

季 傑,男,1963年生,江蘇人,博士,中國科學技術大學教授、博士生導師, 現為中國科技大學工程科學學院副院長,中國科學院太陽能光電光熱利用示範中心主任,中國建築節能專業委員會委員。


  • 中文名:季傑
  • 出生地:江蘇
  • 出生日期:1963年
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:建築節能,太陽能,空調製冷
  • 任職院校:中國科學技術大學
  • 職稱:中國科學技術大學教授




1. 複合牆體熱濕遷移理論及濕積累研究,國家自然科學基金,負責
2. 豎置透明隔熱蜂窩圍護結構的光熱性能研究,國家自然科學基金,負責
3. 鋼筋混凝土—岩棉複合牆板濕遷移及防潮對策,中國建材總公司,負責
4. 嚴寒地區舊房節能改造,中國建材總公司,主要參與
5. 高層建築防排煙與通風空調兼用的相關研究,國家重點實驗室開放基金,負責
6. 高效太陽能利用透明蜂窩的研製,國家重點科技攻關項目,主要參與
7. 與環境相和諧的節能技術,JSPS與東京大學合作項目,主要參與
8. 光伏—建築一體化項目,與香港理工大學合作項目,主要參與
9. 光伏—風力發電—建築一體化項目,與香港大學合作項目,主要參與
17.體育館空調氣流組織與火災預報的相關研究, 科技奧運子課題, 負責


1. 發表論文60餘篇。多篇論文獲省級優秀論文獎
2. ‘供熱系統新型入口裝置研究’通過省級鑑定。
3. ‘鋼筋混凝土—岩棉複合牆板濕遷移及防潮對策研究’通過省級鑑定。
4. ‘嚴寒地區舊房節能改造研究’通過省級鑑定。
5. ‘家用空調—熱水器一體機研究’通過省級鑑定。
6. ‘高效太陽能利用透明蜂窩的研製’通過國家驗收。
7. ‘建築節能綜合實驗台建設’獲中國科學技術大學教學成果獎
8. 獲億利達科學基金獎
9. 獲博士後優秀論文獎
10. 中科大跨世紀人才獎
11. 《家用空調—熱水器一體機》獲專利授權,專利號:002406039


擔任《International Journal of Energy and Environment》國際顧問編委、《 International Journal of Low Carbon Technologies》、《Fundamental Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering》、《太陽能學報》等期刊編委,國家‘863’先進能源技術領域主題專家,中國可再生能源學會理事,安徽省新能源協會副理事長,教育部、科技部、自然科學基金委重點項目評審專家,教育部優秀博士論文評審專家。




