- 中文名:孫軼琳
- 畢業院校:京都大學(日本)
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:交控
- 就職院校:浙江大學建築工程學院
1995.09-1999.07 西安建築科技大學 工學學士
2002.04-2004.03 京都大學(日本)工學碩士
2005.10-2009.09 京都大學(日本)工學博士
1999.07-2001.09 北京城建集團 助理工程師
2009.09-2010.04 京都大學(日本) 研究員
2010.05-2012.08 浙江大學 建築工程學院 擇優資助海外留學歸國博士後
2012.09-至今浙江大學 建築工程學院 講師
1. Sun Yilin, Susilo Yusak O., Waygood E. Owen D, and Wang Dianhai (201407) Detangling the impacts of age, residential locations and household lifecycle in car usage and ownership in the Osaka metropolitan area, Japan. JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY - SCIENCE A, Vol. 15, No. 7, PP. 517-528.
2. Sun, Yilin, Waygood, E.O.D., and Huang, Z. (201212) Do Automobility Cohorts Exist in Urban Travel? Case Study of Osaka Metropolitan Area, Japan. TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH RECORD, No. 2323, pp. 18-24.
3. Sun, Yilin, Waygood, E.O.D., Fukui, K., and Kitamura, R. (200912). Built Environment or Household Life-cycle Stages - Which Explains Sustainable Travel More? Case of Kyoto-Osaka-Kobe, Japan, Built Area. TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH RECORD, No. 2135, pp. 123-129.
4. Waygood E. Owen D., Sun Yilin, and Susilo Yusak O. (201408) Transportation carbon dioxide emissions by built environment and family lifecycle: Case study of the Osaka metropolitan area. TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART D-TRANSPORT AND ENVIRONMENT, Vol. 31, pp. 176-188.