

《學術英語測評》是2016年8月清華大學出版社出版的圖書,作者是George M. Blue、James Milton、Jane Saville。


  • 中文名:學術英語測評
  • 作者:George M. Blue、James Milton、Jane Saville
  • 出版社:清華大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2016年8月
  • 定價:60 元
  • ISBN:9787302448518


本書三位編者分別為英國南安普頓大學語言學系教師、斯旺西大學套用語言學教授和阿爾斯特大學教師,均在語言測試與評估等領域成果頗豐。全書分為5 章,由16 篇論文組成,全部圍繞學術英語測評領域各方面的前沿話題、綜合語言測試與學術英語這兩個領域的理論框架和具體實踐而展開討論。內容涉及學術英語環境下的語言知識和語言運用、設計測試程式所依循的原則、這些原則的具體套用和實際操作,以及學術英語測試的發展和技術運用,等等。


中文導讀(張鳳娟 江進林) Vii
1 Introduction: Assessing English for Academic Purposes
George M Blue, James Milton and Jane Saville 1
Part One: Language Testing in an EAP Context
2 Testing in EAP: Progress? Achievement? Proficiency?
J Charles Alderson 15
3 The Chaplen Test Revisited
John Morley 43
4. Screening New Students
with the UCLES Computer Adaptive Test
Paul Fanning and Lynne Hale 57
Part Two: Language Assessment in Academic Departments
5 Collaborative Assessment of Written Reports:
Electrical Engineering and EF L
Esther Daborn and Moira Calderwood 73
6 Written Errors of International Students and English Native
Speaker Students
Joan Cutting 91
Part Three: The Requirements of Different
Academic Institutions and Departments
7 Assessing Postgraduates in the Real World
Julie Hartill 111
8 Life after the Pre-Sessional Course:
How Students Fare in their Departments
Rita Green 125
9 Stacking the Decks: What does it take
to Satisfy Academic Readers' Requirements?
Lynn Errey 141
10 I Know I have to be Critical, but How?
Gill Meldrum 163
Part Four: Non-Traditional Forms of Assessment
11 Assessment in EAP:
Moving away from Traditional Models
Katie Gray 185
12 The Role of Portfolios in the Assessment
of Student Writing on an EAP Course
Alicia Cresswell 199
13 A Self-Evaluation Instrument for the
Measurement of Student Proficiency Levels
M I Freeman 215
14 Self-Assessment and Defining Learners' Needs
George M Blue 231
Part Five: Students' Views of Assessment
15 Developing Accuracy in Academic Writing
Barbara Atherton 253
16 Ls the Customer Sometimes Right?
Students' Views of Assessment in EAP
R R Jordan 256
Notes on Contributors 279


