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主持和參與包括國家自然科學基金、國家重點研發計畫在內的各類科研項目20餘項,近年來,以第一作者/通訊作者在Bioresource Technology,Separation and Purification Technology, Journal of Cleaner Production, Applied Surface Science等國際學術期刊發表學術論文40餘篇,其中SCI收錄30餘篇,JCR一區二區論文16篇,中科院一區TOP期刊論文12篇,會議論文4篇。參加國際國內學術會議20餘次,國際國內會議口頭報告6次,會議海報張貼4次,申請發明專利5件,授權1件,參編行業環境標準2項。




1.Yongchang Sun*, Tingting Wang, Caohui Han, Lu Bai, Xiaoyin Sun, Pengfei Zhang. Facile synthesis of Fe-modified lignin-based biochar for ultra-fast adsorption of methylene blue: Selective adsorption and mechanism studies [J]. Bioresource Technology, 2022, 344, 126186, 中科院一區top期刊(SCI收錄, IF: 11.889).
2.Yongchang Sun*, Lu Bai, Xintian Lv, Caohui Han, Xiaoyin Sun, Tingting Wang. Hybrid amino-functionalized TiO2/sodium lignosulfonate surface molecularly imprinted polymer for effective scavenging of methylene blue from wastewater [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 337, 130457. 中科院一區top 期刊(SCI收錄, IF:11.072).
3.Yongchang Sun*, Lu Bai, Tingting Wang, Shumiao Cao, Caohui Han, Xiaoyin Sun. Effective scavenging and selective adsorption of salicylic acid from wastewater using a novel deep eutectic solvents-based chitosan-acrylamide surface molecularly imprinted hydrogel [J]. Applied Surface Science, 2023, 608, 155102. 中科院一區top期刊(SCI收錄, IF:7.392).
4.Yongchang Sun*, Tingting Wang, Caohui Han, Lu Bai, Xiaoyin Sun. One-step preparation of lignin-based magnetic biochar as bifunctional material for the efficient removal of Cr(VI) and Congo red: Performance and practical application [J]. Bioresource Technology, 2023, 369, 128373. 中科院一區top 期刊(SCI收錄, IF: 11.889).
5.Tingting Wang, Yongchang Sun*, Lu Bai, Caohui Han, Xiaoyin Sun. Ultrafast removal of Cr(VI) by chitosan coated biochar-supported nano zero-valent iron aerogel from aqueous solution: Application performance and reaction mechanism [J]. Separation and Purification Technology, 2023, 306, 122631. 中科院一區top期刊(SCI收錄, IF: 9.136).
6.Yongchang Sun*, Tingting Wang, Xiaoyin Sun, Lu Bai, Caohui Han, Pengfei Zhang. The potent ial of biochar and lignin-based adsorbents for wastewater treatment: Comparison, mechanism, and a pplication: A review[J]. Industrial Crops and Products, 2021, 166, 113473. 中科院一區top期刊(SCI收錄, IF:6.449).
7.Yongchang Sun* Liu Xiaonan, Lv Xintian, Wang Tingting, Xue Bailiang. Synthesis of novel lignosulfonate-modified graphene hydrogel for ultrahigh adsorption capacity of Cr(VI) from wastewater. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 295: 126406.(中科院一區TOP期刊,IF: 11.072).
8.Yongchang Sun*, Tingting Wang, Lu Bai, Caohui Han, Xiaoyin Sun. Application of biochar-based materials for remediation of arsenic contaminated soil and water: Preparation, modification, and mechanisms[J]. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2022, 10, 108292. (中科院二區,IF:7.968).
9.Xiaoyin Sun, Xintian Lv, Caohui Han, Lu Bai, Tingting Wang, Yongchang Sun*. Fabrication of Polyethyleneimine-Modified Nanocellulose/Magnetc Bentonite Composite as a Functional Biosorbent for Efficient Removal of Cu(Ⅱ) [J]. Water, 2022, 14, 2656. (SCI收錄, IF:3.530).
10.孫曉寅, 孫永昌*,王婷婷, 曹書苗, 白露, 韓操惠. 秦嶺北麓礦區周邊農田土壤重金屬污染及風險評價. 工業安全與環保, 2022, 48(8): 87-92.
11.Yongchang Sun*, Liu X, Wang T T, et al. Green Process for Extraction of Lignin by the Microwave-Assisted Ionic Liquid Approach: Toward Biomass Biorefinery and Lignin Characterization [J]. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2019, 7, 13062−13072. 中科院一區top期刊 (SCI收錄, IF: 9.224).
12.Wang B, Yongchang Sun*, Sun R C. Fractionational and structural characterization of lignin and its modification as biosorbents for efficient removal of chromium from wastewater: a review [J]. Journal of Leather Science and Engineering, 2019, 1, 1-5.(並列第一).
13.孫永昌*,張冰清,劉力鳴等. 木質素生物炭製備及其對Cr(VI)的吸附機制研究 [J]. 林產化學與工業. 2019, 39(4), 120-128.
14.Wang H M, Yongchang Sun, Wang B, et al. Insights into the Structural Changes and Potentials of Lignin from Bagasse during the Integrated Delignification Process [J]. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2019, 7, 13886−13897. 中科院一區top 期刊(SCI收錄, IF: 9.224, 並列第一).
