


  • 中文名:大學英語誦讀(1)
  • 出版時間:2014年9月1日
  • 出版社:浙江大學出版社
  • ISBN:9787308137546


《大學英語誦讀》 以基礎語法為主線,由基本時態、詞法、特殊句型句 式、從句以及綜合篇五個模組組成。分18個單元,每 單元都配有相互呼應的A、B兩篇文章。A篇為背誦篇 章,需要精讀。B篇為相關閱讀文章,以賞析為主。
  本書選材廣泛,既有童話故事、寓言、名家書信 、詩歌、人物傳記,同時又穿插了部分歷史文化和政 治名人的演說。


Unit one
Reading A:The Best and the Worst
Reading B:Think It Over
Unit Two
Reading A:Poetic Romance
Reading B:A Box Full of Kisses
Unit Three
Reading A:Ostrich Logic
Reading B:Addresses on Space Shuttle Columbia Tragedy
Unit Four
Reading A:Always Young
Reading B:Opportunity
Unit Five
Reading A:Family
Reading B:Some Advice on Learning English
Unit Six
Reading A:A Private Conversation
Reading B:A Father's Love
Unit Seven
Reading A:Found but Left
Reading B:Helen Keller
Unit Eight
Reading A:The Greenwood Boys
Reading B:Dream-A Passion within You
Unit Nine
Reading A:Breakfast or Lunch
Reading B:Thirteen Equals One
Unit Ten
Reading A:Exciting Trip
Reading B:Employment of Chinese Women
Unit Eleven
Reading A:Do You Speak English?
Reading B:It's Only“Me”
Unit Twelve
Reading A:Quick Work’
Reading B:A Famous Monastery
Unit Thirteen
Reading A:A Slip of the Tongue
Reading B:Towards the Teaching Professibn
Unit Fourteen
Reading A:The World's Happiest People
Reading B:Chinese Tourisfs fn the Eyes of European Tour Guides
Unit Fifteen
Reading A:Caring for the Children Affected by AIDS
Reading B:Hard Work Is Good for Health
Unit Sixteen
Reading A:Airports
Reading B:Equality and Greatness
Uhit Seventeen
Reading A:The Flight of Youth
Reading B:What Is Mother for?
Unit Eighteen
Reading A:A Grain of Sandtt
Reading B:The Furthest Distance in the World
The Basic vocabularv


