姚端正教授長期從事非線性光學和數學物理領域的科研工作, 近年來她主要從事半導體限制結構(如量子阱,量子點)以及相干瞬態光學效應等光學非線性的理論研究。此外,還從事光纖中非線性光傳輸特性的解析研究。先後主持或承擔湖北省自然科學基金、國家自然科學基金以及國防項目等科研項目10項,在PHYSICAL REVIEW A,Applied PhysicsLetters,Applied Physics B等國內外重要學術刊物上發表論文80餘篇,以第一完成人獲國家教育部科技進步二等獎一項。已指導碩、博士研究生30餘名,目前正指導博士研究生4名。
- 中文名:姚端正
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢
- 出生日期:1946年8月
- 職業:教授(博士導師)
姚端正教授長期從事非線性光學和數學物理領域的科研工作, 近年來她主要從事半導體限制結構以及相干瞬態光學效應等光學非線性的理論研究。此外,還從事光纖中非線性光傳輸特性的解析研究。先後主持或承擔湖北省自然科學基金、國家自然科學基金以及國防項目等科研項目多項,在PhysicalReviewA,Applied PhysicsLetters,Applied Physics B等國內外重要學術刊物上發表論文80餘篇,以第一完成人獲國家教育部科技進步二等獎一項。已指導碩、博士研究生30餘名。

1. 2003年,獲首屆國家級教學名師獎
1.Xiaona Liu, Duanzheng Yao*,Third-order nonlinear optical response in quantum dot–metal nanoparticle hybrid structures, Appl. Phys. B 113 (2013) 603–610.
2.Qianqian Xu, Duanzheng Yao*,Xiaona Liu, Qin Zhou, Guiguang Xiong, Adiabatic self-induced transparency in GaN/AlN inhomogeneously broadened quantum-dot ensemble, Optics & Laser Technology, 45 (2013)768-774.
3.Q Zhou, D Yao*, Xiaona Liu, Fang chen, Sijing Ding, Yafang Zhang, Feng Chen,Optical solitons in gas-filled, hollow-core photonic crystal fibers with inter-modal dispersion and self-steepening, Optics and Laser Technology 51(2013)32-35.
4.Q Zhou, D Yao*,Spatial optical solitons in fifth order and seventh order weakly nonlocal nonlinear media, Optik, 124 (2013) 5683-5686.
5.Q Zhou, D Yao*,Analytical study of optical solitons in media with Kerr and parabolic-law nonlinearities,Journal of Modern Optics 60(2013) 854 -859.
6.Qin Zhoua, Duanzheng Yao*,Xiaona Liu,Fang chen, Sijing Ding,Yafang Zhang, Feng Chen, Exact solitons in three-dimensional weakly nonlocal nonlinear time-modulated parabolic law media,Optics & Laser Tech, 51(2013) 32-35
7.Q.Q.Xu, D.Z.yao*, Solitary propagation effect of a well-defined chirped femtosecond laser pulse in a resonance-absorbing medium,PhysicalReviewA 86, (2012) 023853
8.Xiaona Liu, Duanzheng Yao* Saturationof intraband absorption in a self -assembled double quantum-dot molecule, Chemical Physics Letters, 553(2012) 41-46.
9.Qin zhou, Duanzheng Yao*, Exact solutions of the cubic-quintic nonlinear optical transmission equation with higher-order dispersion terms and self-steepening term, Journal of Modern Optics, (2012) 57-60.
10. X.z, Guo, G.G.Xiong,Q.Q. Xu,M. Xiao,D.Z.Yao*, Parameter-dependent optical nutation in PbSe/CdSe/ZnS quantum-dot, Appl Phys B , 103: 189–194, (2011)
11. X.F.Bao, D.Z.Yao*, Energy Band Structure and its Characteristics of a Two- Dimensional Metallic Photonic Crystal,Z.Naturforsch. 66a (2011) 339 -344.
12. X.N. Liu and D.Z. Yao*,Parameter-dependent third-order optical nonlinearity in a CdSe/ZnS quantum dot quantum well in the vicinity of a gold nanoparticle,Eur. Phys. J. B 78(2010) 95–102.
13. Yinan Fang, Meng Xiao, Duanzheng Yao*,Quantum size dependent optical nutation in CdSe/ZnS/CdSe quantum dot quantum well,Physica E 42(2010) 2178–2183.
14. Chunjing Yu, Xiaozhen Guo and Duanzheng Yao*,The effect of spin orbit splitting on the third-order nonlinear optical susceptibility in CdSe/Zns quantum dot materials,Materials Science Forum.663 (2011)158-161.
15. Yuheng Zhan,Yinan Fang and Duanzheng Yao*,Properties of Different Nano-metallic Particles in Optical Trapping,Materials Science Forum 665(2011)425-428.
