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  • 中文名:夏琳琳
  • 畢業院校:北京師範大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:城市代謝、系統分析、生態規劃與管理
  • 任職院校:廣東工業大學環境生態工程研究院





2006. 9-2010. 7,中央民族大學,環境科學,獲學士學位;
2010. 9-2016. 7,北京師範大學,環境科學,獲博士學位。


2014. 11-2015. 1,南非自由州立大學,青年科學家;
2016. 8-2019. 9,暨南大學,環境學院,博士後;
2019. 11-至今,廣東工業大學環境生態工程研究院,副教授、碩導。





1.Linlin Xia, Yang Liu, Xinjing Wang, Xin Tian*, Qiong Wu, Yan Zhang*, 2018. Spatial analysis of ecological relationships of urban carbon metabolism based on 18 nodes network model. Journal of Cleaner Production, 170: 61-69. (SCI/ JCR 1區TOP/IF=6.395)
2.Linlin Xia, Yan Zhang*, Qiong Wu, Lumeng Liu, 2017. Analysis of the ecological relationships of urban carbon metabolism based on the eight nodes spatial network model. Journal of Cleaner Production, 140: 1644-1651. (SCI/ JCR 1區TOP/ IF=6.395)
3.Linlin Xia, Yan Zhang*, 2019. An integrated analysis of input and output flows in an urban carbon metabolism using a spatially explicit network model. Journal of Cleaner Production, 1-14. (SCI/ JCR 1區TOP/ IF=6.395)
4.Linlin Xia, Yan Zhang*, Xiaoxi Sun, Jinjian Li, 2017. Analyzing the spatial pattern of carbon metabolism and its response to change of urban form. Ecological Modelling, 355: 105-115. (SCI/ JCR 3區/ IF=2.507)
5.Linlin Xia, Brian D. Fath, Ursula M. Scharler, Yan Zhang, 2015. Spatial variation in the ecological relationships among the components of Beijing’s carbon metabolic system. Science of the Total Environment. (SCI/JCR2區TOP/ IF=5.589)
6.Linlin Xia, Yan Zhang*, 2019. Hierarchical structure analysis of urban carbon metabolism: A case study of Beijing, China, Ecological Indicators, 107. (SCI/ JCR 2區/ IF=4.49)
7.Linlin Xia, Renzhi Liu, Yanwei Zao, 2012. Correlation Analysis of Landscape Pattern and Water Quality in Baiyangdian Watershed. Procedia Environmental Sciences, 13: 2188-2196.
8.Yan Zhang*,Linlin Xia, Brian D. Fath, Zhifeng Yang, Xinan Yin, Meirong Su, Gengyuan Liu, Yanxian Li, 2015. Development of a spatially explicit network model of urban metabolism and analysis of the distribution of ecological relationships: case study of Beijing, China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 1-14. (SCI/ JCR 1區TOP/ IF=6.395)
9. Yan Zhang*,Linlin Xia, Weining Xiang, 2014. Analyzing spatial patterns of urban carbon metabolism: A case study in Beijing, China. Landscape and Urban Planning, 130: 184-200. (SCI/ JCR 2區/ IF=4.994)
10.Chongjing Gao,LinlinXia, Chenchou Wu, Charles S. Wong, Ying Guo*, 2019. The effects of prosperity indices and land use indicators of an urban conurbation on the occurrence of hexabromocyclododecanes and tetrabromobisphenol A in surface soil in South China. Environmental Pollution, 252: 1810-1818. (SCI/ JCR 2區TOP/ IF=5.714)
11. Chongjing Gao,LinlinXia, Chenchou Wu, Huimin Shen, Ying Guo*, 2019. Hydroxylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in surface soil in an emerging urban conurbation in South China. Science of The Total Environment, 692: 1250-1256. (SCI/ JCR 1區TOP/ IF=5.589)
12. Yan Zhang*, Juan Li, Brian D. Fath, Hongmei Zheng,Linlin Xia, 2015. Analysis of urban carbon metabolic processes and a description of sectoral characteristics: A case study of Beijing. Ecological Modelling, 316: 144-154. (SCI/ JCR 3區/2.507)
13.Jinjian Li, Xiaojie Meng, Yan Zhang*,Linlin Xia, Hongmei Zheng, 2015. Analysis of the temporal and spatial distribution of water quality in China’s major river basins, and trends between 2005 and 2010. Frontiers of Earth Science, 9(3): 463-472. (SCI/ JCR4區/1.096)
14. Ursula M.Scharler, Brian D. Fath, Arnab Banerjee, Delin Fang, Le Feng, Joyita Mukherjee,Linlin Xia, 2018. Resilience Measures in Ecosystems and Socioeconomic Networks. Systems Analysis Approach for Complex Global Challenges. (專著)
15.夏琳琳,劉仁志*,張珂, 2012.基於GIS的白洋淀流域景觀格局對水質的影響研究,套用基礎與工程科學學報, 20(S1): 87-95.
16.夏琳琳,張妍*,李名鏡, 2017.城市碳代謝過程的研究進展,生態學報, 37 (12) : 4268-4277.
17.劉仁志*,夏琳琳, 2011.生態系統服務的量化與評估,測試技術學報, 25(2): 133-140.


