



  • 中文名:大學通識英語閱讀:藝體類學生專用
  • 作者:劉文媛,石秀虹,齊欣,許曉津 等 編
  • 出版時間:2017年
  • 出版社:天津大學出版社
  • ISBN:9787561859216
  • 類別:文法教材
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝-膠訂




Unit 1
Text A The Master of Tennis
Extra Reading Practice Table Tennis
Text B The History of the Olympic Games
Text C Training in the Chinese National Table Tennis Training Center
Unit 2
TextA Volleyball
Extra Reading Practice Football
Text B Exercise: Six Benefits of Regular Physical Activity
Text C Benefits of Sports
Unit 3
Text A Does Your Band Need a Manager?
Extra Reading Practice Make Money with Your Music - the Top 5 Ways
Text B The World of Latin Dance
Text C American Country Music
Unit 4
Text A Legend of the King
Extra Reading Practice Music Body Language = More Excitement
Text B The Early Story of Stevie Wonder
Text C Rock Music
Unit 5
Text A Belly Dance
Extra Reading Practice Belly Dancing with a Snake
Text B Belly Dance for Fitness and Weight Loss
Text C Badia Masabni
Text A Japan's Latest Dance Craze
Extra Reading Practice Waltz
Text B The Argentine Cowboy Dance
Text C Chinese Dance
Unit 7
Text A How Should We Appreciate the Oil Painting?
Extra Reading Practice Helping Children Appreciate Fine Art
Text B"Father of Modern Art" Cezanne
Text C Chinese Painting
Unit 8
Text A The Origin of Painting
Extra Reading Practice Leonardo da Vinci and The Last Supper
Text B Vincent van Gogh and the Starry Night
Text C Pablo Ruiz Picasso
Unit 9
Text A The USA Film Festival
Extra Reading Practice Ingrid Bergman
Text B Acting
Text C Dialogue in Sideways
Unit 10
Text A A Brief History of the Oscar
Extra Reading Practice How to Act 007 - Sean Connery
Text B The Opera Housein Santa Fe
Text C Dialogue in The Incredibles
Key to the Exercises


