- 中文名:婁繼忠
- 國籍:中國
- 畢業院校:吉林大學
- 職稱:研究員
1990–1994: 吉林大學, 學士
1994–1997: 北京大學,碩士
1997–2000: 中國科學院理論物理研究所,博士
2000–2001: 內華達大學拉斯韋加斯分校,博士後
2001–2005: 喬治亞理工學院,博士後
2005–2009: 喬治亞理工學院,研究科學家
2009 - : 入選中科院“百人計畫”,生物物理研究所研究員,博士生導師
1. Huang Q.S., Lou J., Wu J. H., and Zhu C., Conformational transitions of glycoprotein Ibalpha mutants in flow molecular dynamics simulation, Cell. Mol. Bioeng.
2. *Yago T., *Lou J., *Wu T., Yang J., Miner J. J., Coburn L., Lopez J. A., Cruz M. A., Dong J.-F., McIntire L. V., McEver R. P., and Zhu C., Platelet glycoprotein Ibα forms catch bonds with WT VWF but not with type 2B von Willebrand Disease VWF, J. Clin. Invest.
3. Chen Z., Lou J., Zhu C., and Schulten K., Flow Induced Structural Transition in the β-switch Region of Glycoprotein Ib, Biophys J.
4. Lou J., and Zhu C., Flow induces loop to β-hairpin transition on the β-switch of platelet glycoprotein Ibα, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA
5. Lou J., and Zhu C., A structure-based sliding-rebinding mechanism for catch bonds, Biophys J.
6. *Lou J., *Yago T., *Klopocki A. G., Metha P., Chen W., Zarnitsyna V. I., Bovin N. V., Zhu C., and McEver R. P., Flow-enhanced adhesion regulated by a selectin interdomain hinge, J. Cell Biol.
7. Marshall B. T., Sarangapani K. K., Lou J., McEver R. P., and Zhu C., Force history dependence of receptor-ligand dissociation, Biophys J.
8. Zhu C., Lou J., McEver R. P., Catch Bonds: Physical Models, Structural Bases, Biological Functions, and Rheological Relevance, Biorheology.