宋婀莉 ,博士、 副研究員,中國科學院青年創新促進會會員,主要研究囊泡轉運的分子機制,蛋白質組學和蛋白質相互作用。
1999 - 2003 北京師範大學生命科學學院 生物科學學士
2003 - 2007 中國醫學科學院基礎醫學研究所 蛋白質組學博士
2007 - 2010 中國科學院生物物理研究所 助理研究員
2010 - 至今 中國科學院生物物理研究所 副研究員
1. 囊泡轉運的分子機制
2. 蛋白質組學和蛋白質相互作用
1. 2010年 中國科學院盧嘉錫青年人才獎
2. 2009年 中國醫學科學院優秀博士論文
1. Zhengguang Guo1,*, Eli Song1,*, Sucan Ma, Shijuan Gao, Xiaorong Wang, Chen Shao, Siqi Hu, Lulu Jia, Dexian Zheng, Tao Xu and Youhe Gao*, A Proteomics Strategy to Identify Substrates of LNX, a PDZ Domain Containing E3 Ubiquitin Ligase
2. Yu Chen, Yan Wang, Jinzhong Zhang, Yongqiang Deng, Li Jiang, Eli Song, Xufeng S. Wu, John A. Hammer, Tao Xu and Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz, Rab10 and myosin-Va mediate insulin-stimulated GLUT4 storage vesicle translocation in adipocytes
3. Lifen Wang1, Yi Zhan1, Eli Song1, Yong Yu, Yaming Jiu, Wen Du, Jingze Lu, Pingsheng Liu, Pingyong Xu, Tao Xu, HID-1 is a peripheral membrane protein primarily associated with the medial- and trans-Golgi apparatus
4. Yong Yu, Lifen Wang, Yaming Jiu, Yi Zhan, Lin Liu, Zhiping Xia, Eli Song, Pingyong Xu and Tao Xu, HID-1 is a novel player in the regulation of neuropeptide sorting, Biochem Journal
5. Lulu Jia, Ling Zhang, Chen Shao, Eli Song, Wei Sun, Mingxi Li, and Youhe Gao, An attempt to understand kidney’s protein handling function by comparing plasma and urine proteomes
6. Siqi Hu, Eli Song, Rui Tian, Sucan Ma, Tao Yang, Yi Mu, Yuan Li, Chen Shao, Shijuan Gao and Youhe Gao*, Systematic analysis of a simple adaptor protein PDZK1: ligand identification, interaction and functional prediction of complex
7. Sucan Ma1, Eli Song1, Shijuan Gao, Rui Tian, Youhe Gao,Rapid Characterization of the Binding Property of HtrA2/Omi PDZ Domain by Validation Screening of PDZ Ligand Library,Science in China Series C: Life Sciences
8. Eli Song, Youhe Gao. PICK1, A Potential Drug Target Protein with Diverse Functions, Chinese Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
9. Rui Tian, Shijuan Gao, Eli Song, Dexian Zheng, Youhe Gao, Proteomics study of SH3 and WW domains, Basic & Clinical Medicine
10. Eli Song, Shijuan Gao, Rui tian, Sucan Ma, Haiming Huang, Jiayan Guo, Yingna Li, Ling Zhang, Youhe Gao,A High-Efficiency Strategy for Binding Property Characterization of Peptide Binding Domains
11. Eli Song, Life Science and Biotechnology in China, Bio-science Law Review
12. Rui Tian, Yingna Li, Eli Song, Shijuan Gao, Haiming Huang, Ling Zhang, Sucan Ma, Youhe Gao, Ligand-binding Characterization of PDZ1 Domain in ZO-1 by Screening Random Peptide Library
13. Shijuan Gao, Rui Tian, Eli Song, Youhe Gao, AH109, a common used yeast strain in Yeast two-hybrid system, shows positive in LacZ test, Chinese Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
14. Jiayan Guo, Eli Song, Haiming Huang, Sucan Ma, Youhe Gao, Characterization of ZO-1 PDZ3 Binding Ligands with Random Peptide Library
15. Jiayan Guo, Eli Song, Sucan Ma, Youhe Gao, Rapid LacZ Screening Method Increases the Sensitivity of Yeast Two-hybrid Screening
16. Eli Song, The detections of SARS coronavirus, Basic & Clinical Medicin
1. Liangyi Chen and Eli Song. Using molecular imaging techniques to study protein-protein interactions
2. 宋婀莉,高友鶴,《人體病理生理學》第三版,人民衛生出版社,第二篇 第5章《蛋白質-蛋白質相互作用與疾病》
1. 發明名稱:一種驗證性篩選目的結構域結合配體的方法,發明人:高友鶴,宋婀莉,高詩娟,田瑞,馬素參,黃海明