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孫鐵民,男,1958年10月出生於吉林,現為瀋陽藥科大學藥物化學專業教授(二級),博士研究生導師,兼任教育部高等學校化學與化工教育指導委員會製藥工程分委員會委員,《中國藥物化學雜誌》、《中南藥學》雜誌編委,國家執業藥師認證專家,藥物化學國家精品課負責人。為國家級實驗教學示範中心藥物化學實驗教學中心負責人,國家級精品課程《藥物化學》主要負責人,國家雙語教學示範課程《藥物化學》主要完成人,國家級精品課程《藥學概論》《化學製藥工藝學》主要完成人;國家高等學校特色專業製藥工程專業負責人; 曾獲遼寧省教學名師、遼寧省普通高等學校專業帶頭人(製藥工程專業)、遼寧省實驗室建設先進個人等榮譽;獲得國家教學成果二等獎、遼寧省教學成果二等獎;主編和參編國家規劃教材20餘部,獲得教育部全國普通高等學校優秀教材二等獎、第八屆中國石油和化學工業優秀教材一等獎、全國高等學校醫藥優秀教材一等獎等獎項。近十年來發表教育改革文章5篇、科研論文30餘篇,其中SCI論文20餘篇;曾主持省級教育改革課題2項、科學研究課題“十五”重大專項抗愛滋病藥物恩曲他濱的研究等5項;申請專利10項。研究方向天然活性產物全合成或半合成,天然全合成和手性藥物合成,天然抗自由基物質的結構改造,尤其是具有抗腫瘤和抗感染活性物質的研究:手性藥物合成,重點是工業化可行的工藝研究。目前正在籌建與醫藥企業的合作實驗室。


  • 中文名:孫鐵民
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生地:吉林省吉林市
  • 出生日期:1958年10月
  • 畢業院校瀋陽藥科大學
  • 信仰:中國共產黨
  • 性別:男
  • 學歷:博士




1995年任藥物化學教研室主任,負責教學和科研工作,本教研室承擔全校的藥物化學課和製藥工程專業的數門專業課程,經過多年建設,已經取得較好的成績,受到同行的關注, 每年都有許多院校特別是製藥工專業的同仁前來訪問和交流。起到了專業示範作用。主要負責理科基地的藥物化學課程、藥學專業的藥物化學課程,研究生的藥物化學專論等教學。




1.“十五” 重大專項創新藥物和中藥現代化研究中抗愛滋病藥物恩曲他濱(Emtricitabine)的研究,課題編號:2004AA2Z3752,科技部,2004~2005,
2. 2004年自然科學基金 麥芽炮製前後抗乳腺增生成分變化及其構效關係研究課題編號:30472190,自然基金委
3. 鹽酸坦羅新的研究,企業合作,1999-2004,
4. 奧斯內特和吉莫斯特的研究,企業合作,2003-2005,
5. 美斯鈉和異環磷醯胺的新合成工藝研究,企業合作,2003-2005,
6. 鹽酸氯雷他定的研究,企業合作,1999-2004,
7. 聚甲酚磺醛的研究,企業合作,1999-2004
8. 獲得新藥證書2個,


