



  • 書名:套用化學專業英語教程(第二版)
  • 作者:朱紅軍、呂志敏
  • ISBN:978-7-122-09864-1
  • 類別:教材 >> 本科 >> 本科化學
  • 頁數:257頁
  • 定價:¥29.8元
  • 出版社:化學工業出版社
  • 出版時間:2011年1月
  • 裝幀:平
  • 開本:16




Unit 1 Scientific Paper and Literature 1
Lesson 1 Writing a Scientific Paper 1
Lesson 2 The Abstract 17
Lesson 3 The Introduction, the Body and the Conclusions 21
Lesson 4 Ethical Guidelines to Publication of Chemical Research 26
Lesson 5 The Chemical Literature 31
Lesson 6 Technical Communications for Graduate Students 39
Unit 2 Work in Chemical Laboratory 44
Lesson 7 General Instructions for Work in the Laboratory 44
Lesson 8 The Importance of Record Keeping 47
Lesson 9 A General Safety Considerations 49
Unit 3 Nomenclature 52
Lesson 10 Nomenclature of Organic Compounds 52
Lesson 11 Nomenclature of Inorganic Compounds 57
Unit 4 Elementary Techniques of Experiment 61
Lesson 12 Reaction Monitoring 61
Lesson 13 Some Methods of Separation 72
Lesson 14 Characterization 76
Unit 5 Inorganic Chemistry 80
Lesson 15 Introduction to Inorganic Chemistry 80
Lesson 16 Coordination Chemistry 81
Unit 6 Analytical Chemistry 89
Lesson 17 Introduction of Analytical Chemistry 89
Lesson 18 Electronic Effects of Substituents in Reactions, Acidity Constant Determination 92
Lesson 19 Forensic Chemistry: Detecting Traces of Blood 94
Lesson 20 Standard Test Method for Water in Liquid Petroleum Products by Karl Fischer Reagent 96
Lesson 21 Isolation of an Alkaloid: Caffeine 100
Unit 7 Physical Chemistry 103
Lesson 22 First Law of Thermodynamics 103
Lesson 23 Enthalpy 106
Lesson 24 Bond Energies 109
Lesson 25 Second Law of Thermodynamics 111
Lesson 26 Heat of Reaction: Measurement of Resonance Energy 115
Lesson 27 Kinetic and Thermodynamic Reaction Conditions 118
Lesson 28 Electrochemistry 120
Lesson 29 Asymmetric Synthesis 121
Lesson 30 Linus Pauling 124
Lesson 31  Surfactants 129
Unit 8 Organic Chemistry 131
Lesson 32 Cyclohexylmethanol 131
Lesson 33 Methyl Red 133
Lesson 34 Addition across Carbon-Carbon π-Bonds 135
Lesson 35 Discovery of the Diels-Alder Reaction 138
Lesson 36 Discovery of the Friedel-Crafts Reaction 140
Lesson 37 The Wittig Reaction 143
Lesson 38 Grignard and the Beginnings of Modern Organometallic Chemistry 145
Lesson 39 Discovery of Stereoisomers 147
Lesson 40 Natural Products 150
Unit 9 Biochemistry 154
Lesson 41 Biochemical Engineering, Cells and Bacteria 154
Lesson 42 Emil Fischer: Carbohydrate Chemist Extraordinaire 157
Lesson 43 Biological Treatment of the Effluent 159
Unit 10 Materials Science 161
Lesson 44 Polymers 161
Lesson 45 Discovery of Polyethylene and Nylon 166
Lesson 46 Corrosion and Process Safety 168
Lesson 47 Organic Light Emitting Devices 175
Lesson 48 Molecular Electronics 180
Unit 11 Water Treatment and Environmental Science 182
Lesson 49 Activated Sludge Processes 182
Lesson 50 Coagulation and Flocculation 186
Lesson 51 Reverse Osmosis 190
Lesson 52 Water and Wastewater Treatment Methods 194
Lesson 53 Water Supply 199
Lesson 54 Clean Energy for 10 Billion Humans in the 21st Century: Is it Possible? 202
Unit 12 Pharmacy 207
Lesson 55 Discovery of Sulfa Drugs 209
Lesson 56 Medical Diagnostics via Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 213
Unit 13 Chemistry and Engineering of Textiles 215
Lesson 57 Textiles 215
Lesson 58 Textile Fibers 216
Lesson 59 Fiber Properties 217
Lesson 60 Physical Properties of Cotton 218
Lesson 61 Sizing Ingredients 220
Lesson 62 Desizing 221
Lesson 63 Scouring 222
Lesson 64 Bleaching 223
Lesson 65 Mercerization 224
Lesson 66 Carbonizing and Singeing 225
Lesson 67 Textile Dyeing Processes 227
Lesson 68 Classification of Dyestuffs 230
Lesson 69 Textile Printing 232
Lesson 70 Fabric Finishing 234
Unit 14 Leather 236
Lesson 71 Leather—Extraordinary Product of Nature 236
Lesson 72 Hide and Skin Structure 239
Lesson 73 Leather Testing 242
Appendix 250
Appendix 1 Common Glassware Names 250
Appendix 2 Common Chemical Abbreviation 251
Appendix 3 Speaking of Common Molecular Formulas, Equations, Mathematical
Symbols and Greek Alphabet 252
Appendix 4 The Periodic Table of Elements 254
Appendix 5 Periodic Chart of Amino Acids 255
Appendix 6 The Elements Song 256
Bibliography 257