1) A study of PV-Shading combined with bulding - ISES Solar World Congress 2007 - 2007 - 1:378-383
2) Dynamic performance of parabolic trough solar collector - ISES Solar World Congress 2007 - 2007 - 2:750-754
3) Distributed and steady modeling of PV evaporator in a PV/T solar assisted heat pump - ISES Solar World Congress 2007 - 2007 - 2:951-955
4) Numerical study on the operating performance of an indirect expansion solar assisted multifunctional heat pump in water heating mode - ISES Solar World Congress 2007 - 2007 - 4:2201-2205
5) Annual energy performance simulation of a façade integrated photovoltaic and water heating system in east China - ISES Solar World Congress 2007 - 2007 - 1:298-303
6) Numerical study of performance of trombe wall with PV cells - ISES Solar World Congress 2007 - 2007 - 1:397-400
7) Performance of solar assisted heat pump using PV evaporator under different compressor frequency - ISES Solar World Congress 2007 - 2007 - 2:935-939
8) Optimized simulation for PV-TW system using DC fan - ISES Solar World Congress 2007 - 2007 - 3:1617-1622
9) Numerical simulation with experimental validation on photovoltaic solar assisted heat pump - ICR2007 - 2007 - ZCR07-E2-1472
10) Performance of a solar assisted heat pump using photovoltaic evaporator - ICR2007 - 2007 - ZCR07-E2-1434
11) CFD study of the effectiveness of ventilation system in removing coughing expelled droplets - ICR2007 - 2007 - ZCR07-E1-1465
12) Energy performance of a water-based facade-integrated photovoltaic/thermal system - Proceedings of HKIE/ASHRAE/CIBSE/PolyU Joint Sympo - 2005 - 15 Nov 2005, pp.109-116
13) A numerical and experimental study of a dual-function solar collector integrated with building in passive space heating mode - Chinese Science Bulletin - 2010 - Vol.55(15)
14) Effect of a dual-function solar collector integrated with building on the cooling load of building in summer - Chinese Science Bulletin - 2010 - Vol.55(31)
15) Performance analysis of an air-source heat pump using an immersed water condenser - Frontiers of Energy and Power Engineering in China - 2010 - 4(2): 234–245
16) Thermal characteristics of a building-integrated dual-function solar collector in water heating mode with natural circulation - Energy - 2011 - 36(1)
17) Modeling and validation of a building-integrated dual-function solar collector - Power and Energy - 2011 - 225:259-269
18) Performance of PV-Trombe Wall in Winter Correlated with South Façade Design - Applied Energy - 2011 - Vol.88(1)
19) Influence of channel depth on the performance of solar air heaters - Energy - 2010 - Vol.35(10)
20) Distributed dynamic modeling and experimental study of PV evaporator in a PV/T solar-assisted heat pump - International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer - 2009 - 52(1)
21) An improved approach for the application of Trombe wall system to building construction with selective thermo-insulation facades - Chinese Science Bulletin - 2009 - 54
22) Experimental study of photovoltaic solar assisted heat pump system - Solar Energy - 2008 - 82(1):43-52
23) Performance analysis of a photovoltaic heat pump - Applied Energy - 2008 - 85(8):680-693
24) Numerical study of PV/T-SAHP system - Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE - 2008 - 9(7):970-980
25) An experimental study of façade-integrated photovoltaic/water-heating system - Applied Thermal Engineering - 2007 - 27(1):37-45
26) An experimental and mathematical study of efforts of a novel photovoltaic-Trombe wall on a test room - International Journal of Energy Research - 2008 - 32(6):531-542
27) Distributed dynamic modelling with experimental validation on a photovoltaic solar-assisted heat pump - Journal of Power and Energy - 2008 - 222(5):443-454
28) Performance of the photovoltaic solar-assisted heat pump system with and without glass cover in winter: a comparative analysis - Journal of Power and Energy - 2008 - 222(2):179-187
29) Dispersion and settling characteristics of evaporating droplets in ventilated room - Building and Environment - 2007 - 42(2):1011-1017
30) Performance evaluation of photovoltaic–thermosyphon system for subtropical climate application - Solar Energy - 2007 - 81(1):123-130
31) Performance of photovoltaic solar assisted heat pump system in typical climate zone - Journal of Energy & Environment - 2007 - 6:1-9
32) Transport of coughing expelled droplets in ventilated rooms - Indoor and Built Environment - 2007 - 16(6):493-504
33) Photovoltaic-thermal collector system for domestic application - Journal of Solar Energy Engineering - 2007 - 129(2):205-209
34) PV-Trombe design for buildings in composite climates - Journal of Solar Energy Engineering - 2007 - 129(4):431-437
35) A sensitivity study of hybrid photovoltaic/thermal water heating system with natural circulation, - Applied Energy - 2007 - 84(2): 222-237
36) Modeling of a novel Trombe wall with PV cells. - Building and Environment - 2007 - 42(3): 1544-1552.
37) Study of PV-Trombe wall assisted with DC-fan - Building and Environment - 2007 - 42(10):3529-3539
38) Numerical study of the use of photovoltaic-Trombe wall in residential buildings in Tibet - Journal of Power and Energy - 2007 - 221(8):1131-1140
39) Study of PV-Trombe wall installed in a fenestrated room with heat storage - Applied Thermal Engineering - 2007 - 27(8-9):1507-1515
40) Effect of fluid flow and packing factor on energy performance of a wall-mounted hybrid photovoltaic/water-heating collector system - Energy and Buildings - 2006 - 38(12):1380-1387
41) Thermal analysis of PV/T evaporator of a solar assisted heat pump - International Journal of Energy Research - 2006 - 31(5):525-545.
42) Numerical study on hybrid PV/T collector with different-dimension flat box, - Proc.IMechE Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, - 2006 - Vol.220, pp.681-688. (SCI, EI)
43) Effect of flow channel dimensions on the performance of a box-frame photovoltaic/thermal collector - Journal of Power and Energy - 2006 - 220(7):681-688
44) Influence of air flow patterns on smoke dispersion in multi-functional gymnasia - Architectural Science Review - 2006 - 49(3):263-269
45) Hybrid photovoltaic-thermosyphon water heating system for residential application - Solar Energy - 2006 - 80(3):298-306
46) Hybrid photovoltaic and thermal solar-collector designed for natural circulation of water - Applied Energy - 2006 - 83(3):199-210
47) The influence of the support frame on the annual electric and thermal performance of a PV-wall in Hong Kong - Journal of Energy and Environment - 2006 - Vol.5
48) Performance of multi-functional domestic heat pump system - Applied Energy - 2005 - 80(3):307-326
49) Dynamic performance of hybrid photovoltaic/thermal collector wall in Hong Kong - Building and Environment - 2003 - 38(11):1327-1334
50) Domestic air-conditioner and integrated water heater for subtropical climate - Applied Thermal Energy - 2003 - Vol.23,No.5,581-592
51) The annual analysis of the power output and heat gain of a PV-wall with different integration mode in Hong Kong - Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells - 2002 - 71(4): 435-448,


