- 中文名:孟興民
- 國籍:中國
- 出生日期:1963年9月
- 畢業院校:長安大學 、英國倫敦大學皇家霍洛威學院
- 職業:教師
- 性別:男
1984-1985:西安地質學院(現長安大學)地質系-助教,從事教學。1985-1991,在甘肅省科學院地質自然災害防治研究所 - 研究助理,助理研究員,主要從事滑坡的研究與防治、治理工作。1991-1992,在英國萊斯特大學地理系 – 研究助理,主要從事中國甘肅黃土滑坡與防治及黃土區氣候變遷的研究。1992-1997,在英國倫敦大學皇家霍洛威學院地理系 – 研究助理,研究員,主要從事中國黃土滑坡、濕陷、氣候變遷,風塵環境, 西班牙海岸變化的研究等。1997以後,在英國倫敦大學皇家霍洛威學院地理系 - 地理信息系統主管, 主要從事教學和科研。1991年出國至2008年,孟興民博士一直在英國讀書、任教和從事科研工作,2008年被聘為蘭州大學萃英特聘教授,博導,作為引進人才回國工作。
[1] 歐空局國際合作項目2009.2 - 2011.12,項目名稱:利用ENVISAT雷達數據對蘭州地區地表變形監測。項目負責成員。
[2] 國際合作項目(英國自然環境委員會資助)2010- 2011,項目名稱:舟曲土石流應急前期合作研究。項目負責人。
[3] 中央高校基本科研業務費重點項目2010.1- 2011.12,項目名稱:隴南山區地質災害及其與生態經濟系統耦合關係研究。項目負責人。
[4] 國家基金委地球科學部學部主任基金項目2011.1- 2011.12,批准號:41040005;項目名稱:滑坡土石流形成機理研究、動態監測和危險危害性評價——以舟曲為例。項目負責人。
[5] 蘭州大學應急專項項目2010, 項目名稱:舟曲特大土石流災害形成機理及對生態、社會經濟發展的影響研究。項目負責人。
[6] 地方滑坡治理項目,項目名稱:冶力關國家森林公園滑坡工程治理項目(2010-2011);甘肅省永靖縣地質災害綜合治理項目(2011)。項目負責人。
[7] 國家自然科學基金創新群體三期2011- 2013,項目名稱:乾旱區環境變化。參與
[8] 國家科技支撐計畫項目子課題2011-2014, 項目名稱:地震擾動區重大滑坡土石流等地質災害防範與生態修復;課題名稱:白龍江流域滑坡土石流區域監測與重大災害預警系統研究與示範。課題負責人。
[9] 國家自然科學基金面上項目2012-2015,項目名稱:黃土階地斜坡的穩定性分析研究——以蘭州地區為例。項目負責人。
1、環境地質災害的防治與研究領域,他的研究成果被國際滑坡地質災害界給與很高的評價,其代表著作為‘中國西北黃土區滑坡’(英文), 被國際滑坡界廣為引用,另一代表作是為全球最大百科全書Encyclopedia Britannia撰寫的‘滑坡定義’一文,更是代表了他在國際該領域的研究水平和地位。
2、在氣候,環境變遷及風沙塵暴領域,他提出了第五地球磁化率生物源理論,該文在地學1區雜誌Quaternary Science Reviews發表,引用率達31次,至今仍居該雜誌榜首。另在1998年提出了中國西部風沙塵暴的新起源,其正確性被後來許多研究者證實,只因當時發表的期刊影響較小(Journal of Arid Environments),未能得到更廣泛的引用。最近,他與英國Derbyshire教授和美國Owen教授合作撰寫的Engineering Geology, Geomorphology and Geotechnics專著將進一步提高了他在這一領域的學術影響力。
(1)Rene Wackrow, R., Dijkstra, T.,Meng, X.M., 2011. Mechanism of Zhouqu debris flow, Gansu, China. Geomorphometry.
(2)Wasowski, J., Bovenga, f., Nitti, D.N., Nutricato, R., Dijkstra, T. and Meng, X.M., 2011. Detecting very slow ground movements using PS interferometry in the Lanzhouloess area of Gansu Province, China. Geophysical Research, Vol. 13.
(3)Yang, L., Chen, F.,Meng, X.M., 2010. SRTM DEM and its application advances (2010): International Journal of Remote Sensing. SCI
(4)Meng, X.M.,Derbyshire, E. and Zhang S., 2007. Application of GIS to slope instability assessment in loess terrain as a means of documentation, analysis and forecasting. Landslide, Incidence, Impact and Mitigati on in Developing Countries, Geological Society Publishing House .
(5)Derbyshire, E. and Meng, X.M., 2005. Loess. In: Fookes, P.G., Lee, E.M. and Milligan, G. (eds.) Handbook of Engineering Geomorphology. Whittles Publishing, 688-728.
(6)Kemp, R.A, Derbyshire, E&Meng, X.M. 2001. A high-resolution micromorphological record of changing landscapes and climates on the Western Loess Plateau of China during Oxygen Isotope Stage 5. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 170, 157-169.
