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  • 中文名:夏同強
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:工程力學
  • 任職院校:中國礦業大學


[3]國際期刊《Journal of Environmental Geology》編委、《Geofluids》首席特邀編委。




中國礦業大學為第1單位、本人第1作者在Fuel、Int J Coal Geol和Int J Heat Mass Tran等累計發表SCI論文13篇(8篇1區),1篇SCI成果進入全球ESI前3%高引論文(檢索時間:2016.05.09),1篇EI成果遴選為2015年度中國“精品科技期刊頂尖學術論文(領跑者5000)”。
[1]Xia TQ, Zhou FB*, Liu JS, Gao F. Evaluation of the pre-drained coal seam gas quality. Fuel 130 (2014) 296–305. (1區SCI)
[2]Xia TQ, Zhou FB*, Liu JS, Hu SY, Liu YK. A Fully Coupled Coal Deformation and Compositional Flow Model for the Control of the Pre-Mining Coal Seam Gas Extraction. Int J Rock Mech Min 72 (2014) 138–148. (1區SCI)
[3]Xia TQ, Zhou FB*, Liu J, Kang J, Gao F. A fully coupled hydro-thermo-mechanical model for the spontaneous combustion of underground coal seams. Fuel 125 (2014) 106–115. (1區SCI)
[4]Xia TQ, Zhou FB*, Liu JS, Gao F. Simulation of Coal Self-Heating Processes in Underground Methane-rich Coal Seams. Int J Coal Geol 141–142 (2015) 1–12. (1區SCI)
[5]Xia TQ, Wang X, Zhou FB*, Kang JH, Liu J,Gao F. Evolution of coal self-heating processes in longwall gob areas. Int J Heat Mass Tran 86 (2015) 861–868. (1區SCI)
[6]Xia TQ, Gao F*, Kang JH, Wang X. A fully coupling coal-gas model associated with inertia and slip effects for CBM migration.Environ Earth Sci75 (2016) 582.(SCI)
[7]Xia TQ, Zhou F*, Wang X, Zhang Y, Li Y, Kang JH, Liu J. Controlling Factors of Symbiotic Disaster between Coal Gas and Spontaneous Combustion in Longwall Mining Gobs.Fuel182 (2016) 886-896. (1 區SCI).
[8]Xia TQ,Wang X, Zhou FB*, Kang JH, Pan ZJ. Safety evaluation of combustion-prone longwall mining gobs induced by gas extraction: A simulation study. Process Safety and Environmental Protection(1 區SCI).
[9]Zhou FB*,Xia TQ, Wang X, Zhang Y. Recent developments in coal mine methane extraction and utilization in China: A review.J Nat Gas Sci Eng(2016) (2區SCI)
[10]Kang J*,Xia TQ, Liu Y. Heat Transfer and Flows of Thermal Convection in a Fluid-Saturated Rotating Porous Medium. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. Volume 2015, Article ID 905458, 11 pages. (SCI/EI收錄)
[11]Kang J*, Liu Y,Xia TQ. Unsteady Flows of a Generalized Fractional Burgers’ Fluid between Two Side Walls Perpendicular to a Plate. Advances in Mathematical Physics, (2015), 521069. (SCI/EI收錄)
[12]ZhangY,Zhou FB*,Xia TQ, Liu C,WangX,LiuJ,ChenY.Experimental Investigation on Blockage Boundary for Pneumatic Conveying of Powders in Narrow Bifurcation Slits. (SCI/EI收錄)
