


  • 中文名:實用旅遊英語教程(第二版)
  • 作者:魏國富
  • 出版時間:2010年9月
  • 出版社:復旦大學出版社
  • 頁數:345 頁
  • ISBN:9787309074963
  • 定價:40 元
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝


為了更好地適應廣大讀者的需求,滿足讀者學習的要求,從而儘快地達到提高學習者的旅遊英語套用能力,我們對教程進行了修訂。修訂後的第二版有以下幾個方面的重大變化和特點: 1. 每個單元中的Text A課文後增加了辭彙和閱讀能力練習 和Text C後課文閱讀理解練習; 2. 應廣大教師以及旅遊專業學生、旅遊業培訓者、從業人員及旅遊英語愛好者的要求,修訂後的第二版教程配備了多媒體課件光碟; 3. 為了便利旅遊培訓者、旅遊專業英語教師們的教學工作和旅遊專業學生們對教程很好地進行自學,我們還編寫了《實用旅遊英語教程導學》(以下稱“導學”)。 (1) 課文的介紹和背景知識;
(2) Text A的閱前問題的答案;
(3) 課文的詳盡釋疑及譯文;
(4) 練習的參考答案、句子和短文譯文及多媒體課件光碟等。


Unit 1
Text A Why People Travel
Text B Beijing
Text C Xi’an
Unit 2
Text A Tourist and Tourism
Text B Tourists
Text C The Tourist Industry
Unit 3
Text A A Visit to the Wuyi Mountains
Text B The Great Wall
Text C Jade Buddha Temple
Unit 4
Text A Australia―the World’s Largest Island
Text B China Today
Text C Singapore
Unit 5
Text A Classification of Hotel
Text B An Introduction to Hotel Industry
Text C The Taj Mahal
Unit 6
Text A Public Festivals in China
Text B The First Thanksgiving Day
Text C Major Traditional Chinese Holidays
Unit 7
Text A Famous Chinese Dishes
Text B The Art of Chinese Cooking
Text C Chinese Cuisine
Unit 8
Text A Food Culture
Text B Eating Etiquette between China and America
Text C Table Manners
Unit 9
Text A Disney World
Text B Terra-cotta Figures and Bronze Chariot
Text C Tourist Attractions and Entertainment
Unit 10
Text A Advertising for Tourist Promotion
Text B The Role of Advertising
Text C Advertisement
Unit 11
Text A Business Letters in Tourism
Text B General Principles of Business Writing
Text C Four Forms of Business Letter Writing
Unit 12
Text A Agreements and Contracts
Text B Contract Law
Text C Agreement Studying
Unit 13
Text A The Advantages of Telecommunication
Text B Lijiang — The World’s Cultural Heritage
Text C America’s National Parks
Unit 14
Text A Credit Cards ( I )
Text B Credit Cards ( II )
Text C Western Manners