  1. An efficient, scalable and eco‐friendly synthesis of 4,5‐substituted pyrrole‐3‐carbonitriles by intramolecular annulation on Pd/C and HZSM-5[J]. ChemCatChem, 2019.
  2. Increasing the Purity of Lafutidine Using a “Suicide Substrate”[J].Organic Process Research & Development, 2018, 22(9): 1081-1085.
  3. Spectroscopic investigations and molecular docking analysis of ML115: A potential molecular probe of the signal transducer and activator of transcription[J]. Journal of Molecular Structure, 2019, 1175: 638-647.
  4. A Class of Amide Ligands Enable Cu-Catalyzed Coupling of (Hetero) aryl Halides with Sulfinic Acid Salts under Mild Conditions[J]. The Journal of organic chemistry, 2018.
  5. Theoretical studies on the mechanism of sugammadex for the reversal of aminosteroid-induced neuromuscular blockade[J]. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2018.
  6. Conformational and characterization of benidipine hydrochloride polymorphs: Spectroscopic and computational modeling investigations[J]. Journal of Molecular Structure, 2018, 1164: 493-500.
  7. Design, Synthesis, Configuration Research, and In Vitro Antituberculosis Activities of two Chiral Naphthylamine Substituted Analogs of Bedaquiline[J].Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry, 2017, 54(2): 1024-1030.
  8. Conformations and interactions in pasiniazid: a spectroscopic and computational characterization[J]. Journal of Molecular Structure, 2017, 1133: 179-186.
  9. Effectively enhancing the enantioseparation ability of β-cyclodextrin derivatives by de novo design and molecular modeling[J]. Analyst, 2017, 142(19): 3699-3706.
  10. Determination of absolute configuration of an isopimarane-type diterpenoid by experimental and theoretical electronic circular dichroism and vibrational circular dichroism[J]. Journal of Molecular Structure, 2017, 1146: 484-489.
  11. Design and Stereochemical Research (DFT, ECD and Crystal Structure) of Novel Bedaquiline Analogs as Potent Antituberculosis Agents[J]. Molecules, 2016, 21(7): 875.
  12. The stereochemistry of baishouwubenzophenone, a unique atropisomer from C. wilfordii[J]. Journal of Molecular Structure, 2016, 1125: 370-373.
  13. Detailed structural study of β-artemether: density functional theory (DFT) calculations of infrared, Raman spectroscopy, and vibrational circular dichroism[J]. Journal of Molecular Structure, 2015, 1097: 61-68.
  14. An Electronic Circular Dichroism Study for the Structure–Chiroptical Relationship of Chiral Proton Pump Inhibitors[J].Chemistry Letters, 2015, 45(2): 110-112.
  15. Synthesis, Crystal Structure, Absolute Configuration and Antitumor Activity of the Enantiomers of 5-Bromo-2-chloro-N-(1-phenylethyl) pyridine-3-sulfonamide[J]. Molecules, 2015, 20(11): 20926-20938.
  16. Stereochemical Investigation of a Novel Biological Active Substance from the Secondary Metabolites of Marine Fungus Penicillium chrysogenum SYP-F-2720[J]. Journal of the Mexican Chemical Society, 2015, 59(1): 53-58.
  17. Density functional theory (DFT) and natural bond orbital (NBO) study of vibrational spectra and intramolecular hydrogen bond interaction of l-ornithine–l-aspartate[J].Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2015, 136: 338-346
  18. The stereochemistry of two monoterpenoid diastereomers from Ferula dissecta[J]. RSC Advances, 2014, 4(28): 14373-14377.
  19. Determination of Absolute Configurations of Bedaquiline Analogs by Quantum Chemical Electronic Circular Dichroism Calculations and an X‐ray Diffraction Study[J]. European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2014, 18(6):3814–3821.
  20. Selective Substitution of 31/42–OH in Rapamycin Guided by an in Situ IR Technique[J]. Molecules, 2014, 19(6): 7770-7784.
  21. Design and optimization of novel 4-(2-fluorophenoxy) quinoline derivatives bearing a hydrazone moiety as c-Met kinase inhibitors[J]. European journal of medicinal chemistry, 2014, 87: 508-518.
  22. Study on molecular structure, spectroscopic investigation (IR, Raman and NMR), vibrational assignments and HOMO–LUMO analysis of L-sodium folinate using DFT: A combined experimental and quantum chemical approach[J]. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2014, 120: 106-118.
  23. Phenolic Esters of O-Desmethylvenlafaxine with Improved Oral Bioavailability and Brain Uptake[J]. Molecules, 2013, 18(12): 14920-14934.


