



  • 書名:大學英語:聽說6
  • 作者:虞蘇美 李慧琴
  • 出版社:上海外語教育出版社
  • 出版時間:2008年8月1日
  • 頁數:135 頁
  • 定價:25.00
  • 開本:16 開
  • ISBN:9787544607438
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語


《大學英語:聽說6(學生用書)(第3版)》主要講述了:《大學英語》系列教材的再修訂,以《大學英語課程教學要求(試行)》為依據,歷經三年調研,汲取全國百所高校師生的建議和意見,旨在發揚我國大學英語教學的優良傳統,推廣成功經驗,為新時期人才培養再作貢獻。 融合傳統與現代教學理念:強調打好紮實語言基本功,突出綜合套用能力的提高; 發揮綜合優勢,完善原有體系:大幅度、全方位修訂《精讀》、《泛讀》、《聽力》、預備級《泛讀》、預備級《聽力》,重編《快讀閱讀》、預備級《精讀》,刪繁就簡《語法與練習》; 調整起點,充實最佳化素材:1800詞起點(預備級1300詞);選材全面完備,經典性與現代性、文學性與科普性完美匹配; 革新練習,五種技能並重:閱讀材料豐富多彩,聽力訓練形式多樣,辭彙練習注重複現,語法操練循序漸進,翻譯訓練實用全面,口語活動精彩紛呈,寫作訓練由淺入深,四、六級口、筆試中學生常犯的語言錯誤講解分析精闢實用; 輔以現代教育技術手段,充分滿足教學需要:同步推出與紙質教材配套的電子教案和學生學習光碟,幫助教師構建新型的課堂教學模式,為學生創造自主式、互動式的學習環境。


UNIT 1 An Investigation
PART A Listening Activities
A Conversation A Good Observer
PART B Speaking Activities
Pair Work
PART C Listen and Relax
A Poem
PART D Further Listening
A Story A Real Life Story
A Conversation Solving a Crime
PART E Home Listening
Conversation l Dealing with a Cr/me
Conversation 2 Reporting an Incident
UNIT 2 Sightseeing
PART A Listening Activities
A Monologue A Tour of Washington D.C
PART B Speaking Activities
1.Pair Work
2.Communicative Function:Describing Places
PART C Listen and Relax
A Song
PART D Further Listening
Passage 1 The Library of Congress
Passage 2 The Statue ofLiberty
PART E Home Listening
Passage 1 Midnight Ride
Passage 2 Moscow—the Most Expensive City in the World
UNIT 3 An Inquiry
PART A Listening Activities
A Conversation Job Application
PART B Speaking Activities
Pair Work
PART C Listen and Relax
PART D Further Listening
A Passage A Career Counseling Office
A Conversation I Sure Hope That I Can Work Here
PART E Home Listening
Conversation 1 A Job Interview
Conversation 2 A Survey
UNIT 4 Health
PART A Listening Activities
A Forum Mercy Killing
PART B S peaking Activities
1. Pair Work
2. Communicative Function: Talking Abou Health and Health-related Issues
PART C Listen and Relax
PART D Further Listening
A Passage Organ Transplants
A Conversation Bird Flu Outbreak in Hong Kong
PART E Home Listening
Passage 1 Health Issues in Our Century
Passage 2 Valuable Tips in Hair Care
UNIT 5 Viewpoint
PART A Listening Activities
A Passage Tipping
PART B Speaking Activities
Pair Work
PART C Listen and Relax
Tongue Twisters
PART D Further Listening
A Conversation What Do You Think of the Service of the Restaurant?
A Compound Dictation
PART E Home Listening
Forum 1 Welcome to the Show "On the Street".
Forum 2 Aren't Children Affected by TV Violence?
UNIT 6 Culture
PART A Listening Activities
A Forum Why Go Abroad?
PART B Speaking Activities
1. Pair Work
2. Communicative Function: Understanding Cultural Differences
PART C Listen and Relax
A Poem
PART D Further Listening
A Compound Dictation
A Passage A World Guide to Good Manners
PART E Home Listening
Passage 1 Marriage Customs
Passage 2 More Than a Bookstore
UNIT 7 Non-ethical Experiments
PART A Listening Activities
A Passage Never Again
PART B Speaking Activities
Pair Work
PART C Listen and Relax
A Song
PART D Further Listening
Passage 1 Gregory Aller
Passage 2 Tuskegee Tests
PART E Home Listening
A Compound Dictation
A Passage Non-ethical Use of Animals in Experiments
UNIT 8 Social Problems
PART A Listening Activities
A Radio News Story The Missing Student
PART B Speaking Activities
1. Pair Work
2. Communicative Function: Talking About Crime and Punishment
PART C Listen and Relax
A Song
PART D Further Listening
A Passage Divorce and Remarriage
A Compound Dictation
PART E Home Listening
A Passage Teenage Drinking
A Compound Dictation
UNIT 9 Use of Technology
PART A Listening Activities
A Debate Seeing Both Sides
PART B Speaking Activities
Pair Work
PART C Listen and Relax
Riddles in Rhyme
PART D Further Listening
Passage 1 How Computers Help Firefighters
Passage 2 Dozens of Problems at Quake-hit Plant
PART E Home Listening
A Compound Dictation
A Passage Leave a Computer On All the Time or Shut It
Off When You're Done?
UNIT 10 Luck
PART A Listening Activities
A Conversation Lucky Charms
PART B Speaking Activities
1. Pair Work
2. Communicative Function: Discussing Fortune and Misfortune
PART C Listen and Relax
A Song
PART D Further Listening
Conversation 1 It Means Good Luck
Conversation 2 CouM You Tell Me More About It?
PART E Home Listening
A Story Beginner's Luck (Part I)
A Story Beginner's Luck (Part II)
APPENDIX Home Listening: Tapescripts & Key to the Exercises


