大山鋪川南龜(Chuannanchelys dashanpuensis Tong et al.,2011)是採集於自貢市大安區大山鋪鎮的岩石標本。
- 中文名:大山鋪川南龜
- 外文名:Chuannanchelys dashanpuensis Tong et al.,2011
- 產地:自貢市大安區大山鋪鎮
- 保存單位:國家岩礦化石標本資源共享平台
a genus of Bashuchelyidae, carapace length about 200 mm, with the following combination of characters: carapace elongated oval and low (1) with shallow cervical notch (2); all vertebrals broad, second to fourth vertebrals almost twice as wide as long (3); plastron with wide anterior lobe, and short and wide posterior lobe (4); one pair of reduced mesoplastra meeting on the midline and included entirely in the abdominal scute (5); epiplastron squarish (6) with long midline contact (7); entoplastron diamond-shaped and slightly longer than wide (8); intergulars excluded from entoplastron (9). Differs from Bashuchelys by characters 3, 4-9