15.Yongchang Sun*, Xue, Bai Liang. Understanding structural changes in the lignin of Eucalyptus urophylla during pretreatment with an ionic liquid-water mixture [J]. Industrial Crops and Products, 2018, 123, 600-609. 中科院一區top期刊 (SCI收錄, IF: 6.449).
16.Yongchang Sun*, Wang M, Sun R C. Toward an understanding of in homogeneities in structure of lignin in green solvents biorefinery. Part 1: Fractionation and characterization of lignin [J]. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2015, 3(10): 2443-2451. 中科院一區top期刊 (SCI收錄, IF:9.224).
17.Yongchang Sun*, Lin Z, Peng W X, Yuan T Q, Xu F, Wu Y Q, Yang J, Wang Y S, Sun R C*. Chemical Changes of Raw Materials and Manufactured Binderless Boards during Hot Pressing: Lignin Isolation and Characterization [J]. BioResources, 2014, 9(1): 1055-1071. (SCI收錄, IF:1.425).
18.Yongchang Sun*, Xun J K, Xu F, Sun R C*. Dissolution, regeneration and characterization of formic acid lignin and Alcell lignin in ionic liquids and ionic liquids-based aqueous system [J]. RSC Advances, 2013, 4(6): 2743-2755. (SCI收錄, IF:3.108).
19.Yongchang Sun, Xu J K, Xu F, Sun R C*. Efficient separation and physico-chemical characterization of lignin from eucalyptus using ionic liquid-organic solvent and alkaline ethanol solvent [J]. Industrial Crops and Products, 2013, 47: 277-285.中科院一區top期刊(SCI收錄, IF:6.449).
20.Yongchang Sun, Xun J K, Xu F, Sun R C*. Structural comparison and enhanced enzymatic hydrolysis of eucalyptus cellulose via pretreatment with different ionic liquids and catalysts [J]. Process Biochemistry, 2013, 48(5-6): 844-852. (SCI收錄, IF:2.909).
21.Yongchang Sun, Wen J L, Xu F, Sun R C*. Structural and thermal characterization of hemicelluloses isolated by organic solvents and alkaline solutions from Tamarix austromongolica [J]. Bioresource Technology, 2011, 102(10): 5947-5951. 中科院一區top 期刊(SCI收錄, IF:11.889).
22.Yongchang Sun, Wen J L, Xu F, Sun R C*. Organosplv- and alkali-soluble hemicelluloses degraded from Tamarix austromongolica: Characterization of physicochemical, structural features and thermal stability [J]. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 2011, 96(8): 1478-1488. (SCI收錄, IF:3.163).
23.Yongchang Sun, Wen J L, Xu F, Sun R C*. Fractional and structural characterization of organosolv and alkaline lignins from Tamarix austromogoliac [J]. Scientific Research and Essays, 2010, 5(24): 3850-3864. (SCI收錄, IF:0.445).
24.Xue B L, Huang P L, Li X P, Yongchang Sun, Sun R C. Hydrolytic depolymerization of corncob lignin in the view of a bio-based rigid polyurethane foam synthesis [J],RSC Advances,2017, 7:6123-6130. (SCI收錄).
25.Xun J K, Yongchang Sun, Sun R C*. Synergistic effects of ionic liquid plus alkaline pretreatments on eucalyptus: Lignin structure and cellulose hydrolysis [J]. Process Biochemistry, 2015, 50(6): 955-965. (SCI收錄).
26.Xun J K, Yongchang Sun, Sun R C*. Ionic Liquid Pretreatment of Woody Biomass to Facilitate Biorefinery: Structural Elucidation of Alkali-Soluble Hemicelluloses [J]. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2014, 2(4): 1035-1042. (SCI收錄).
27.Xun J K, Yongchang Sun, Sun R C*. Structural and Hydrolysis Characteristics of Cypress Pretreated by Ionic Liquids in a Microwave Irradiation Environment [J]. BioEnergy Research 2014, 7(4): 1305-1316. (SCI收錄).
28.Xun J K, Yongchang Sun, Xu F, Sun R C*. Characterization of hemicelluloses obtained from partially delignified Eucalyptus using ionic liquid pretreatment [J]. Bioresources, 2013, 8(2): 1946-1962. (SCI收錄).
29.Xun J K, Yongchang Sun, Sun R C*. Impact of ionic liquid/organicsolvent pretreatment on the structure of hemicelluloses from eucalyptus [J]. J-FOR-Journal of Science & Technology for Forest Products and Processes, 2013, 3(2): 9-15. (SCI收錄).
30.Wen J L, Yongchang Sun, Meng L Y, Yuan T Q, Xu F, Sun R C*. Homogeneous lauroylation of ball-milled bamboo in ionic liquid for bio-based composites production Part Ι: Modification and characterization [J]. Industrial Crops and Products, 2011, 34(3): 1491-1501. 中科院一區top期刊(SCI收錄, IF:6.449).
31.Wen J L, Sun Z J, Yongchang Sun, Sun S N, Xu F, Sun R C. Structural characterization of alkali-extractable lignin fractions from bamboo [J]. Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy, 2010, 4(4): 408-425. (SCI收錄).





