- 書名:大學英語聽力強化訓練
- 作者:汪梅瓊 / 等
- ISBN:9787309015058
- 頁數:296
- 定價:10.00
- 出版社:復旦大學出版社
- 出版時間:1997-10
- 裝幀:平裝
前 言
Part l Warming-up Exercises
Exercise l Questions and Answers
Practice l. l
Practice l. 2
Exercise 2 Statements
Practice 2. l
Practice 2. 2
Exercise 3 Conversations
Practice 3. l
Practice 3. 2
Exercise 4 Mini-talks
Practice 4. l
Practice 4. 2
Part Ⅱ Model Tests
Test l
Test 2
Test 3
Test 4
Test 5
Test 6
Test 7
Test 8
Part Ⅲ Scripts and Keys
Practice l. l
Practice l. 2
Practice 2. l
Practice 2. 2
Practice 3. l
Practice 3. 2
Practice 4. l
Practice 4. 2
Model Test l
Model Test 2
Model Test 3
Model Test 4
Model Test 5
Model Test 6
Model Test 7
Model Test 8