

《大學英語閱讀佳篇有約:大學卷》是南開大學出版社出版圖書,作者是史逢陽 郭嘉。


  • 書名:大學英語閱讀佳篇有約:大學卷
  • 出版社:南開大學
  • 頁數:283頁
  • ISBN:7310026322
  • 作者:史逢陽 郭嘉
  • 出版日期:2006年12月1日
  • 開本:0開
  • 品牌:南開大學出版社
Life’s River
The Art of Living生活的藝術/5
We Are on a Journey人在旅途/8
To Live Is to Function人活著就要工作/12
The 4 Wives生命中的四位愛人/14
All Based o.n Your Attitude一切取決於你的態度/17
Father’S Death父親的離去/19
word of Wisdom智慧之言/22
Man and Education
How to Mark a Book?如何在書上做記號/29
Two Kinds of Reader兩種不同的讀者/33
A Man to Remember值得懷念之人/37
The Bright and the Dull Students聰明的學生和遲鈍的學生/40
About Writing關於寫作/42
Time Management Tips合理安排時間的幾點建議/45
Stanford University史丹福大學/49
The Rule of British Eyes’Behavior英國人的眼睛行為規則/52
American’s Privacy of Price美國人的價格隱私/55
Born tO Shop天生喜愛購物/57
American,s Morality美國人的道德觀/60
Do,s and Don’t’S餐桌禮儀/64
You Are What You Eat吃什麼食物變什麼樣/67
Italian Food義大利美食/70
Dating Customs in Germany德國人的約會習俗/73
Man and Nature
Nature’s Ultrahumanity超越人性的大自然/76
Silent Spring無聲的春天/79
A Summer Day夏Et/82
An October Sunrise十月的日出/90
Golden Fruit金果/93
The Rabbits and the Wolves兔子和狼/97
The New Cat初生小貓/100
Love and Beauty
The Art of Love愛的藝術/103
Russell on Affection羅素談愛/106
A Love Letter一封情書/109
Praver for My Mother為母親祈禱/112
The Love of Beauty愛美/115
A True Instinct for the Beautiful讓愛美的天性常在/118
Real Beauty真美/121
Of Beauty談美/124
Mall and Literature
Literature and Life文學與生活/128
Companionship of Books以書為友/131
Two Views of the River一條河的兩種景色/134
What Life Means to Me生命於我的意義/138
Mandela’S Garden曼德拉的菜園/141
Two Kinds截然不同/144
The Place Where I Was Born我出生的地方/148
Man and Science
What Is Science科學是什麼/152
3G Phone第三代手機/155
Potential Nanotech Health Risk納米技術對健康的潛在危害/158
How Water Can Keep You Feeling Young飲水如何讓你青春永駐/162
The Bird Flu禽流感/165
Michael Faraday米加勒·法拉第/168
Scientific Development in Ancient China中國古代的科技發展/170
History and Civilization
The Problem of Mankind人類的問題/174
Does America Have History?美國有歷史嗎/177
Better Tomorrow明天會更好/1 80
Men’s Liberation from Etiquette男性的禮儀解放/183
American’S Optimism美國人的樂觀精神/185
Gallic Wars高盧戰記/188
Man and Arts
The Art and Artist藝術和藝術家/194
Vienna and Waltz維也納與圓舞曲/197
The Art of Fragrance香味創造的藝術/203
The Story of Rossini羅西尼趣聞/206
George de la Tour喬治·德·拉圖爾/210
Man and Society
Paradox of 0ur Times我們這個時代的尷尬/213
Youth of Today:No Savings,No Pension,Huge Debts當今的年輕人——無存款、無養老金、債務累累/216
Sav No to Western Fast Food對洋快餐說“不”/218
Degrees,But No Jobs有學位,沒工作/222
A Red Light for Scofflaws向違法者亮紅燈/226
Growing Old老齡化/229
Modern Element
Online Chat網上聊天/236
spam,s Big Bang!垃圾郵件泛濫成災/239
Video Game電子遊戲’/242
The Launching of the Euro歐元的啟動/247
From Rags to Riches從一貧如洗到家財萬貫/250
Action Plan for Green O’lympics綠色奧運的行動計畫/253
Famous Speeches
The Four Freedoms論四大自由/256
Our Family Creed家族的信條/260
The Road to Success成功之路/265
Mr.He Zhenliang’S Speech何振梁主席的陳述/269
Beautiful Smile and Love美麗的微笑和愛/272
Speech Given by Colin Lucas at Beijing University科林·盧卡斯
Kofi Annan’S Speech toward the Event of 91 1科菲·安南在紀念


