- 中文名:好好說慢慢講2
- 外文名:Say It! 2
- 製作國家/地區:新加坡
- 類型:綜藝
- 主持人:賴怡伶、蔡恩來
- 製作公司:新傳媒
- 首播時間:7月22日
- 播出頻道:新傳媒8頻道
- 播出時間:每逢星期二,晚上8點
- 網路播放平台:Xinmsn
主持人/ Hosts: Pornsak, 賴怡伶Vivian Lai, 蔡恩來Chua En Lai, Gurmit Singh
節目概念/Programme Concept:
延續上個系列《好好說 慢慢講》 不怕出醜、只為了學好語言的精神,新一季的《好好說 慢慢講》以新面貌再次登場!
這一回,由Pornsak 和賴怡伶帶領蔡恩來和Gurmit Singh 通過不同的活動和場合學習華語!恩來和Gurmit將通過不同類型和形式的非一般任務,來進行一場華語大比拼!
En Lai and Gurmit are known to be witty comedians, but what happens when they try to enter the local Chinese entertainment industry, hosting Mandarin programmes?
Carrying on from Vivian Lai and Chua En Lai, Season 2 ofSay It!continues the language fun with the Mandarin track, featuring En Lai and Gurmit. Led by the bilingual Pornsak and Vivian Lai, En Lai and Gurmit are put through a series of challenges to prepare them for crossing over to the Chinese channel. Will they succeed or will they flop? Who will master the language within the shortest time?
Each episode will feature the 2 struggling with different challenges that put their Mandarin skills to the test.
節目概念包括/ Episodic Content includes:
藝人經理人Artiste Manager ,以遊戲學華語Using games to learn Mandarin,記者Reporter,保姆Babysitter,義工Volunteer,廚師助理Kitchen Helper,導遊Tour Guide,導演Director