcitrant coniferous litter but slows C loss in labile broadleaf litter in southern China. Forest Ecology and Management, 422, 207-213.
(11)Zhou,X.G.,Zhu,H.G.,Wen, Y.G.,Goodale,U.M.,Li,X.Q.,You,Y.M.,Ye,D.,Liang,H.W.(2018).Effects of understory management on trade-offs and synergies between biomass carbon stock, plant diversity and timber production in eucalyptus plantations. Forest Ecology and Management,410(15):164-173.
(12)Zhou, X., Wen, Y., Goodale, U. M., Zuo, H., Zhu, H., Li, X., You Yeming ... & Huang, X. (2017). Optimal rotation length for carbon sequestration in Eucalyptus plantations in subtropical China. New Forests, 48(5), 609-627.
(13)Wang, H., Liu, S., Zhang, X., Mao, Q., Li, X., You, Yeming., ... & Mo, J. (2018). Nitrogen addition reduces soil bacterial richness, while phosphorus addition alters community composition in an old-growth N-rich tropical forest in southern China. Soil Biology and Biochemistry.
(14) Xiaolu Sun, Zuoxin Tang, Michael G. Ryan, Yeming You and Osbert Jianxin Sun, Changes in soil organic carbon contents and fractionations of forests along a climatic gradient in China, Forest Ecosystems, 10.1186/s40663-019-0161-7, 6, 1, (2019).
(1)尤業明, 徐佳玉, 蔡道雄, 劉世榮, 朱宏光, 溫遠光.(2016). 廣西憑祥不同年齡紅椎林林下植物物種多樣性及其環境解釋. 生態學報, 36(1): 164-172.
(4)尤業明, 王娟, 黃雪蔓, 孫筱璐, 唐佐芯.(2016). 暖溫帶森林土壤微生物量、群落結構和活性對植物地下碳源的回響. 廣西植物,36(2): doi: 10. 1193 / guihaia. gxzw201409049.
(5) 尤業明, 黃雪蔓, 朱宏光, 藍嘉川, 蔡道雄, 溫遠光.(2015).間伐強度對杉木林下植物物種多樣性和結構組成的影響. 廣西科學, 22(6): 593-599.
(6)孫筱璐,唐佐芯,尤業明(通訊作者),曹元帥,趙海雷. 氣候和林分類型對土壤團聚體有機碳的影響. 廣西植物,2017,DOI:10.11931/guihaia.gxzw201703013.
(7) 黃雪蔓, 尤業明, 藍嘉川, 劉世榮, 賈宏炎, 朱宏光, 溫遠光.(2016). 不同間伐強度對杉木人工林碳儲量及其分配的影響. 生態學報, 36(1): 156-163.
(8)王娟, 尤業明, 黃雪蔓, & 張建亮. (2016). 銳齒櫟林年齡序列土壤呼吸組分特徵研究. 廣西植物, 36(10), 1205-1213.
(9) 塗玉,尤業明,孫建新.(2012). 油松-遼東櫟混交林地表凋落物與氮添加對土壤微生物生物量碳、氮及其活性的影響. 套用生態學報, 23(9): 2325-2331.
(10)張中峰, 尤業明, 黃玉清, 李先琨, 張金池, 張德楠, 何成新.(2012). 模擬喀斯特生境條件下乾旱脅迫對青岡櫟苗木的影響. 生態學報, 32(20): 6318-6325.
(11)張中峰, 尤業明, 黃玉清*, 李先琨, 張金池, 張德楠, 何成新.(2012). 模擬岩溶水分供應分層的乾旱脅迫對青岡櫟光合特性和生長的影響. 生態學雜誌, 31(9):2197-2202.
(12)白曉旭, 史榮久, 尤業明, 盛華芳, 韓斯琴, 張穎. (2015). 河南寶天曼不同林齡與林型森林土壤的細菌群落結構與多樣性. 套用生態學報, 26(8): 2273-2281.
(13)黃雪蔓,劉世榮,尤業明.(2014). 固氮樹種對桉樹土壤微生物生物量和結構的影響. 林業科學研究, 27(5):612-620.
(14)黃雪蔓,劉世榮,尤業明.(2014). 固氮樹種對南亞熱帶桉樹人工林土壤呼吸及組分的影響. 林業科學研究, 27(5): 575-582.
(15)呂仕洪, 張建亮, 尤業明, 譚衛寧, 陸樹華, 李先琨. (2012). 喀斯特鄉土樹種伊桐的種實性狀及幼苗生長特徵. 廣西植物, 32(5): 637-643.
(16) 張中峰, 黃玉清, 尤業明, 何成新, 朱訪, 黎彥余.(2011). 岩溶乾旱脅迫下青岡櫟水分參數變化. 生態學雜誌, 30(4): 664-669.
(17)韋蘭英, 袁維圓, 尤業明, 焦繼飛, 張建亮, 黃玉清. (2009). 岩溶石漠化區牧草植物地上 部分生物量的動態變化. 草業科學, 26(10): 73-79.
(18)李程,尤業明,唐佐芯,孫建新.(2018). 碳源輸入量變化對河南寶天曼銳齒櫟林土壤酶活性的影響.林業科學研究,31(4):23-30.


