Member of the Technical Committee on Intelligent Control of the IEEE Control System Society
孫富春,吳鳳鴿, “Chapter 8: A discrete-time jump fuzzy system approach to networked control system design ,” in Networked Control Systems: Theory and Applications,Eds. Fei-YueWang & Derong Liu, West Publishing Company: March 2007.
Fuchun Sun, Li Li, Hanxiong Li & Huaping Liu, “Neuro-fuzzy dynamic-inversion- based adaptive control for robotic manipulators-discrete time case,” IEEE Trans. On Industrial Electronics, 2007, 54(3): 1342-1351.
Huaping Liu,Daniel W.C. Ho,Fuchun Sun, “A constructive approach to approximate linear periodic systems,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2007, 52(3): 541-546.
Zhongyi Chu, Fuchun Sun, Hao Wu, “Motion control of electrical driven free-floating space manipulator,”?International Journal for Information & Systems Sciences, 2007, pp. 526-640.牋 牋牋
Hao Wu, Fuchun Sun, Huaping Liu, “Fuzzy Particle Filtering for Uncertain Systems,” IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Systems, To appear in 2007.
Wu Hao, Sun Fuchun, “Adaptive kriging control of discrete-time nonlinear systems,” IEE Proceedings- Control Theory and Applications, To appear in 2007.
Tang Yuangang,Sun Fuchun,Sun Zengqi,“Neural network control of flexible-link manipulators using sliding mode,”Neurocomputing, 2006, 70:288-295.
Tang Yuangang,Sun Fuchun,Sun Zengqi, Hu tingliang,“ Tip position control of a flexible-link manipulator with neural network,” International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems, 2006, 4(3): 308-317.
Liu Huaping, Sun Fuchun, El-Kebir Boukas, “Robust control of uncertain discrete-time Markovian junp systems with actuator saturation,” International Journal of Control, 2006, 79(7): 805-812.
Liu Huaping,,El-Kebir Boukas, Sun Fuchun,Daniel W.C. Ho, “Controller design for Markovian jumping systems subject to actuator saturation,” Automatica, 2006, 42(3): 459-465.
Li Qing , Sun Fuchun, “Obstacle detection in clustered traffic environment based on candidate generation and classification,” International Journal of Computers, Communications & Control, 2006, 1(4): 93-99.
Sun Fuchun, Sun Zengqi & Li Hanxiong, “Stable adaptive controller design of robotic manipulators via neuro-fuzzy dynamic inversion,”Journal of Robotic Systems, 2005, 2005, 22(12):809-819.
Sun Fuchun, Hu Yenan, Huaping, “Stability analysis and robust controller design for uncertain discrete-time singularly perturbed systems,” Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulse Systems — Series B: Applications and Algorithms, 2005, 12(5,6): 849-865.
Sun Fuchun, Liu Huaping, He Kezhong,“Reduced-order H∞ filtering for linear systems with Markovian jump parameters ”, Systems and Control Letters, 2005,54(8):739-746.
Sun Fuchun, Wu hao, Liu Huaping, “Neuro-fuzzy adaptive control for flexible-link robots including motor dynamics,” Dynamics of Continuous Discrete and Impulsive Systems-Series B-Applications & Algorithms, 2005, 12(sul): 551-556.
Liu Huaping, Sun Fuchun, Sun Zengqi,“Stability analysis and synthesis of fuzzy singularly perturbed systems,” IEEE Trans. On?Fuzzy Systems, 2005, 13(2):273-284.
Liu Huaping, Sun Fuchun, Hu Yenan, “H_infinity control for fuzzy singularly perturbed systems,” Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2005, 155(2):272-291.
Liu Huaping, Sun Fuchun, Sun Zengqi, “Comments on: “Control of chaotic dynamical systems using support vector machines,” Physics Letters A, 2005, 342 (3): 278-279.
Wu Fengge, Sun Fuchun, Sun Zengqi, “A neuro-fuzzy controller for networked control systems via a discrete-time fuzzy system approach,” Dynamics of Continuous Discrete and Impulsive Systems-Series B-Applications & Algorithms, 2005, 1: 417-421.
Tang Yuangang, Sun Fuchun, Sun Zengqi, “Robust backstepping control of flexible- link manipulators using neural networks,” Dynamics of Continuous Discrete and Impulsive Systems-Series B-Applications & Algorithms, 2005, 1: 62-66.
Wu Fengge, Sun Fuchun, Yu Ke, Zheng Changwe, “Performance Evaluation on a Double-Layered Satellite Network,” International Journal of Satellite Communication and Systems, 2005, 23(6):359-371.
Wang Junfeng, Li Lei, Sun Fuchun,“A probability-guranteed adaptive timeout algorithm for high-speed network flow detection,” Computer Networks, 2005, 48(2): 215-233.
