



  • 中文名:基於PKI的強認證密鑰交換:模型、協定構造和分析
  • 作者:楊錚
  • 出版社:重慶大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2020年
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787568922210


Chapter 1 Introduction
Part Ⅰ Preliminary
Chapter 2 Cryptographic Primitives and Complexity Assumptions
2.1 Notations
2.2 Negligible Functions
2.3 Key Exchange Protocols
2.4 Digital Signature Schemes
2.5 Public Key Encryption Schemes
2.6 Key Encapsulation Mechanism Schemes
2.7 Non-Interactive Key Exchange Protocols
2.8 Tag-based Authentication Schemes
2.9 Message Authentication Code
2.10 Collision-Resistant Hash Functions
2.11 Target Collision-Resistant Hash Functions
2.12 Pseudo-Random Functions
2.13 Double Pseudo-Random Functions
2.14 Min-entropy and Strong Randomness Extractors
2.15 Weak Programmable Hash Functions
2.16 Bilinear Groups
2.17 Multilinear Groups
2.18 Complexity Assumptions
Part Ⅱ Security Model
Chapter 3 Towards Modelling Perfect Forward Secrecy in Two-message Authenticated Key Exchange
3.1 Two-party Security Models
3.2 New Results on Perfect Forward Secrecy for TMAKE
Chapter 4 Randomized Authentication Primitive Problem in Key Exchange
4.1 Security Definitions Revisit
4.2 Randomized Authentication Primitive Problems
4.3 Solutions for Avoiding RAP problem
Chapter 5 A New Strong Security Model for Stateful Authenticated Group Key Exchange
5.1 Execution Environment
5.2 Adversarial Model
5.3 Secure AGKE Protocols
Part Ⅲ Cryptanalysis of AKE Protocols
Chapter 6 On Security Analysis of an After-the-fact Leakage Key Exchange Protocol
6.1 The ASB protocol
6.2 Security Analysis of ASB
Chapter 7 Cryptanalysis of a Generic TMAKE Protocol from KEM
7.1 The KF Scheme
7.2 On the Insecurity of the KF Scheme
7.3 Incorrect Security Reduction of the KF Scheme
Chapter 8 Cryptanalysis of a Generic TMAKE Protocol from NIKE
8.1 The BJS Scheme
8.2 The Insecurity and Improvement of the BJS scheme
8.3 An Improvement Solution of the BJS Scheme
Part Ⅳ New AKE Constructions
Chapter 9 Simpler Generic Constructions for Strongly Secure One-round Key Exchange from Weaker Assumptions
9.1 Generic AKE from NIKE
9.2 A Generic AKE Construction from simplified NIKE
9.3 Efficiency Comparison
Chapter 10 New Constructions for (Multiparty) One-round Key Exchange with Strong Security
10.1 ADDH-based ORKE Protocol
10.2 An Efficient Multiparty ORKE Protocol
10.3 Efficiency Comparison
Chapter 11 Two-message Key Exchange with Strong Security from Ideal Lattices
11.1 A Generic TMAKE Construction from OTKEM
11.2 An OTKEM from Ring-LWE
11.3 Comparison
Chapter 12 A Stateful Authenticated Group Key Exchange Protocol with Strong Security
12.1 A Strongly Secure stAGKE Protocol


楊錚,2013年獲得德國波鴻魯爾大學工學博士學位,2021年起擔任西南大學計算機與信息科學學院(軟體學院)特聘教授、碩士生導師。曾任芬蘭赫爾辛基大學、新加坡科學與設計大學博士後研究員。主要研究方向為密碼學、工業網際網路安全、區塊鏈、隱私保護、大數據安全等。先後主持和主研了國家自然科學基金、重慶市自然科學基金等近20項科研項目。目前已經在INFOCOM,ACSAC,ESORICS,PKC, Euro S&P, AsiaCCS,CT-RSA,ACNS,IEEE Transactions onIndustrial Informatics,ACMTransactions on Sensor Networks 等國內外高水平學術會議和期刊上錄用和發表學術論文50餘篇。並獲國家發明專利授權3項,且先後擔任20餘個國際學術期刊審稿人和國際學術會議委員。


