宋遠紅, 女,漢族,1968年出生,教授,博士生導師。2004年在大連理工大學獲博士學位,2008年被列入教育部“新世紀優秀人才”支持計畫,曾主持和參加了國家自然科學基金、973計畫ITER相關基礎研究等研究工作,在國內外重要學術刊物上發表論文三十篇,於2006年獲得遼寧省自然科學二等獎。主要研究方向為:複雜電漿物理、粒子束與物質相互作用機理、量子電漿和表面等離子激發的理論研究。現為大連理工大學物理與光電工程學院教授,中國計算物理學會遼寧分會秘書長。
- 中文名:宋遠紅
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 職業:中國計算物理學會遼寧分會秘書長
- 主要成就:遼寧省科學技術獎自然科學二等獎
- 代表作品:《氫離子在固體表面掠角散射與能量損失的數值模擬》
宋遠紅, 女性,1968年出生,教授,博士生導師。2004年在大連理工大學獲博士學位,2008年被列入教育部“新世紀優秀人才”支持計畫,現為中國計算物理學會遼寧分會秘書長 。曾主持和參加了國家自然科學基金、973計畫ITER相關基礎研究等研究工作,在國內外重要學術刊物上發表論文三十篇,於2006年獲得遼寧省自然科學二等獎。主要研究方向為:複雜電漿物理、粒子束與物質相互作用機理、量子電漿和表面等離子激發的理論研究。
1990.9—1993.4 大連理工大學電漿物理專業 碩士研究生學習
1986.9—1990.7 大連理工大學物理系 本科學習
1999.9—2004.7 大連理工大學電漿物理專業 博士研究生學習
2001.4—至今 大連理工大學物理與光電工程學院副教授
2008.6—至今 大連理工大學物理與光電工程學院博士生導師
1. Y. Wang, X.M. Liu, Y.H. Song, Y.N. Wang, One-dimensional fluid model of pulse modulated radio-frequency SiH4/N2/O2 discharge, Plasma Science and Technology 14, 107 (2012).
2. Z.H. Hu, Y.H. Song, Y.N. Wang, Time evolution and energy deposition for ion clusters injected into magnetized two-component plasmas, Physical Review E 85, 016402 (2012).
3. S.B. An, Y.X. Wang, Y.H. Song, Y.N. Wang, Wake potential and stopping power for a charged particle moving outside a nanosphere, Physics Letters A 376, 763 (2012).
4. Y. Zhang, Y.H. Song, Y.N. Wang, Nonlinear wake potential and stopping power for charged particles interacting with a one-dimensional electron gas, Physics of Plasmas 18, 112705 (2011).
5. Z.H. Hu, Y.H. Song, Z.L. Miskovic, Y.N. Wang, Energy dissipation of ion beam in two-component plasma in the presence of laser irradiation, Laser and particle beams 29, 299 (2011).
6. X.M. Liu, Y. Wang, Y.H. Song, Y.N. Wang, Effect of pulse duration on characteristic of modulated radio-frequency SiH4/N2/NH3 discharges, Thin Solid Films 519, 6951 (2011).
7. X.M. Liu, Y.H. Song, X. Xu and Y.N. Wang, Phase-shift effects on growth and transport of dust particles in VHF capacitively coupled silane discharges: Two dimensional fluid simulation, Physics of Plasmas 18, 083508 (2011).
8. Y. Zhang, Y.H. Song, Y.N. Wang, Stopping power for a charged particle moving through three-dimensional nonideal finite-temperature electron gases, Physics of Plasmas 18, 072701 (2011).
9. X.M. Liu, Y.H. Song, Y.N. Wang, Driving frequency effects on the mode transition in capacitively coupled argon discharges, Chinese Physics B 20, 065205 (2011).
10. Q. Wang, Y.H. Song, Y.N. Wang, Influences of finite Larmor radius on wake effects and stopping power for proton moving in magnetized two-component plasma, Physics Letters A 374, 4678 (2010).
11. Z.H. Hu, Y.H. Song, Y.N. Wang, Wake effect and stopping power for a charged ion moving in magnetized two-component plasmas: Two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulation, Physical Review E 82, 026404 (2010).