(7)Meng, X.M.,Derbyshire, E, Thompson, D. and Page, N., 2000. Slope instability modelling using GIS in the thick loess terrain of North China. Nature Hazards Special Publication (No. L00.105), 104-107.Meng, X.M., Dijkstra, T.A. and Derbyshire, E. (2000). Loess slope instability. In: Derbyshire, Meng and Dijkstra (eds) (2000) op cit 173-203.
(8)Meng, X.M., Derbyshire, E. and Yi, D. 1999. Landslide hazards in the eastern part of Gansu Province, China. In: Mulder, E.F.J. de (ed.) Geohazards in Cities,
(9)Meng, X.M.,Derbyshire, E. and Dijkstra, T.A. (2000). Landslide amelioration and mitigation. In: Derbyshire, Meng and Dijkstra (eds) (2000) op cit 243-262.
(10)Dijkstra T.A., Van Asch, T.W.J., Rappange, F.E. and Meng, X.M., 2000. Loess slope stability modelling. In: Derbyshire, Meng and Dijkstra (eds) (2000) op cit 203-219.
(11)Derbyshire, E. Wang, J.T. and Meng, X. (2000) A treacherous terrain: background to natural hazards in northern China, with special reference to the history of landslides in Gansu Province. In: Derbyshire, Meng and Dijkstra (eds. 2000) op cit, 1-20.
(12)Derbyshire, E. Meng, X.M. Billard, A., Muxart, T. and Dijkstra, T.A. (2000).The environment: Geology, Geomorphology, Climate and Land Use. In: Derbyshire, Meng and Dijkstra (eds) (2000)op cit 21-46.
(13)Derbyshire, E. and Meng, X.M. (2000) Loess as a geological material. In: Derbyshire, Meng and Dijkstra (eds) (2000) op cit 47-90.
(14)Rose, J. and Meng, X.M. 1999. River activity in small catchments over the last 140 ka, northeast Mallorca, Spain. In: Brown, A.G. and Quine, T.A. (eds.) Fluvial Processes and Environmental Change. John Wiley and Sons, Chichester. 91-102.
(15)Kemp, R.A., Derbyshire, E. and Meng, X.M. 1999 Comparison of proxy records of Late Pleistocene climate change from a high-resolution loess-palaeosol sequence in north-central China. Journal of Quaternary Science14: 91-96.
(16) Meng, X.M., Derbyshire, E. and Kemp, R.A. 1999. QSR Correspondence Reply to Comments on “Origin of the magnetic susceptibility signal in Chinese loess”. Quaternary Science Reviews, 18, 871-875.
(17)Rose, J., Meng, X.M. and Watson, C. 1999. Palaeoclimate and palaeoenvironmental responses in the western Mediterranean over the last 140 ka: evidence from Mallorca, Spain. Journal of the Geological Society, 156: 435-448.
(18)Meng, X.M. and Derbyshire, E. 1998. Landslides and their control in the Chinese Loess Plateau: models and case studies from Gansu Province, China. In: Maund, J.D. and Eddleston, M. (eds.) Geohazards in Engineering Geology. Geological Society, London, Engineering Geology Special Publications15: 141-153.
(19)Derbyshire, E. Meng, X.M. and Kemp, R.A. 1998. Provenance, transport and characteristics of modern aeolian dust in western Gansu Province, China, and interpretation of the Quaternary loess record. Journal of Arid Environments, 39: 497-516.
(20)Derbyshire, E., Meng, X.M. and Kemp, R.A. 1998. Characteristics of some recent wind-lain dust in north-western China, and interpretation of the loess record. In: Busacca, A. (ed.) Dust Aerosols, Loess Soils and Global Change. Washington State University, Publication No. MISC0190, 15-18.
(21)Meng, X.M., Derbyshire, E. and Kemp, R.A. 1997. Origin of the magnetic susceptibility signal in Chinese loess. Quaternary Science Reviews16:833-839.
(22)Kemp, R.A., Derbyshire, E. and Meng, X.M. 1997. Micromorphological variation of the S1 pedocomplex across north-west China. Catena31: 77-90.
(23)Derbyshire, E., Kemp, R.A. and Meng, X.M. 1997. Climate change, loess and palaeosols: proxy measures and resolution in North China. Journal of the Geological Society154: 793-805.
(24)Derbyshire, E. Meng, X.M. and Dijkstra, T.A. 1997. Landslides in the Lanzhou region, Gansu Province, China, In: Sassa, K. (ed.) International Symposium on Landslide Hazard Assessment, 41-55.
(25) Kyoto University, Japan, ISBN 4-9900618-0-2.Zhang, S., Wang, N. and Meng, X., 1996. Landslide control in Tianshui City, Gansu Province, China. Journal of Gansu Sciences, 8, 55-60.
(26)Derbyshire, E., Keen, D.H., Kemp, R.A., Rolph, T.A., Shaw, J. and Meng, X.M. 1995. Loess-palaeosol sequences as recorders of palaeoclimatic variations during the Last Glacial-Interglacial cycle: some problems of correlation in north-central China. In: Derbyshire, E. (ed.) Wind Blown Sediments in the Quaternary Record. Quaternary Proceedings, 4: 7-18,