


  • 中文名:完全否定
  • 定義:具有否定意義的代詞或副詞,加上肯定式的謂語,能使句子表示全部否定



(1) 當 all, both, every, everybody, everything, each 等代詞及 always, wholly, everywhere 等副詞出現在句中時,謂語動詞的否定形式只表示部分否定,意為“不都是,不總是,並非全”等。
This book is not to be found everywhere. / All these answers are not correct.
(2) 具有否定意義的代詞或副詞,如:no, none, nobody, nothing, neither, never, nowhere 等,加上肯定式的謂語,能使句子表示全部否定。
Neither of them is my friend. / Nobody is fond of the book.


(1) no sooner… than, hardly/ scarcely/barely …. When 表示“一……就”
No sooner had they rushed out of the house than the earthquake happened.
(2) Cannot…too, cannot…enough 表示“越……越好,無論怎么……也不過分”。
John is such a good student that we can’t praise him too much. / You cannot be careful enough.
(3) Nothing more than 表示“僅僅是,非常”
There is nothing ke likes more than a cup of tea.
(4) No / none other than 表示“正是, 不是……正是”
This is no other than the newspaper you want. / She is none other than my daughter.
(5) Nothing but / except 與 none but 意為 “僅僅,只有……才”
The boys want to do nothing but watch TV. / None but a fool would do such a thing.
(6) Cannot but 表示 “只好,只得”
I can’t but go with you.
(7) Not … till / until 表示 “直到……才”
He didn’t go home until he had finished all his work.
(8) Not a little 表示 “狠,極”, not a bit 表示“一點也不”, not a few 表示“很多”
He gave me not a little trouble. / She is not a bit afraid.


(1) 副詞 little 與動詞 believe, expect, think, realize, know, imagine, guess 等連用時,通常置於動詞前,表示完全否定意義。
I little expected that things should turn out like this.
When I first came to this country, I little thought that I should stay here so long.
(2) “too+adj.+ to do” 用來表示“太……以至不……”
This stone is too heavy for me to lift.
但當 too 後是 easy, kind, ready, glad, likely, willing, eager, delighted, pleased 等一類表心情、態度或傾向性的形容詞時,too 表“非常,很”,後面的不定式不再有否定意義。
He is too delighted to see his former classmate.
(3) Anything but 表示“絕對不,一點也不”。
The problem is anything but difficult. / He is anything but an actor.
(4) More than… can 意為“無法,難以,簡直不”.
This is more than I can bear.
(5) More A than B 表示“是 A 不是B”,“與其說是B,不如說是A”。
He is more brave than wise (有勇無謀)。 I was more angry than frightened.


(1) “主語 + be + the last + n. + to do / that ”是一種加強語氣的否定句,意思是“最不……的,決不至於……”。
He is the last man that I want to invite.
(2) 當 too …to 結構中的 too 前有only, but, all 時, 意思是“非常,很”,後面的不定式沒有否定意義。
I’m only too glad to help you.
(3) Too … not to…表示“太……不會不……”或“非常……,一定能……”。
She is too angry not to say it. (他在盛怒之下,難免要說出這樣的話來。)
(4) Not a 和no 修飾名詞充當表語時,兩者意義不同。
He is not a singer. (不是歌唱家。) He is no singer. (根本不懂唱歌)