[13]Kang J, Zhou FB*, Tan W,Xia TQ. Thermal instability of a nonhomogeneous power-law nanofluid in a porous layer with horizontal throughflow. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 213 (2014) 50–56. (SCI/EI收錄)
[14]Hu SY, Zhou FB*, Liu YK,Xia TQ. Effective Stress and Permeability Redistributions Induced by Successive Roadway and Borehole Excavations.Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 2015, 48(1): 319-332. (SCI/EI收錄)
[15]HuS,Zhen L,FengGR*,XuG,Xia TQ,JiangaHN,ZhangYT,ChengJ,GaoQ,WangZ,ZhangJL.Changes on methane concentration after CO2injection in a longwall gob: A case study.J Nat Gas Sci Eng29 (2016) 550–558. (SCI/EI收錄)
[16]Zhou FB*, Hu S, Liu Y, Liu C,Xia TQ. CFD–DEM simulation of the pneumatic conveying of fine particles through a horizontal slit. Particuology 16(2014) 196-205. (SCI/EI收錄)
[17]Hu S, Zhou FB*, Liu Y, Kang J, Zhang Y,Xia TQ. Experimental study of the blockage boundary for dense-phase pneumatic conveying of powders through a horizontal slit. Particuology. 21(2014) 128-134. (SCI/EI收錄)
[18]Zhou FB*,Xia TQ, Hu SY, Liu JS, Liu YK. A novel technology to control the quality of pre-mining methane drainage. In: Proceedings of 2013 International Pittsburgh Coal 21 Conference, Beijing, China. 16-19 Sept 2013.
[19]Xia TQ, Wang X, Xu M, Zhou FB*. A new FE software to evaluate gob gas flow behavior during active longwall workfaces. In: Proceedings of 2015 Coal Shale Gas Conference, Wuhan, China. 6-8 Sept 2015(擔任大會秘書).
[20]Xia TQ, Wang X, Zhang Y, Zhou FB*. Evaluation and In-Situ Control of the Pre-Drained Coal Seam Gas Concentration. 2015年國際力學大會,深部煤炭資源開採中的岩體力學問題分會場,分會主席:鞠楊教授,上海.2015年8月16-18日.
[21]周福寶*,夏同強,史波波. 瓦斯與煤自燃共存研究(II):防治新技術[J].煤炭學報,2013,38(3): 353-360. (EI收錄).該成果入選2014年度“中國精品科技期刊頂尖學術論文(領跑者5000)”.
[22]周福寶*,夏同強,劉應科,等.地面鑽井抽采卸壓煤層及採空區瓦斯的流量計算模型[J].煤炭學報,2010,35(10):1638-1643. (EI收錄)
[23]周福寶*,王鑫鑫,夏同強. 瓦斯安全抽采及其建模[J].煤炭學報,2014, 36(6):1659-1666. (EI收錄)
[24]周福寶,夏同強,劉應科,胡東亮,劉春.二次封孔粉料顆粒輸運特性的氣固耦合模型研究[J].煤炭學報,2011,36(6):953-958. (EI收錄)
[25]夏同強,周福寶*,高峰,謝和平.深部礦井瓦斯與煤自燃複合災害防控理論及技術[A],2012年西部礦業安全全國博士生學術論壇優秀論文集[C]. 2012,10(“優秀論文最佳學術創意”獎,並代表於會博士進行發言)。
[1]夏同強,周福寶,王鑫鑫,張一帆. 地面鑽井抽采卸壓煤層與採空區瓦斯效果評價及控制方法(發明專利)(授權)
[2]夏同強,周福寶,宋小林,李緒明. 一種模擬熱力耦合下煤體流固熱化多場耦合的實驗方法(發明專利)(授權)
[4] 周福寶,夏同強,胥明鏡,王鑫鑫,張一帆. 採空區瓦斯流動模擬軟體V1.0 (軟體著作權)
[5]夏同強,周福寶,朱雙江,王鑫鑫,張一帆. 地面鑽井抽采卸壓煤層群及採空區瓦流量定量計算軟體V1.0 (軟體著作權)


[1] 2019年度江蘇省六大高峰人才.
[3]2017年度全國煤炭青年科技獎. 獲獎人:夏同強(個人);
[4]“煤層瓦斯安全高效抽采關鍵技術體系及工程套用”項目獲得2016年度國家科技進步二等獎, (排名第9);
[6]2014年度“中國精品科技期刊頂尖學術論文(領跑者5000)”. 獲獎人:周福寶、夏同強、史波波(導師第1,申請人第2);
[7]2013年度“穿層抽采瓦斯鑽孔堵漏新技術研究與工程套用”安徽省科技進步二等獎. (排名第6)。