12. X.M. Liu, Y.H. Song, X. Xiang, Y.N. Wang, Simulation of dust particles in dual-frequency capacitively coupled silane discharges, Physical Review E 81, 016405 (2010).
13. Z.H. Hu, Y.H. Song, Y.N. Wang, G.Q. Wang, Nonlinear stopping power for ions moving in magnetized two-component plasmas, Physics of Plasmas 16,112304 (2009).
14. C.Z. Li, Y.H. Song, Y.N. Wang, Wake effects and energy loss for a charged particle moving above a thin metal film, Physical Review A 79, 062903 (2009).
15. Z.H. Hu, Y.H. Song, Y.N. Wang, Dynamic polarization and energy dissipation for charged particles moving in magnetized two-component plasmas, Physical Review E 79, 016405 (2009).
16. C.Z. Li, Y.H. Song, Y.N. Wang, Energy loss of a charged particle moving outside a nano-dielectric sphere covered with infinitesimally thin metal film, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 267, 3129 (2009).
17. S.Y. You, Y.H. Song, Y.N. Wang, Channeling of protons in double-walled carbon nanotubes in kinetic model, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 267, 3133 (2009).
18. X.M. Liu, Y.H. Song, Y.N. Wang, One-dimensional fluid model for dust particles in dual-frequency capacitively coupled silane discharges, Chinese Physical Letters 26, 085201 (2009).
19. Y.H. Song, D. Zhao, and Y.N. Wang, Kinetic study on self-energy and stopping power of charged particles moving in metallic carbon nanotubes, Physical Review A 78, 012901(2008).
20. C.Z. Li, Y.H. Song, and Y.N. Wang, Interactions of a Charged Particle with Parallel Two-Dimensional Quantum Electron gases, Chinese Physics Letters 25, 2981 (2008).
21. D. Zhao, Y.H. Song, and Y.N. Wang, Kinetic study on channeling of protons in metallic carbon nanotubes, Chinese Physics Letters 25, 2588 (2008).
22. C.Z. Li, Y.H. Song, and Y.N. Wang, Wake effects and stopping power for a charged particle moving above two-dimensional quantum electron gases, Physics Letters A 372, 4500 (2008).
23. K. Jiang, Y.H. Song, and Y.N. Wang, Theoretical study of the wave dispersion relation for a two-dimensional strongly coupled Yukawa system in a magnetic field, Physics of Plasmas 14, 103708 (2007).
24. D.P. Zhou, Y.H. Song, Y.N. Wang, Z.L. Miskovic, Coulomb explosions and stopping of molecular ions channeled through carbon nanotubes, Physical Review A 73, 033202 (2006).
25. X.M. Yin, Y.H. Song, Y.N. Wang, Influence of Incident Velocity on the Penetration for C20 Clusters Moving Through Oxides, Chinese Physical Letters 23, 2741-2744 (2006).
26. Y.H. Song, Y.N. Wang, Z.L. Miskovic, Vicinage effects in energy loss and electron emission during grazing scattering of heavy molecular ions from a solid surface, Physical Review A 72, 012903 (2005).
27. Y.H. Song, Y.N. Wang, Z.L. Miskovic, Theoretical study of swift molecular ions specularly reflected from solid surfaces under glancing angle of incidence, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 230, 158-164 (2005).
28. Y.H. Song, Y.N. Wang, Z.L. Miskovic, Kinetic electron emission induced by grazing scattering of heavy ions from metal surface, Physical Review A 68, 022903 (2003).
29. G.Q. Wang, Y.H. Song, Y.N. Wang, and Z.L. Miskovic, Influence of laser field on Coulomb explosions and stopping power for swift molecular ions with solids, Physical Review A 66, 042901 (2002).
30. Y.H. Song and Y.N. Wang, Energy loss of heavy ions specularly reflected from surfaces under glancing-angle incidence, Physical Review A 63, 052902 (2001).
31. Y.H. Song and Y.N. Wang, Influence of laser field on stopping power of energetic ions in solids, Physical Letter A 285, 183-190 ( 2001).