Wu Licheng, Sun Zengqi, Sun Fuchun, “A dynamic optimization approach of flexible redundant manipulators for vibration reducing and torque minimization,” Dynamics of Continuous Discrete and Impulsive Systems-Series B-Applications & Algorithms, 2005, 1: 353-357.
Zheng Cangwen, Li Lei, Xu Fangjiang, Sun Fuchun, “Evolutionary route planner for unmanned air vehicles,” IEEE Trans. On Robotics, 2005, 21(4): 609-620.
Sun Fuchun, Liu Huaping, Sun Zengqi. “ Comments on ‘Constrained controller design of discrete Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy models’”Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2004, 146(2): 473-476.
Liu Huaping, Sun Fuchun,Sun Zengqi, “Reduced-order filtering with energy-to-peak performance for discrete-time Markovian jumping systems,” IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information, 2004, 21(2): 143-158.
Liu Huaping, Sun Fuchun, He Kezhong, Sun Zengqi,“Design of reduced-order H∞ filter for Markovian jump linear systems with time-delay,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, Part II ---- Express Briefs, 2004, 51(11):607-612.
Liu Huaping, Sun Fuchun, Sun Zengqi.“H∞ control for Markov jump linear singularly perturbed systems,” IEE Proceedings -- Control Theory and Applications, 2004,151(5):637-644.
Wu Hao, Sun Fuchun, Sun Zengqi, Wu Licheng, “Optimal trajectory planning of a flexible dual-arm space robot with vibration reduction,” Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems,2004,40(2):147-163.
Zhao?Ni,Sun Fuchun, “Comments on ‘Fuzzy control design for nonlinear singularly perturbed systems with pole placement constraints: an LMI approach ’” IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 2004, 34(6):2422.
Wang Yan, Sun Zengqi, Sun Fuchun, “Robust fuzzy control of a class of nonlinear descriptor systems with time-varying delay,” International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, 2004, 2(1): 76-82.
Sun Fuchun, Sun Zengqi, Li Lei, “Adaptive dynamic neuro-fuzzy controller design of robotic manipulators,” Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2003, 134(1): 117-133.
Sun Fuchun, Sun Zengqi, “Hybrid neuro-fuzzy adaptive control for flexible-link manipulators,” International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 2003, 5(2): 89-97.
Sun Fuchun, Li Hanxiong, Li Lei, “Robot discrete adaptive control based on dynamic inversion using dynamical neural networks,” Automatica, 2002, 38(11): 1977-1983.
Sun Fuchun, Sun Zengqi & Woo Pengyun, "Neural network-based adaptive controller design of robot manipulators with an observer,” IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks, 2001, 12(1): 54-67.
Sun Fuchun, Sun Zengqi, Chen Yaobin & Zhang Rongjun, "Neural adaptive tracking controller for robot manipulators with unknown dynamics," IEE Proceedings, Part D: Control Theory and Applications, 2000, 147(3): 366-370.
Sun Fuchun, Sun Zengqi & Feng Gary,"An adaptive fuzzy controller based on sliding mode for robot manipulators,"IEEE Trans. On Systems, Man, And Cybernetics. (Part B: Cybernetics), 1999, 29(5): 661-667.
Sun Fuchun,Sun Zengqi,Yunyue Zhu & Lu Wenjuan, “Stable neuro-adaptive control for robots with unknown dynamics,” Journal of Intelligent And Robotic Systems. 1999, 26(1): 91-100.
Sun Fuchun, Sun Zengqi, "Robot adaptive control based on dynamic inversion using dynamical neural networks," Machine Intelligence and Robot Control, 1999, 1(2): 71-78.
Sun Fuchun, Sun Zengqi & Woo Pengyun,“Stable neural network-based adaptive control for sampled-data nonlinear systems,” IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks, 1998, 9(5): 956-968.
Sun Fuchun, Sun Zengqi, Guo Muhe & Zhang Rongjun, “A stable neural network-based adaptive controller for robot manipulators,” International Journal of Intelligent and Robotic systems, 1998, 2(3): 413-432.
Sun Fuchun, Sun Zengqi, "Stable sampled-data adaptive control of robots using neural network models,” Journal of Intelligent And Robotic Systems. 1997, 20( 2): 131-155.
Deng Hui, Sun Fuchun, Sun Zengqi, “Observer-based adaptive controller design of flexible manipulators using time-delay neuro-fuzzy networks,” Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, 2002, 34(4): 453-466.
Zhang Rongjun, Chen Yaobing, Sun Zengqi & Sun Fuchun, "Path control of a surface ship in restricted waters using sliding mode,” IEEE Trans. On Control System Technology, 2000, 8(4): 722-732.