16. Rongjun ZHANG, Duanzheng YAO*, Hongliang JIANG1, and Hua XIAO
Parameter-Dependent Stimulated Photon Echo in CdSe/ZnS Quantum-Dot Quantum Well,Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,78(2009) 054402.
Parameter-Dependent Stimulated Photon Echo in CdSe/ZnS Quantum-Dot Quantum Well,Journal of the Physical Society of Japan,78(2009) 054402.
17. Qianqin Xu, Duanzheng Yao*,Influences of size and relaxation time on optical free induction decay in a small spherical cdse/Zns quantum dot quantum well, Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung 64a (2009)837-843.
18. Shaohua Gong, Duanzheng Yao*,Parameter-dependent photon echo induced in CdSe/ZnS quantum dot quantum well ,Physics Letters A,372 (2008) 3325-3332.
19. H.Xiao, D.Z.Yao*, C.X.Wang and S.Chen,Analysis of photonic band gaps in a two-dimensional photonic crystal with centrifugal core-shell rods,Eur. Phys. J. B 64, (2008)219–229.
20.Zhihong Chen, Duanzheng Yao*,Polaron effect-dependent third-order optical susceptibility in a ZnS/CdSe quantum dot quantum well,Microelectronics Journal,(2008)1654-1658.
21. Hongliang Jiang, Duanzheng Yao*, Xiaobo Feng and Shaohua Gong Spin quantum beats of bright and dark excitonic states in neutral InAs quantum dots, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 19(2007)346221-34629.
22. H. Xiao, D.Z. Yao*, C.X. Wang, Analysis of the peculiar shift of the low-frequency end of a variable photonic band gap, Applied Physics B, 87 (2007) 463-467.
23. Shaohua Gong, Duanzheng Yao*, Optical nutation induced by transition between levels inside and outside the well in a core-shell CdSe/ZnS quantum dot, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 18 (2006) 10989-10998.
24. J. F. Wang, D. Z. Yao, et al, Strain evolution in GaN layers grown on high temperature AlN interlayes, Appl. Phys. Lett. 89(2006) 152105.
25. Hua Xiao and Duanzheng Yao*, Optical limitation in two-dimensional nonlinear photonic crystal with triangular lattice, Physics Letters A, 359(2006)723-727.
26. Shaohua Gong, Duanzheng Yao*, Quantum size dependent optical nutation in a core-shell CdSe/ZnS quantum dot, Micro electronics Journal 37(2006) 904.
27. WANG Jian-Feng, YAO Duan-Zheng, et al, Reduction of Dislocations in GaN Epilayer Grown on Si (1 11) Substrates using a GaN Intermedial Layer, Chin. Phys. Lett., 23(2006)2591.
28. C.Z. Bi, J.Y.Ma, J. Yan, X. Fang, B.R. Zhao, D.Z. Yao, Electron-phonon coupling in Nb-doped SrTiO3 single crystal, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 18, (2006)2553.
29. C.Z. Bi,J.Y. Ma, J. Yan, X. Fang, B.R. Zhao, D.Z.Yao, Infrared active phonon modes and ionicity of si ngle crystal MgAl2O4 Chinese Physics, 15(2006)1090-1095. (2006)
30.Yujie Hu , Duanzheng Yao*, The transmission and dispersion characteristics in nonlinear photonic band gap structure with variable period, Physica E, 27(2005) 375-379.
31.Junjie Li, Liming Liu, Duanzheng Yao*, Piezoelectric field-dependent optical nonlinearities induced by interband transition in InGaN/GaN quantum well, Physica E ,27(2005)221-226.
32.Hua Xiao, Duanzheng Yao*, Analysis for the design of a new tunable photonic crystal filter at visible band, Physica E, 27(2005)1-4.
33.Yujie Hu , Duanzheng Yao*,Phase variation of fundamental field induced by caseaded second order nonlinear processes in KTP, Optica Applicata,35 (2005)
34.Duanzheng Yao, Guiguang Xiong, Theoretical studies on nonlinear interaction between laser and bio-molecules in optical tomography, Modern Physics Letters B, 18(2004) 749-755.
35.Chen, Fang; Yao, Duanzheng*,Graphene-metal hybrid plasmonic switch,APPLIED PHYSICS EXPRESS,(2014)
36.Chen, Fang; Yao, Duanzheng*,Tunable multiple all-opticals switch based on multi-nanoresonator-coupled waveguide systems containing Kerr material,Optics Communications 312 (2014)143–147
37.Chen, Fang; Yao, Duanzheng*,Optofluidic tunable plasmonic filter based on liquid-crystal microcavity structures,JOURNAL OF MODERN OPTICS, 61 (2014) 1486-1491
38.ZhouHongming;YaoDuanzheng*;Xiong, Guiguang,Characteristics of degenerated four wave mixing in ZnS/CdSe/ZnS quantum dot quantum well with multi-shell structure,OPTIK,125 (2014) 1052-1055