
大隱柔星介(Cryptocyprois magna Wang, 1988)是採集於桂林市南邊村的岩石標本。


  • 中文名:大隱柔星介
  • 外文名:Cryptocyprois magna Wang, 1988
  • 產地:桂林市南邊村
  • 保存單位:國家岩礦化石標本資源共享平台


carapace large,more than 2.5mm long;subtriangular in lateral view.dorsal margin strongly arched in left valve,with the greatest convexity at center;anterodorsal margin gently arched,moderately steep;postero-dorsal margin slightly convex in upper part,gently concave in lower part,steeper than anterior one.dorsal margin arched in right valve,gently arched or nearly straight in mid-dorsal margin.ventral margin sinuous,concave in mid-ventral margin.anterior end broadly rounded,with the greatest extension below mid-height;posterior end narrow,with the greatest convexity near ventralmargin.carapace the highest at middle part of length of valve,the greatest length below mid-height.sides relatively convex in dorsal view,elongate oval,with the thickest at center,the greatest compression at ends.end view suboval,with the thickest slightly below mid-height.left valve larger,strongly overlapping or overreaching right valve along hinge line,overlap moderately broad along antero dorsal and postero-dorsal margins and ventral margin.overlap weak or indistinct along the rest of free margin.hinge line nearly straight,slightly incised.transverse depression weakly developed near anterior margin of each valve;obscure depression sometimes developed in mid-dorsal area of each valve;two small,obscure tubercles present just in front of tranverse depression.anterior and posterior parts flattened.




