



  • 中文名:實用藝術英語口語
  • 作者:王瑋,馬琳 主編
  • 出版時間:2015年
  • 出版社:北京理工大學出版社
  • ISBN:9787568202947
  • 類別:商務、職場英語
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝


王瑋、馬琳主編的《實用藝術英語口語》緊扣藝 術類學生的英語基礎和專業特點,內容嚴謹規範,知 識新穎,實用性強,注重培養學生的綜合職業能力和 創新意識。全書共7章,內容涵蓋英語基礎知識、日 常生活交際、藝術專業詞句及會話,由淺入深,循序 漸進。
本書既可作為高等院校藝術類專業學生的英語口 語教材,也可作為藝術英語口語學習者的參考用書。


Chapter One Greeting and Introduction
Section 1 Learn to Pronounce
Section 2 Mini Communications for Daily Use
Section 3 Talking Around Your Major
Section 4 Extensive Reading
Section 5 Grammar Backups
Chapter Two Gratitude and Apology
Section 1 Learn to Pronounce
Section 2 Mini Communications for Daily Use
Section 3 Talking Around Your Major
Section 4 Extensive Reading
Section 5 Grammar Backups
Chapter Three Interest and Hobbies
Section 1 Learn to Pronounce
Section 2 Mini Communications for Daily Use
Section 3 Talking Around Your Major
Section 4 Extensive Reading
Section 5 Grammar Backups
Chapter Four In a Restaurant
Section 1 Learn to Pronounce
Section 2 Mini Communications for Daily Use
Section 3 Talking Around Your Major
Section 4 Extensive Reading
Section 5 Grammar Backups
Chapter Five Making Phone Calls
Section 1 Learn to Pronounce
Section 2 Mini Communications for Daily Use
Section 3 Talking Around Your Major
Section 4 Extensive Reading
Section 5 Grammar Backups
Chapter Six Direction
Section 1 Learn to Pronounce
Section 2 Mini Communications for Daily Use
Section 3 Talking Around Your Major
Section 4 Extensive Reading
Section 5 Grammar Backups
Chapter Seven Shopping
Section 1 Learn to Pronounce
Section 2 Mini Communications for Daily Use
Section 3 Talking Around Your Major
Section 4 Extensive Reading
Section 5 Grammar Backups


