小型原粗步甲(Protorabus minisculus Zhang, 1997)是採集於志新盆地的化石標本。
- 中文名:小型原粗步甲
- 外文名:Protorabus minisculus Zhang, 1997
- 產地:志新盆地
- 保存單位: 中國科學院南京地質古生物研究所
Body smaller, with larger head; clypeus nearly trapezoidal, not reaching base of antennae; eyes large, round and lateral; antennae filiform; scape large and rectangular, others nearly trapzoidal and longer than width. Pronotum transversely broad; a longitudinal ridge in the middle reaching anterior and posterior borders. Elytra longer, humeral angle slightly obtuse; lateral margin arcuate, base; several weak longitudinal striae on surface. Fore and middle legs with femora stout, tibiae thin; hindlegs with coxae large, inclinate and nearly triangular, femora thicker than fore and middle, tibiae slender and having a longitudinal ridge.