主講本科生課程《電路》、《電磁場與電磁波》、《電工技術》、《信號與系統》;主講研究生課程《光散射及其測量技術》、《套用隨機過程》。 3、主要教學科研成果 ① 主持或參與科研情況 “海洋背景下氣溶膠的偏振光散射與遙感技術研究”,國家自然科學基金(61205191),主持 “雖有隨機分布核心的非球形粒子光散射特性研究”,山東省自然科學基金(ZR2009AQ013),主持 “高濃度納米顆粒測量關鍵技術研究”,山東理工大學青年教師支持計畫項目,主持 “基於散射光信號頻率分解的亞微米及納米顆粒測量技術研究”,國家自然科學基金(60877050),(7排3)
冰水混合雲對可見光的吸收和散射特性, 物理學報,
Reflection of polarized light in ice-water mixed clouds, J. of Electromagn. Wave and Appl,
降雨融化層後向散射的蒙特卡羅仿真, 物理學報,
Near-infrared light scattering by ice-water mixed clouds,Progress in Electromagnetics Rearsch,
A New Melting Particle Model and its Application to Scattering of Radiowaves by a Melting Layer of Precipitation,Int. J. Infrared. Milli. Waves,
基於反射太陽光反演氣溶膠光學厚度和有效半徑, 物理學報,
Light scattering by large hexagonal column with multiple densely packed inclusions,Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters,
Application of asymptotic theory for computing the reflection of optically thick clouds,,2006-07-01
Depolarization and Polarization of Light Scattering by Dustlike Tropospheric Aerosols,J. of Electromagn. Wave and Appl,
Light scattering by a spherical particle with multiple densely packed inclusions,Chinese Physics B,
cattering by an infinite cylinder arbitrarily illuminated with a couple of Gaussian beams,J. of Electromagn. Wave and Appl,
Scattering of gaussian beam by a conducting spheroidal particle with confocal dielectric coating 2010 Journal of Infrared,Millimeter, and Terahertz Wave,
用Mie和Henyey-Greenstein相函式進行蒙特卡羅輻射傳輸模擬, 紅外與雷射工程,,
Depolarization of light backscattering by randomly spheroids with inclusions, 2011,J. of Electromagn. Waves and Appl,
含有密集隨機分布核心的橢球粒子光散射特性研究, 物理學報,
Scattering by a spheroidal particle illuminated with a couple of on-axis Gaussian beams,Optics and Laser Technology,
Scattering of Gaussian Beam by a Spheroidal Particle,Progress in Electromagnetics Research,
Multiple scattering of light by water cloud droplets with external and internal mixing of black carbon aerosols,Chin. Phys. B,